Bulletin Tadamon!

La semaine annuelle contre l’apartheid israélien | Le 5-14 mars, 2013

4 mars 2013 | Posté dans Autre, Boycott, Événements, Palestine, Solidarité

La 9e édition de la Semaine annuelle contre l’Aparthéid israélien

La 9e édition de la Semaine annuelle contre l’Aparthéid israélien présentera une série de conférences, ateliers, projections de film, manifestations et évènements culturels, dans le but de sensibiliser et conscientiser le public à la campagne de Boycott, Desinvestissment, et Sanctions (BDS) contre l’apartheid israélien.

(Lire la suite…)

Statement of Support for Brooklyn College Students for Justice in Palestine

6 février 2013 | Posté dans Autre, Boycott, Palestine, Politique, Répression

Tadamon! Stands in Solidarity with Brooklyn College Students for Justice in Palestine

Statement of Support for Brooklyn College Students for Justice in Palestine:

We Condemn Attacks Against Advocates for BDS and Palestinian Rights!

We deplore the efforts of politicians and others to bully student activists and faculty and to smear supporters of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel as anti-Semites.

In recent days, opponents of an event on BDS to be held on campus February 7th have attacked the organizers and scheduled speakers, internationally renowned philosopher Judith Butler and Palestinian human rights activist Omar Barghouti, as well as the political science department and university administration for co-sponsoring the event. This is just the latest in a series of incidents involving attempts to silence criticism of Israel at Brooklyn College.

Opponents of the February 7 event have made deeply offensive and inflammatory accusations against supporters of BDS, with State Assemblyman Alan Maisel going so far as to warn of “the potential for a second Holocaust here.” Other prominent critics include lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who has openly called for the United States and Israel to use torture, and State Assemblyman Dov Hikind, a follower of the late Meir Kahane, an Israeli-American rabbi whose racist Kach movement has been outlawed by the US and Israel as a terrorist organization for advocating the expulsion of Palestinians from Israel and the occupied territories and for carrying out violent terrorist attacks against Palestinians and others.

It is outrageous and perverse to conflate BDS proponents and our stance in support of equal rights and freedom for Palestinians with anti-Semitism and Nazism. Contrary to the claims of these detractors, the BDS movement is an inclusive, nonviolent, civil society-led campaign whose goal is to pressure Israel into respecting Palestinian human rights and abiding by international law, in the absence of action on the part of the US government and international community to do so. It is comprised of people of all faiths and backgrounds, including many Israeli and American Jews. Leaders of the BDS movement have always rejected and condemned any and all forms of racism and bigotry, including anti-Semitism. As SJP-BC’s mission statement says, we “reject any form of hatred or discrimination against any religious or ethnic group.”

As supporters of Palestinian rights and of academic freedom and free speech on campus, we commend Brooklyn College President Karen Gould for showing leadership and not succumbing to pressure from bullies like Dershowitz and Hikind, who seek to suppress criticism of Israel by smearing advocates of Palestinian freedom and equality as bigots.

For nearly 65 years, Palestinians have been dispossessed, colonized, and denied the most basic of human rights and freedoms by Israel. For more than 45 years, they have endured a brutal and illegal Israeli military occupation that becomes more entrenched each day. Today 66 to 69 percent of the 11.6 million Palestinians are refugees, the survivors and descendants of the approximately 750,000 Palestinians who were ethnically-cleansed during Israel’s creation in 1948, are prevented from exercising their internationally-recognized right of return to the land and homes they were expelled from simply because they are not Jewish, while those Palestinians who remained inside Israel after 1948, who make up about 20% of the population today, face widespread institutionalized discrimination and are treated as second- or third-class citizens. As the international community looks on and does nothing to hold Israel accountable for its actions, global civil society is taking the lead with BDS.

In light of the attacks, we pledge our continued support to SJP’s efforts to educate the public about Israel’s grave and systematic abuses of Palestinian human rights and the racist, apartheid regime Israel has instituted in the territories it controls between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

For more information, visit SJP Brooklyn College’s website at www.brooklynsjp.com or email brooklyncollegesjp@gmail.com.

Palestinians in Solidarity with Idle No More

22 janvier 2013 | Posté dans Autre

From Turtle Island to Palestine, we must all be “Idle No More”

    “You who come from beyond the sea, bent on war,
    don’t cut down the tree of our names,
    don’t gallop your flaming horses across
    the open plains….
    Don’t bury your God
    in books that back up your claim of
    your land over our land,
    don’t appoint your God to be a mere
    courtier in the palace of the King”

    – Mahmoud Darwish, The Penultimate Speech of the “Red Indian”

Indigenous people have risen up across Canada in the Idle No More movement, a mass call for Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination and rights, against colonization, racism, injustice, and oppression. As Palestinians, who struggle against settler colonialism, occupation and apartheid in our homeland and for the right of Palestinian refugees – the majority of our people – to return to our homeland, we stand in solidarity with the Idle No More movement of Indigenous peoples and its call for justice, dignity, decolonization and protection of the land, waters and resources.

We recognize the deep connections and similarities between the experiences of our peoples – settler colonialism, destruction and exploitation of our land and resources, denial of our identity and rights, genocide and attempted genocide. As Palestinians, we stood with the national liberation movement against settler colonialism in South Africa, as we stand with all liberation movements challenging colonialism and imperialism around the world. The struggle of Indigenous and Native peoples in Canada, the United States, have long been known to the Palestinian people, reflecting our common history as peoples and nations subject to ethnic cleansing at the hands of the very same forces of European colonization.
(Lire la suite…)

Retenez la date! La semaine contre l’apartheid israélien – le 6 au 13 mars 2013

21 janvier 2013 | Posté dans Autre, Culture, Palestine, Quebec, Répression, Résistance

Marquez vos calendriers! Le 9ième évènement annuel contre l’apartheid israélien aura lieu le 6 au 13 mars à Montréal.

L’année passée, Montréal a participé avec plus de 100 villes autour du monde en présentant des ateliers, projections de film, conférences et concerts pour le but de conscientiser le public aux réalités de l’Apartheid Israélien. Joignez nous cette année en participant à la sensibilisation des gens pour la persévérance et l’autonomie palestinienne, et pour la campagne de Boycott, de Désinvestissement et Sanctions (BDS) contre l’apartheid israélien. Plus de détails à venir.

ABCs of BDS series: Concordia University

20 janvier 2013 | Posté dans Autre

ABCs of BDS series: “Do we have a role in the Palestine-Israel conflict?”

Time: 2:00pm-4:30pm
Location: DeSeve Cinema
Concordia University

As part of the GSA winter orientation series, this event will focus on Palestine solidarity work and specifically on one the most growing forms of global solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, that of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.
(Lire la suite…)

Manifestation: Journée internationale de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien

30 novembre 2012 | Posté dans Palestine, Résistance, Solidarité

Pour la journée internationale de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien

Joignez-vous à la manifestation pour la libération de la Palestine et la fin de l’apartheid israélien

Le 2 décembre, à 13hoo,
Square Phillips,
(métro Mcgill)


Le mois dernier, Israël a assassiné plus de 150 Palestiniens gazaouis dans une brutale offensive terrestre, marine et aérienne. Gaza, une bande de terre mesurant approximativement 360 km² (à peu près la grandeur de Montréal), est habitée par 1,7 millions de personnes parmi lesquelles la moitié sont des enfants. Malgré le cessez-le-feu négocié multilatéralement, Israël poursuit ses tueries indiscriminées et les autorités israéliennes maintiennent le blocus suffocant sur l’enclave côtière. (Lire la suite…)

Palestine contingent in November 22nd Student Demonstration

22 novembre 2012 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Quebec, Solidarité

End the Siege ! Stand with Palestinian Students !

    Thursday November 22nd, 1pm
    « La place du Peuple »
    (metro Square Victoria)
    Montreal, Quebec
    Photo: Palestinian Students at Israeli check-point.

As the first week of Israel’s operation “Pillar of Clouds” draws to an end, more than 120 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed, including 24 children. For Palestinians in Gaza, are denied the fundamental right to education. Through the ongoing siege on Gaza the continued air strikes, and the effects of the 2008 operation Cast Lead that resulted in 1,400 deaths, Palestinians in Gaza are denied the fundamental right to education.

On Thursday November 22nd students in Montréal and across the globe will be marching for accessible education. This demonstration is being held at the same time as thousands of Palestinians students continue to face daily bombardment from the Israeli Military. Our solidarity is a must! As ASSÉ (l’Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante), the coalition of student unions currently leading the student strike, asserted in their recent call out for student solidarity: “It is our responsibility to show them that we, students of Quebec, stand in solidarity of every movement, of every struggle. To global attacks, let’s build an international response!”

(Lire la suite…)


16 novembre 2012 | Posté dans Autre, Boycott, Canada, Événements, Palestine, Politique, Quebec


Université Concordia, Édifice Hall
1455 de Maisonneuve, oust
(Métro Guy-Concordia)


Mercredi, le 14 novembre, Israël a lancé sur Gaza sa dernière offensive militaire, « Pilier de la défense », aussi connue sous le nom de « Opération Colonne de nuée ». L’opération a débuté avec le lancement de plus de 65 raids aériens en une seule journée. Ces dernières attaques ont fait 33 morts parmi les Palestinien-ne-s, et 180 blessé-e-s en trois jours. Les raids aériens continuent alors que la population de la bande de Gaza y est enfermée par un blocus hermétique et illégal.
Ces événements surviennent 4 ans après la brutale et dévastatrice opération « Plomb durci » qui avait entraîné le massacre de plus de 1 400 Palestinien-ne-s dans la bande de Gaza. Depuis 2006, Israël a fait en sorte que Gaza demeure la plus grande prison à ciel ouvert au monde, faisant de ses habitants des cibles permanentes des bombardements aveugles des Israéliens. (Lire la suite…)

Emergency Demonstration in Solidarity with Gaza!

14 novembre 2012 | Posté dans Autre, Canada, Événements, Palestine, Résistance, Solidarité

Demo in Solidarity with the people of Gaza

Israeli Air strike on Gaza

Wednesday November 14, 2012 at 6pm
Hall Building, Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve West
Metro Guy-Concordia

Facebook event!

Israel has just confirmed the launch of its latest war on Gaza “Operation Pillar of Defence” also known as “Operation Pillar of Cloud”.
(Lire la suite…)

Projection du film: 5 Broken Cameras

11 novembre 2012 | Posté dans Autre, Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Solidarité, Tadamon!
    projection d’un film avec Cinema Politica

Weekly protest in Bi'ilin

    Lundi 12 novembre 2012
    Projection commence à 19h
    Salle H-110
    1455 de Maisonneuve Ouest
    Entrée gratuite- Dons acceptés

Décrit comme étant « en partie le journal de résistance, en autre partie un film maison mais aussi un mémorial», 5 Broken Cameras parle de cinq années de résistance à travers les yeux d’une famille. Depuis 2005, le village de Bil’in en Cisjordanie lutte pour défendre sa terre et ses moyens d’existence en manifestant à chaque semaine contre la construction du mur d’apartheid et des colonies illégales sur ses terres agricoles.

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Événements à venir
