قسم تضامن!

Call on Israel to respect International law 10 years after the International Cour of Justice ruling

9 juillet 2014 | معتمد Other, Solidarity, Boycott, Canada, Quebec

Over 60 Quebec and Canadian trade unionists, artists, journalists, professors, reverends call on Israel to respect International law 10 years after the International Cour of Justice ruling


Time for Canada to honor its UN obligations towards Palestine

Ten years ago today, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled illegal Israel’s massive separation wall that runs alongside and inside the Palestinian territories.

On July 9, 2004, at the behest of the UN General Assembly, the ICJ, legal arm of the United Nations, indeed issued an Advisory opinion saying “the construction of the wall (by occupying power Israel), and its associated régime (imposed on the Palestinians), are contrary to international law”.

The ICJ Advisory deemed that “Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defense or on a state of necessity to preclude the wrongfulness of the construction of the wall”.

Its ruling called for the barrier to be removed, for residents to be compensated, and for UN member States, including Canada, to act to obtain Israel’s compliance with the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV) – of which Canada is a signatory.



8 juillet 2014 | معتمد Syria


Yarmouk Refugee camp

Mercredi 9 juillet à 21h15
Parc Laurier


Les Chebabs sont un petit groupe de garçons et de filles qui se connaissent depuis l’adolescence. Aujourd’hui au seuil de l’âge adulte, ils ont une véritable soif de vivre et d’absolu, mais sont tous confrontés à des réalités complexes. Entre le besoin de liberté et l’appartenance au groupe, le désir de révolte et la perspective d’une vie bien rangée, les choix sont difficiles ; mais tout l’est plus encore quand on est réfugié palestinien dans le camp de Yarmouk, en Syrie.


The exhibition continues – Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image

12 juin 2014 | معتمد Other




Photo exhibition

    Until June 21, 2014
    Location: Kahwa café
    263 Mont Royal East (metro Mont Royal)

Tadamon! Montreal invites you to visit the photo exhibition “Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image”. The exhibit aims to bring to wider public attention the circumstance of the many millions of persons who have sought refuge outside Syria or have been displaced inside Syria and, also, to raise funds to help those in need. Funds will go directly to those in immediate need in refugee camps and/or inside Syria. Donations can be made at the exhibition site or can be made by contacted Tadamon! at 514-664-1036 or info@tadamon.ca


Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image

28 mai 2014 | معتمد Other



    Wednesday June 4th 2014, 6:30pm
    Location: Kahwa café
    263 Mont Royal East (metro Mont Royal)

Join Tadamon! for the vernissage of the photo exhibition “Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image”. The evening will include a presentation of the photos, discussions and musical performances.

The popular uprising in Syria for liberation and dignity that broke out in March 2011, has, since the beginning, been met with a brutal regime response that has known no limits. The consequences of the Syrian regime’s response have been devastating: destruction of homes, urban neighbourhoods and infrastructure; deepening social divisions that have taken the form of sometimes violent, armed confrontation; deaths of civilians reaching over 150,000 persons; widening fear and distrust; countless injured; the uprooting of millions. In the face and in the aftermath of regime bombardment, siege, atrocity and aggression millions have taken flight and sought refuge within Syria, in neighbouring states and in states beyond the region.


Israeli Apartheid Week | March 10-17th, 2014

5 mars 2014 | معتمد Other

The Tenth Annual Israeli Apartheid Week!


10th annual Israeli Apartheid Week featuring inspiring conferences, workshops, film screenings, demonstrations, and cultural events to raise awareness about Israeli apartheid.


Film screening: Return to Homs

1 mars 2014 | معتمد Other, Syria

Canadian premiere with director discussion


    Monday March 3rd 2014
    Concordia University
    DB Clarke Theatre
    1455 de Maisonneuve Blvd West
    (Metro Guy Concordia)

Join Tadamon! and Cinema Politica Concordia for the Canadian premiere of RETURN TO HOMS, a Sundance-winner that intimates the tribulations of the Syrian revolution while revealing the human price of resistance. The screening will be followed by a Skype Q&A with director Talal Derki.

Talal Derki / Syria – Denmark / 2013 / 87 ‘ / Arabic / S.T. English

Filmed over three years in Homs, Syria, the film accompanies two outstanding young men from the time they are dreaming of freedom and defending pacifism, to the time when choices are forced to be different.

Basset, the 19 years old national football team goalkeeper, turning into an iconic demonstration leader and singer, then, becoming a fighter and Ossama, a 24 years old renowned citizen-cameraman who is critical, pacifist, and ironic, as his views change till he is detained by the regime’s security forces.

It is the story of a city, which the world heard of a lot, but never really got close to. Return to Homs is a modern times epic of youth in war, and of forced choices.


For more information contact
tel. 514-664-1036

عرض فيلم: الميدان

3 février 2014 | معتمد Other

عرض ونقاش لفيلم الميدان


    الثامن من شهر شباط – فبراير ٢٠١٤
    في تمام الساعة السابعة
    المكان: Centre des loisirs de la ville de Saint Laurent
    Salle Simon Major (RC)
    1375 Grenet, Saint Laurent
    H4L 5K3

تضامن! بالتعاون مع جمعية جلجامش

الفيلم الوثائقي


للمخرجة جيهان نجيم

يتحدث الفيلم عن مجريات أحداث الثورة المصرية منذ بدايتها في كانون الثاني – يناير من العام ٢٠١١ في ساحة التحرير في القاهرة وحتى يومنا هذا
وذلك على لسان ناشطين شباب شاركوا في صنع الحدث وعايشوه
الفيلم مرشح لنيل جائزة الأوسكار عن فئة الأفلام الوثائقية

يتبع الفيلم نقاش حوله وحول الثورة المصرية وإسقاطاتها على العالم العربي ككل
يقود النقاش حول الفيلم أساتذة مختصين وناشطين مهتمين بالشأن العام العربي
د. رشاد أنطونيوس
أ. مصطفى حناوي
أ. ياسمين ضاهر
أ. غسان ابن خليفة

القاعة كبيرة وتتسع لما يزيد عن ١٧٠ شخص

رسم الدخول ٥ دولار كندي
و٢ دولار كندي لأعضاء جمعية جلجامش

الفيلم مترجم للانكليزي


للمزيد من المعلومات

٢٥يناير: ذكرى وإحتفال بالثورة المصرية

19 janvier 2014 | معتمد Other


أمسية ثقافية وعرض لفيلم الميدان

    الجمعة ٢٤ يناير
    المكان: قهوة “القهوة”
    263 Mont Royal East (metro Mont Royal)

25 يناير 2014 يصادف الذكرى الثالثة لالانتفاضة الشعبية المصرية التي اطاحة بحسني مبارك واثارت سلسلة من الأحداث إلى يومنا هذا.

المصريين يعانون من أحداث سريعة التغيير حيث أن فصائل عديدة من المجتمع تتصارع كي تقتطع مكانها في الفضاء السياسي.

وعلى الرغم من العوائق والانتكاسات فإن المسيرة الثورية مستمرة.

انضموا إلينا يوم الجمعة 25 يناير 2014 الساعة 6:30 في أمسية للعشاء والعروض الثقافية لاحياء هذه الذكرى والتأمل في أحداث الأعوام الماضية.

هذه الأمسية تتضمن:

– الاطلاع على الوضع الراهن في البلاد بما في ذلك القمع السياسي والمحاكمات اعسكرية التي يوجهها النشطاء والصحافيين وغيرهم.

– مشاهدة الفيلم الوثاقي “الميدان”http://thesquarefilm.com/

– بوفيه عشاء ومرطبات (طعام نباتي متوفر أيضاً)

– موسيقى وعروض ثقاقية.

تذاكر $10 عند الباب، جزء من العائدات تبرع إلى حملة “لا محاكمات عسكري للمدنيين”. هذه الحملة http://www.nomiltrials.com/ تؤمن أن

أن إنهاء المحاكمات العسكرية للمدنيين خطوة أساسية على الطريق إلى الحرية والديمقراطية. هذه الحمله تقدم مساعدات قانونية وأخرى من أشكال

الدعم المستمر للمصريين الذين يعانون من المحاكمات العسكرية والقمع السياسي. وتعمل بشكل وثيق مع عائلتهم.

شارك في التنظيم Tadamon! Montrealو Kahwa café
!الثورة مستمرة

للمزيد من المعلومات

A discussion with Frank Barat: The Russell Tribunal on Palestine

15 novembre 2013 | معتمد Other

A discussion and light lunch on the Russell Tribunal on Palestine with Frank Barat, coordinator of the Russell Tribunal


    Friday November 22nd 2013
    Thomson House
    3650 McTavish, room 404
    Lunch -provided
    (Metro Peel)

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine is an International Tribunal citizens’ initiative , created as a result of the inaction of the international community in relation to violations of international law committed by Israel. During five international meetings, the TRP discussed the liability and breach of third countries , companies and international organizations in the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories , and the perpetuation of violations of international law by Israel. A session was also devoted to whether the crime of apartheid as defined by international conventions, was due to Israel. www.russelltribunalonpalestine.com

Frank Barat will give a brief historical overview of the work of the The Russell Tribunal on Palestine, including the Vietnam and South America tribunal of the 70s and will then focus on the Palestine tribunal with a strong emphasis on its last session, in Cape Town, that concluded that ‘Israel policies against the Palestinian People were in breach of the prohibition against Apartheid in International Law’.

Frank Barat is coordinator of the russel tribunal on palestine and also published : ” The realm of the possible “, ” Palestine state of siege “, ” Gaza in Crisis ” and ” Justice for Palestine ” . He produces and co-hosts ” The wall has ears ” on Radio Panik .

For more information contact

Syria Beyond Binaries: A Critical Discussion

24 octobre 2013 | معتمد Other

Join us for a discussion on Syria hosted by Tadamon!


    Wednesday, October 30th @ 7pm
    Graduate Students Association (GSA) Lounge
    Concordia University
    2030 Mackay
    Metro Guy-Concordia

Tadamon! invites you to a critical discussion surrounding the Syrian revolution, aiming to generate a greater understanding of developments on the ground. This event will examine internal and external actors, their sources of funding, and the interests they serve. Above all, it will endeavour to move thinking and debate about the current context in Syria beyond the limitations of rigid dichotomies – such as jihadist opposition vs secular regime; western proxies/insurgents vs forces of resistance – to see the complex and changing dynamics of the revolution as it continues to unfold in Syrian cities and towns. Discussion will then turn to the role of international solidarity, and how allies can move forward in supporting the Syrian people’s struggle for self-determination.

Featuring presentations from:

* Brian Aboud, researcher, activist, and educator

* Ramy Nakache, social justice and solidarity activist

For more information:
Tel: 514-664-1036
E-mail: info@tadamon.ca

Facebook Event:

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