special programming on Syria is co-presented by the Collective for Syria in Montreal.

- Thursday September 1st 2011
live broadcast on CKUT radio 90.3fm
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special programming on Syria is co-presented by the Collective for Syria in Montreal.
Photo: Stacyann Lee. Palestinian hip-hop artist Shadia Mansour at La Sala Rossa.
A photography set highlighting images from sixteenth edition of Artists Against Apartheid this past June 2011 in Montreal at La Sala Rossa as part of the annual Suoni per il Popolo festival.
Upwards of three-hundred people attended the concert featuring celebrated Palestinian hip-hop artist Shadia Mansour, Montreal-Iraqi hip-hop artist The Narcicyst and indigenous hip-hop artist Samian, representing Quebec’s Algonquin communities.
Photos in this series are captured by photographers Darren Ell and Stacyann Lee.
press release on NCRA resolution in solidarity with Palestine, August 10, 2011.
The National Campus and Community Radio Association (NCRA), an organization representing 82 radio stations from every corner of Canada, adopted a motion at its annual general meeting on June 10, 2011, in the city of Halifax to endorse the call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid. In doing so, the NCRA is proudly the first national media organization in Canada to join the global movement for BDS.
Photograph taken on Tuesday, August 2nd just after morning prayer via journalist Anjali Kamat in Cairo, Egypt, protest opposing post-revolution rule via Supreme Council of Armed Forces (SCAF) in Egypt.
Photos taken in the hours after the Egyptian military attack on Tahrir Square protest camp calling for an end to military rule and for an end to the ongoing imprisonment of protesters after the successful revolution that overthrew Hosni Mubarak.
No matter how it unfolds, the Egyptian revolution will go down in the history books as a defining moment in the 21st century. Millions of Egyptians brought down one of the world’s most repressive regimes, that of the U.S.-backed Hosni Mubarak, in just 18 days. Their bravery, perseverance, and tactfulness in the face of the regime’s brutal crackdown not only triggered uprisings across the Arab world but inspired and influenced protests against government austerity in the U.S., Spain, Portugal, and Greece. Despite the fact that it is only a few months old, it’s important to begin piecing together a people’s history of the revolution to convey what happened and how it happened so that the lessons from this critical struggle can be disseminated.
Film Screening Under the Stars…
film preview & discussion with Shadia Mansour. co-presented via Suoni per il Popolo
musical celebrations for Palestine. photo Bird flying in Palestinian sky.
As hundreds-of-thousands of Egyptians took to the streets in opposition to the US-backed dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak solidarity protests were sparked across the world, including in occupied Palestine. In Bil’in village in the West Bank local residents staged a Egypt solidarity protests as part of their weekly demonstrations in opposition to the Israeli apartheid wall which cuts through the agricultural lands of the village.