Call on Israel to respect International law 10 years after the International Cour of Justice ruling
Over 60 Quebec and Canadian trade unionists, artists, journalists, professors, reverends call on Israel to respect International law 10 years after the International Cour of Justice ruling

Time for Canada to honor its UN obligations towards Palestine
Ten years ago today, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled illegal Israel’s massive separation wall that runs alongside and inside the Palestinian territories.
On July 9, 2004, at the behest of the UN General Assembly, the ICJ, legal arm of the United Nations, indeed issued an Advisory opinion saying “the construction of the wall (by occupying power Israel), and its associated régime (imposed on the Palestinians), are contrary to international law”.
The ICJ Advisory deemed that “Israel cannot rely on a right of self-defense or on a state of necessity to preclude the wrongfulness of the construction of the wall”.
Its ruling called for the barrier to be removed, for residents to be compensated, and for UN member States, including Canada, to act to obtain Israel’s compliance with the Fourth Geneva Convention (GCIV) – of which Canada is a signatory.