قسم تضامن!

Palestinians press for action on rebuilding Nahr al-Bared

20 mai 2008 | معتمد Politics, Solidarity, Lebanon, Palestine

    Daily Star. Tuesday, May 20th, 2008


    Photo: Mary Ellen Davis. Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in ruins.

BEIRUT: Palestinian refugees across Lebanon staged rallies on Tuesday to mark the first anniversary of the conflict at the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp during which they stressed the need to reconstruct the camp and realize their right to return to their homeland.


Palestinians march to Israeli border to denounce 60 years of dispossession

    Tuesday, May 15th. Agence France Presse (AFP)


Photo Christian Minelli: Palestinian youth flash victory sign in southern Lebanon.

Marwahin: Hundreds of Palestinian refugees headed to Lebanon’s southern border with Israel on Wednesday marking 60 years since the creation of the Jewish state and exile from what was once Palestine. “We want to return to our country. We desperately miss our country’s soil,” said Mahmud Mahmoud, aged in his 70s, who was wearing a traditional Palestinian headdress.


Photos: Artists Against Apartheid III

16 mai 2008 | معتمد Politics, Solidarity, Boycott, Culture, Palestine, Quebec

Photo from Artists Against Apartheid III in Montreal from photojournalist Ion Etxebarria.


Photos documenting the 3rd edition of Artists Against Apartheid in Montreal that brought together multiple artists, musicians, poets and performers as part of the global campaign struggling for Palestinian human rights through an international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions on the Israeli government.

Artists Against Apartheid III attracted upwards of two-hundred people in Montreal to a lively concert crossing multiple musical styles from Jazz, to hip-hop, to folk. A cultural element to this international boycott campaign is growing in Montreal and internationally. This latest event in Montreal featured multiple musicians and artists from the celebrated hip-hop group Nomadic Massive and the roots, improvisational African Diaspora-driven Kalmunity Vibe Collective.


Lebanon: Reporter reflections from Beirut

    Lebanon government cancels measures against Hezbollah.


    Broadcasts from Beirut III Photo: © Zoriah

Interview with Raed Rafei, a Lebanese reporter working with the Los Angeles Times.

On Wednesday, May 14th, Lebanon’s government moved to reverse key decisions taken last week aimed at Hezbollah, including a decision to dismantle Hezbollah’s independent telephone communications system and a controversial move to replace a head security personal at Beirut’s international airport with sympathies towards the Lebanese opposition. Today’s government decision to reverse these decisions was announced minutes prior to this interview, creating a backdrop soundtrack of celebratory gunfire from opposition supporters in Beirut.


Radio Free Palestine

13 mai 2008 | معتمد Independent Media, Politics, Canada, Palestine

    for immediate release…


    18-hour international radio broadcast on 60-years of Palestinian dispossession.

Montreal, May 2008: Join the International Middle East Media Center in Bethlehem (Palestine), in collaboration with CKUT 90.3fm in Montreal (Quebec, Canada), CHRY 105.5fm in Toronto (Ontario, Canada), CKDU 88.1fm in Halifax (Nova Scotia, Canada), and KBOO 90.7fm in Portland (Oregon, U.S.) for a historic international radio reflection of the Palestinian Nakba or catastrophe, including contributions from Pacifica Radio and Democracy Now!


Independent Jewish Voices letter to Prime Minister Harper

13 mai 2008 | معتمد Politics, Solidarity, Boycott, Canada, Palestine

    Photo: Apartheid in Palestine, an Israeli check-point.


    Dear Prime Minister Harper.

We read with dismay and sadness the report of your remarks in the Montreal Gazette with regard to those who criticize the State of Israel. As Jews, and as Canadians, we are deeply offended by your allegations that objections to Israeli policies that include the occupation, forced eviction, and denial of human rights to Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank — as well as discrimination against the many Palestinians living in Israel — are signals of “anti-Semitism.”


Lebanon: Currents of Conflict

    Broadcasts from Beirut II: An interview with Bilal Elamine.


    Photo: Al-Akbar, youth protests in Beirut.

A Tadamon! interview project aiming to highlight progressive voices from the ground in Lebanon on the ongoing conflict, voices independent from major political parties…

Conflict in Lebanon has spread this past week beyond Beirut, to mountain areas above the capital city, to Tripoli in Northern Lebanon. Throughout Lebanon a tense political stand-off remains between the U.S.-backed government lead-by Prime Minister Fouad Siniora and a political opposition fronted by the armed Lebanese political party Hezbollah.


Lebanon: Political, sectarian crisis entrenched

13 mai 2008 | معتمد Politics, War and Terror, Beirut, Civil-war, Hezbollah, Lebanon

    Beirut, 12 May 2008. IRIN Middle East.


    Photo: Al-Akbar.

Hezbollah and its allies may have achieved a swift military victory in Beirut and the Druze mountains, but the political battle for Lebanon will be tougher and the consequences long-term, say analysts.


Hour: Territories.

12 mai 2008 | معتمد Politics, Canada, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!

    Hour. by Stefan Christoff.


    Photo: (C) Larry Towell, Magnum Photographs.

Territory is a central theme in all political conflicts in the world, as national borders across the globe have consistently shifted. Territories is a new feature documentary by Montreal filmmaker Mary Ellen Davis that explores the photographic work and global journeys of Larry Towell, of the world-renowned photo agency Magnum, who travels along the world’s most conflicted border zones, from Latin America to the Middle East.

Indigenous people across the world have been victims of borderlines drawn in bloody wars fueled by colonial interests, and it’s these too-often-untold stories that are found in the striking photos of Larry Towell. From the electric fences of the Mexico-U.S. border to Israel’s concrete separation wall in Palestine, understanding the violence caused by borders is central to Towell’s work.


Quebec: Students Against Israeli Apartheid

    to student unions and social movements across Quebec and Canada.


    Declaration from L’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante.

Montreal, May 2008 – L’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ), a Quebec-wide student union representing over 42 000 students, has passed a resolution to support the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign against Israeli Apartheid. The motion was passed at the ASSÉ annual Congress, held on April 26th and 27th in Montreal. This resolution comes after over a year of consultations and discussions held within local student unions, in collaboration with Tadamon! Montreal, a local social justice collective. ASSÉ now invites all progressive organizations to join and support the call for the boycott campaign, issued by over 170 Palestinian civil society groups.


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