قسم تضامن!

Pourquoi y a-t-il la guerre à Gaza ?

28 janvier 2009 | معتمد Palestine

Pierre Stambul, le 15 janvier 2009, l’Union Juive Française pour la Paix (UJFP)

Photo: Ridwan Mirdi a visité sa maison dans Siafa, détruit pendant la guerre.

La guerre sanglante que l’armée israélienne mène à Gaza n’est pas venue de nulle part. Tzipi Livni a prévenu tous les partis politiques sionistes 48 heures avant l’agression et tous l’ont approuvée, y compris le Meretz (la gauche sioniste). Le mouvement « La Paix Maintenant » et les écrivains dits « de gauche » (mais farouchement sionistes) Amos Oz, Avraham Yehoshua et David Grossman ont aussi approuvé l’invasion en prônant peu après une trêve. Tous partagent le point de vue officiel en Israël : pour eux, le Hamas est un monstre infréquentable contre lequel le droit de tuer va de soi, même s’il y a des « dommages collatéraux ».

Des Israéliens juifs anticolonialistes s’opposent à la guerre. Ils témoignent et manifestent quotidiennement avec un grand courage. Ils ne représentent qu’une petite minorité (il paraît que 95% des Israéliens juifs étaient d’accord avec la perspective d’attaquer le Hamas) mais leur importance et leur influence dépassent leur nombre. Tous sont non sionistes ou antisionistes. Ils sont les seuls à comprendre la nature du crime commis à Gaza : crime de guerre et crime contre l’humanité. Il faudra bien qu’on en finisse avec l’impunité de cet Etat-voyou. Cela passera par le boycott d’Israël tant que durera l’occupation et par le jugement des criminels de guerre.


La résistante algérienne Djamila Bouhired s’est rendue au sud Liban

28 janvier 2009 | معتمد Lebanon, Palestine
    Al Akhbar, Liban, 26 janvier 2009.

    Photo: Stefan Christoff, Liban, 2006.

Une visite de deux jours a conduit la célèbre résistante algérienne Jamila Bouhered, en compagnie de son homologue palestinienne Leila Khaled, à faire un tour au sud Liban à l’invitation de Randa Berri, l’épouse du président de l’Assemblée nationale libanaise, Nabih Berri.

Sur les décombres de l’ancienne prison sioniste de Khyam, Jamila a déclaré aux anciens détenus : « Je me tiens parmi vous sur cette bonne terre pour vous demander de me considérer comme l’une des vôtres, comme une Libanaise, et de cet endroit si proche de la Palestine, je m’adresse au peuple de Gaza pour leur dire combien j’aurais aimé avoir des ailes et m’envoler jusqu’à eux ».


Montreal: university and college professors and employees call for Israel boycott

24 janvier 2009 | معتمد Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Quebec
    Le Devoir. January 24 2009.

    Photo: Israel drops chemical weapons over a U.N. school in Gaza.

We are a group of teachers and employees at Quebec colleges and universities who stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people, and with the people of Gaza who have suffered through the Israeli siege as targets of Israel’s brutal military attack. It will take more than ceasefires to bring a just and lasting peace in Palestine and Israel. We are acting in response to an appeal for support issued January 2, 2009 by the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and Employees. In the wake of the Israeli bombing of the Islamic University of Gaza, the Federation of Unions has urged academics around the world to support a boycott of Israeli academic institutions.

We support this call and place it within a wider campaign of boycott, divestment, and sanctions. The struggle against apartheid in South Africa was supported through boycotts, divestment, and sanctions. We support a similar strategy against the Israeli state.


Amnesty: Israel’s use of white phosphorus against Gaza civilians “clear and undeniable”

23 janvier 2009 | معتمد Palestine

Amnesty International, January 19th 2009. Israel/Occupied Palestinian Territories.

    Photo: Wissam Nassar. White phosphorus over the Gaza Strip.

Amnesty International delegates visiting the Gaza Strip found indisputable evidence of widespread use of white phosphorus in densely populated residential areas in Gaza City and in the north.

“Yesterday, we saw streets and alleyways littered with evidence of the use of white phosphorus, including still burning wedges and the remnants of the shells and canisters fired by the Israeli army,” said Christopher Cobb-Smith, a weapons expert who is in Gaza as part of a four-person Amnesty International fact-finding team.


London: Demonstrations for Gaza

21 janvier 2009 | معتمد Palestine
    photo essay by Bissane.

Photo: Bissane. An image of the massive protests for Gaza in London in recent weeks.

In London historic demonstrations in opposition to the Israeli aerial bombardment and following military invasion into Gaza have attracted record numbers of people from across the U.K. Multiple estimates, including the Guardian newspaper, estimate that around 100 000 people gathered in downtown London for the largest protest against the Israeli attack on Gaza on Saturday, January 10th.


Stockholm: Solidarity with Gaza

21 janvier 2009 | معتمد Palestine
    photo essay from Robin Iversen Rönnlund.

    Photo: Protesters converge at the Israeli Embassy in Stockholm.

Across Europe major protests have been taking place, not only in major world centers such as Paris or London, but also in other European cities such as Stockholm which saw thousands take to the streets in solidarity with Gaza. This photo essay presents images from a major protest in downtown Stockholm which attracted thousands who called for an end to the Israeli bombardment on Gaza.


Inauguration Day

21 janvier 2009 | معتمد Canada, Iraq, Palestine
    Derrick O’Keefe, rabble.ca January 20, 2009.

    Photo: Martin Luther King protesting Vietnam War.

Today is a day to watch history unfold before our eyes. But today is also a day to think about the ongoing struggle to make history, to achieve social and global justice, and to put an end to empire.


Gaza: Of Sowing and Harvests

20 janvier 2009 | معتمد Mexico, Palestine
    by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. January 2009.

    Photo: Palestinians bury the dead in Gaza.

Two days ago, the same day we discussed violence, the ineffable Condoleezza Rice, a US official, declared that what was happening in Gaza was the Palestinians’ fault, due to their violent nature.

The underground rivers that crisscross the world can change their geography, but they sing the same song. And the one we hear now is one of war and pain.

Not far from here, in a place called Gaza, in Palestine, in the Middle East, right here next to us, the Israeli government’s heavily trained and armed military continues its march of death and destruction.


Palestine Poster: Solidarity with Gaza

19 janvier 2009 | معتمد Boycott, Canada, Culture, Palestine
    Gaza solidarity poster designed by graphic artist Kevin Lo.

    Poster is available in PDF from the following link on-line.


Documentaries from Palestine / Israel

18 janvier 2009 | معتمد Canada, Culture, Palestine, Quebec

Cinema Politica launch for winter/spring 2009 program. co-presented by Tadamon!

    MONDAY JANUARY 19th 19h30
    Concordia University, room H-110
    1455 de Maisonneuve
    metro Guy-Concordia
    Montreal, Quebec


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