Egypt: Workers strike against Israel exports

- Tadamon! translation from Mashahed, Egypt.

- Photo: Hossam el-Hamalawy. Workers strike in Egypt.
In an unprecedented action, the first following the recent Israeli war on Gaza, workers of an Egyptian Fertilizers Company in Suez protested on Saturday February 7th against the export of fertilizers to Israel.
The Fertilizers Egyptian Company is owned by Sawiris family, Naguib Sawiris ranks 62 in Forbes’ world’s richest list, while his father Onsi ranks 96 and his brother Nassif ranks 226, under the name Orascom construction company. Fertilizers Egyptian Company signed an agreement to export 1000 tons of phosphate fertilizer to Israel, at a rate of 100 tons per week. An estimated 800 Egyptians work at this factory.
Two days prior to the protest, workers were surprised by a request from the administration to process an order of unmarked bags that will be transferred by Jordanian trucks to an undisclosed location. As a result, about 100 workers went on strike and refused to process the order because they believed, rightly, that the cargo will travel to Israel.
When the company administration learned about the situation, they broke the strike by threatening the workers of dismissal and deducted 15 days of salary from all workers at the company.
In Egypt things are changing very fast, especially in the last three years, solidarity movements with Palestine and labour movements are taking more and more actions against the Egyptian regime in solidarity with Palestine and also for labour rights in Egypt.
Egyptian and Jordanian workers must refuse to do anything that serves the interests of the illegal state of Israel.
Comment by David James Vickery — February 18th, 2009 @ 11:09 PMMr. President :
I am the most acquainted man on earth of Quran science
A Victim of Human Rights Violations in Egypt .
Because I am Quranian, I believe in the Old Testament of Prophet Moses .
Subject :
An Appeal to Help Change the Current Status as Being a Victim of Egyptian Leader’s Violations of Human Rights.
Within my country, I have been subject to many violations of human rights at home, at work, and at my knowledge because:
1- I am a Quranian religious man and this religion is not recognized in Egypt .
2- I believe in the Old and New Testaments in addition to Quran. I believe in the prophets Abraham , Israel , David, Suleiman, Moses, Jesus and Mohamed but I don’t prefer one to another and I do not say that Mohamed is the best prophet or the master of messengers.
3- I refuse the books of Sunni and Shi’a … and I discovered many mistakes in those beliefs.
4- I take Jerusalem , rather than Mecca in Saudi Arabia , as the place of direction in prayers and consider it the sacred place for pilgrimage for all those who have faith in their hearts from around the world .
5- My beard is similar to the beards of Jews and Christians.
6- Egyptian political leaders’ fear that I might compete them in their positions in the future, especially when they miss any independent valuable thought.
7- Sunni religious men hate and fight my knowledge because it reveals the mistakes of their beliefs.
I presented this letter to you for the following reasons:
1- Cooperation to promote me at my governmental job in Egypt so that the post can suit my position as a thinker and a religious man .. a post that is higher than the head of the board that is still practicing persecution and injustice upon me.
2- The political, media and security support since I am considered the most acquainted man on earth of the Holy Book of Quran .
3- Urging the Egyptian president to let me enter my home .. And urge him to cooperate with me in publishing my website on the internet and prevent my imprisonment that might result from that site.
Name : Tamer Zakaria Ahmed Mohamed Shetiwy .
Address : 96 Farouk Abdel Wahhab Street – Miami – Alexandria – Egypt .
Comment by Tamer Zakaria Ahmed Mohamed Shetiwy . — April 27th, 2009 @ 5:04 AMOccupation : Accountant at El Nasr Salines Company, which owns a big salty area in the city of Areesh in Sinai governorate, the Arab republic of Egypt .