Bulletin Tadamon!

Behind the Boycott

    by Vivian Tabar. The Dominion


    Photo: Israel’s Apartheid Wall.

MONTREAL–Demonstrators converged outside of Indigo bookstore in the heart of downtown Montreal last Saturday to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the 1982 massacre of Sabra and Chatila that claimed the lives of thousands of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. Waving banners that read “Boycott Israeli Apartheid, Boycott Indigo”, picketers called on the largest bookstore chain in Canada to cut its ties to Israeli Apartheid.

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Mohammed al-Dura lives on

    By Gideon Levy. Haaretz.


    Photo: Activist Stills.

The concern Israel demonstrates for the fate of one Palestinian boy touches the heart: Again, note what a fuss is being made about the case of the killing of Mohammed al-Dura. Our heart is impervious to the fate of other children who have been killed. Just little Mohammed continues to haunt us. But the question of who killed al-Dura is not important. And maybe he is even alive, as some eccentrics claim. Perhaps he committed suicide, as the strange investigations are liable to suggest.

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PIQUET: Indigo/Chapters! BOYCOTTER l’apartheid israelien!

Apportez votre instrument de musique et vos tambours pour un piquet chanté!


    Samedi le 6 octobre, de 13h00 à 15h00
    librairie Indigo
    coin Ste-Catherine et McGill College
    (métro McGill)

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Qui est le terroriste? Débat critique sur le Hezbollah.

    Dans le cadre de l’événement Choc culturel 2007 à l’Université McGill.


    MERCREDI 17 OCTOBRE à 18h30
    Édifice Leacock, salle 232
    Université McGill, 688, rue Sherbrooke Ouest
    Montréal, Canada

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Picketers boycott Indigo-Israel connection

    The Link. Concordia University: By Nadia Hausfather & Sarah Hoida


    Photo: Darren Ell.

Picketers outside Indigo’s downtown bookstore last Saturday urged shoppers not to enter because the Chapters-Indigo’s CEO heads a foundation that supports foreign soldiers who fight in the Israeli army.

The demonstration was set to coincide with the 20th anniversary of massacres that took place at the Sabra and Chatila Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.

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UN refugee agency urges Israel to lift Gaza closures

    Agence France-Presse (AFP), September 28th, 2007


    Photo: © Stefania Zamparelli. A Street in Gaza.

JERUSALEM: The United Nations agency in charge of Palestinian refugees on Friday called on Israel to open crossings into the Gaza Strip and warned of a humanitarian crisis if further restrictions are imposed.

“We don’t believe that just having humanitarian goods coming in is enough, we need other supplies to come in. People need other things besides food and medicine,” UNRWA Commissioner General Karen Abu Zayd told reporters.

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Radio Tadamon! Racism & ‘Reasonable Accommodation’ in Quebec.

24 septembre 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Radio Tadamon!, Religion, Solidarité, Tadamon!

    Produced for Radio Tadamon! by Stefan Christoff.


    Download / Podcast the program from the Rabble Podcast Network.

Listen to an interview with Nazila Bettache of No One is Illegal Montreal on ‘Reasonable Accommodation’ in Quebec. A governmental commission began last week in Canada, on the growing racism faced in Quebec by immigrants.
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Ha’aretz. Mahmoud Abbas: Puppet leader.

    By Gideon Levy: Ha’aretz. Sept. 23rd, 2007


    Photo: Palestinian Presidential Compound.

Mahmoud Abbas has to stay home. As things stand right now, he must not go to Washington. Even his meetings with Ehud Olmert are gradually turning into a disgrace and have become a humiliation for his people. Nothing good will come of them. It has become impossible to bear the spectacle of the Palestinian leader’s jolly visits in Jerusalem, bussing the cheek of the wife of the very prime minister who is meanwhile threatening to blockade a million and a half of his people, condemning them to darkness and hunger.

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Commemoration pour les victimes des massacres de Sabra et Chatila

Communiqué préparé par la Coalition contre l’apartheid israélien & Tadamon! Montreal.


Cette semaine marque les 25 ans des massacres des camps de réfugiés palestiniens de Sabra et Chatila, au Liban. Aujourd’hui, nous commémorons la mémoire des victimes assassinées ou/et disparues lors de ce massacre, ainsi que les milliers de personnes qui ont perdu la vie suite à l’invasion israélienne de 1982 et à la guerre civile libanaise.

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Militants Montrealais appellent Brian Mulroney a denoncer l’apartheid Israelien

18 septembre 2007 | Posté dans Boycott, Guerre et terrorisme, Lebanon, Palestine, Solidarité

    À l’occasion du 25e anniversaire du massacre de Sabra et Shatila


    Photo: Le mur d’apartheid israélien, 2007

Montréal, le 18 septembre 2007: Le Réseau montréalais de la Coalition contre l’apartheid israélien a accueilli l’ancien premier ministre Brian Mulroney, venu présenter aujourd’hui son autobiographie à la librairie Indigo, en déployant une bannière pour dénoncer la situation d’apartheid dans laquelle Israël confine le peuple palestinien.

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Événements à venir
