Celebrate the Popular Resistance in Bil’in!

- Come Celebrate five years of the Popular Resistance in Bil’in!

- Saturday, February 6, 8pm
Kaza Maza 4629 avenue du Parc
Fundraising evening featuring
live music, slideshows, theater and a poster exhibit
Share a piece of Fifth Anniversary Cake!
- Sunday, February 7, 1pm
Demonstration in Solidarity with Bil’in
métro Mont-Royal plaza
The village of Bil’in in the West Bank, Palestine, continues its five year struggle against the confiscation of their agricultural lands by the Israeli Government, which has built the Apartheid Wall and settlements on them and has stood steadfast faced with Israeli aggressive retaliation at their weekly Friday demonstrations, which began in 2005. The Popular Resistance Movement that the people of Bil’in have created has continued since then to spread to other villages in Palestine. Despite the many wounded and unjustly imprisoned, despite the murder of Bassem Abu Rahmah, during a demonstration in April 2009, their courageous resistance continues!
We wish to celebrate the five years of popular resistance, but at the same time, we denounce the daily oppression that the people of Bil’in suffer and we demand the release of the 21 Bil’in villagers who are languishing in prison. The popular non-violent movement has been criminalized by Israel because it has gained growing support worldwide and is a threat to Israel because it delegitimizes this racist state in the eyes of global public opinion more and more.
In the context of this anniversary, we wish to reiterate our support for Bil’in in their lawsuit against the two Quebec registered companies, Green Park International et Green Mount International, who have constructed illegal settlements on land belonging to Bil’in, This makes the companies accomplices of the Israeli state in their violations of The Geneva Conventions, The Statute of Rome of the International Court of Justice, among others, which prohibits an occupying force from transferring its civilian population to territories occupied as a result of war. Justice must be done!
We also wish to affirm our strong commitment to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign (BDS) against Apartheid in Israel and to ask everyone to participate in this boycott which is economic, cultural and institutional. The boycott movement against South African Apartheid was successful and has begun to be effective in Israel as well. We must boycott Israel to make it clearly understand that world opinion condemns its policies.
Come celebrate the resistance of all the people of Palestine against Israel.
Bil’in needs your support!
for more information
web: www.bilin-village.org
tel: 514 664 1036
email: info(at)tadamon.ca
Bravo Tadamon pour tout le monde : l’Iran, le Hezbollah, le Hamas, sauf pour ces salauds de démocrates iraniens : Ahmadinejad les pend et ce sont les braves supplétifs de Tadamon qui achètent les cordes. Vivent les fascistes iraniens et les collabos québecois. Et si après un petit “kauft nicht bei Juden” comme au bon vieux temps, vous vous offriez un petit protocole des sages de Sion ou un petit “mort aux juifs” : comme tous les antisémites, vous rêvez de crier cela !!!
Comment by Jonathan Pearson — March 2nd, 2010 @ 5:53 PM