Sixty years of nakba; Sixty years of apartheid

- Join the Boycott Apartheid bloc…

- Saturday, May 10th, 1pm
Dorchester Square
(Peel & René-Lévesque)
Montreal, Quebec
- as part of the CJPP demonstration to mark the 60th year of the Nakba
* to join the bloc, look for the “BOYCOTT ISRAELI APARTHEID” banner, where we will assemble before the march begins…
* to endorse the “Boycott Apartheid Bloc”, send the name of your group to: tadamon[at]
This is an open call to all allies to join a ‘Boycott Apartheid Bloc’ to support the march on Saturday, 10 May, organized by the Coalition for Justice and Peace in Palestine (CJPP), marking the 60th year of the Nakba.
The creation of the state of Israel in Arab lands in 1948 was a catastrophe of enormous proportions, unleashing a colonial project of destruction and displacement which continues unabated to this day. It involved the leveling of villages, and the displacement of some 750 000 Palestinians from their homeland.
Sixty years later, Palestinian refugees remain in refugee camps and scattered around the globe, forbidden to return because they are non-Jews, while Palestinians living under the control of the Israeli state face systematic and institutionalized discrimination under an apartheid-like system. Palestinians under occupation in the West Bank witness the ongoing colonization and the ghetto-ization of their land, and those living in Gaza live under a brutal siege.
Settled and supported by Europe and North America, Israel has from its beginning served as a regional foothold for western imperialism. Israel’s violent attack on Lebanon in the summer of 2006, wrecking havoc on the delicate internal stability of that country, is only one of the more blatant manifestations of a neo-colonial regional agenda played out in part through Israel.
In July 2005, 170 Palestinian civil society organizations called on allies around the world to boycott Israel until it complies with international pressure by:
1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands and dismantling the Wall;
2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN resolution 194.
Since then, people around the world have been building an international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid. In Montreal and across North America, student movements, networks of artists, and labor movements are joining the boycott.
On 10 May, Tadamon is calling on all allies to join a “Boycott Apartheid Bloc” in support of the CJPP march. The contingent will give a clear message that Montrealers back the international campaign to boycott Israeli apartheid and will no longer tolerate Canadian support for the violent and oppressive state of Israel.
Info: / 514 664 1036