Bulletin Tadamon!

Films anti-coloniaux sous les étoiles !

19 juin 2008 | Posté dans Canada, Culture, Palestine, Politique, Quebec, Répression, Solidarité

    Films anti-coloniaux sous les étoiles !


    Mardi, 1 Juillet, 21h00, 2008
    Dans l’espace ouvert à côté de l’Insoumise
    2035 St-Laurent
    (entre Ontario et Sherbrooke)
    metro St-Laurent

Joignez-nous pour un visionnement de fabuleux documentaires sous la lune en plein centre-ville de Montréal. Tadamon! présentera deux excellents films traitant de la lutte contre l’appropriation de terres et la colonisation en Palestine et l’Île de la Tortue.

Les films sont présentés dans le cadre d’une campagne de mobilisation pour la manifestion « 400 ans de colonialisme : pas de quoi célébrer ! » dans la ville de Québec, le 3 juillet prochain.

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Cluster bombs claim another victim in South Lebanon

Daily Star. Friday, June 13th, 2008


    Photo: Armand Emamdjomeh. Village in south Lebanon after Israel’s 2006 attack.

Tyre: A Lebanese man was killed on Thursday by a cluster bomb dropped by Israeli forces during the 2006 war in Lebanon, a police official said.

Hisham al-Ghossein, 39, was killed in the village of Qantara, near the Southern town of Marjayoun, after stepping on the bomb while working in his field, the official said.

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Israël : “Il est temps de prendre des mesures exceptionnelles contre Israël”

10 juin 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Culture, Palestine, Politique, Solidarité

    Omar Barghouti, Electronic Intifada, 8 juin 2008.


    Photo: Maan Images. la bande de Gaza.

«L’idée est de mettre les Palestiniens à la diète, mais pas de les faire mourir de faim», disait il y a quelques années Dov Weisglass, le plus proche conseiller de Sharon.

Aujourd’hui Israël est en train d’étouffer lentement Gaza et de conduire la population civile au bord de la famine et d’une catastrophe humanitaire planifiée.

Si le gouvernement états-unien est évidemment un complice qui finance, justifie et dissimule l’occupation et les autres formes d’oppression israéliennes, l’Union Européenne, le plus important partenaire commercial d’Israël au niveau mondial, n’est pas moins complice de la perpétuation de l’oppression coloniale d’Israël et de son apartheid particulier.

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Irish union passes motions for Palestine

9 juin 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Politique, Résistance

    Statement: Trade Union Friends of Palestine (ICTU). June 5th 2008


    Photo: Scott Weinstein. Apartheid wall in Palestine.

At its Biennial Delegate Conference in May 2008 the public sector union IMPACT passed two motions criticizing Israeli suppression of the Palestinian people and calling for a boycott of Israeli goods and services. The motions also called for divestment from those companies engaged in or profiting from the occupation as well as an education campaign to raise awareness of the plight of the Palestinian people. Conference furthermore called on the Irish Government to take a stand on Palestine independent of EU foreign policy, demanded the restoration of EU funding, and also called for the suspension of the preferential trading status enjoyed under the Euro-Med Agreement.

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La flambée des prix alimentaires aggrave la situation des Palestiniens

    La Presse. Jooneed Khan.


    Photo: la bande de Gaza.

Les Palestiniens, qui subissent les privations quotidiennes dues au siège de l’armée israélienne, sont très durement frappés par la flambée des prix des aliments, qu’ils doivent importer en grande partie.

C’est ce qu’a indiqué le syndicaliste Manawell Abdul-Al, dirigeant de la Fédération générale des syndicats palestiniens (FGSP), hier à La Presse.

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UN clears cluster bombs from areas of south Lebanon

    June 2008: AFP.


    Photo: View from car window in South Lebanon after 2006 Israeli bombing.

Tyre, Lebanon (AFP): Almost half of the areas in southern Lebanon contaminated with cluster bombs dropped by Israel in 2006 have been cleared, a UN official said on Wednesday.

“Forty three percent of the areas affected by the cluster bombs dropped during the July 2006 war have been cleared”, UN Mine Action Coordination Centre for South Lebanon spokeswoman Dalya Farran said.

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Lebanon: Call for Agricultural Revival

Broadcasts from Beirut VII: Rami Zurayk professor, activist in Beirut: Land and People.


    Photo: Shattered glass in south Lebanon.

A Tadamon! interview project aiming to highlight progressive voices from the ground in Lebanon on the ongoing conflict, voices independent from major political parties…

May 2008 saw political turmoil in Lebanon reach its most violent peak since the end of the official end to the Lebanese civil-war in 1990. A negotiated political treaty has brought temporary peace however fails to address the poverty at the core of this tension.

This interview with professor Rami Zurayk in Beirut presents a critique of the recent Doha agreement. Critics argue that the Doha agreement is a testament to how mainstream Lebanese political leaders continue to neglect the ongoing economic crisis, compounded by Israel’s military attack in 2006. Lebanon’s agricultural areas in the south were particularly devastated, leading to major internal displacement following Israel’s attack, as farm lands remain strewn by thousands of cluster bombs dropped by the Israeli military.

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L’ASSÉ prend position contre l’apartheid israélien

Un appel à appuyer la première association étudiante nationale au Québec et au Canada à se joindre à la campagne internationale de boycott, de désinvestissement et de sanctions contre Israël…


Montréal, mai 2008. À travers le monde, les mouvements populaires luttant contre l’apartheid israélien marquent actuellement le 60ème anniversaire de la Nakba («catastrophe») palestinienne, c’est-à-dire les 60 ans de dépossession, de nettoyage ethnique et d’exil forcé pour les Palestiniennes et Palestiniens suite à la création de l’État d’Israël en 1948.

La réponse populaire contre l’apartheid israélien prend actuellement de l’ampleur au niveau mondial, suite à la publication d’un appel lancé en 2005 par des organismes de la société civile palestinienne pour la mise en branle d’une campagne internationale de boycott, de désinvestissement et de sanctions contre le gouvernement israélien. Cette campagne suit l’exemple d’une campagne semblable qui a joué un grand rôle dans la chute du régime d’apartheid en Afrique du Sud.

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Photo Essay: Beirut Streets. May 2008

    Photo essay from Carole Kerbage.


Beirut May 10th 2008: Barbour district Beirut witnessed harsh armed battles.

As Lebanon’s political crisis moves to a temporary negotiated solution, tensions remain high after intense street level clashes in recent weeks between pro-government forces and the Hezbollah-backed opposition. Street barricades struck across Lebanon’s capital city have now been removed, as Lebanese political leaders return to Beirut after arriving at an agreement in Doha, Qatar.

This photo essay documents recent events in Beirut’s, featuring images captured at street level within recent weeks. Lebanon’s current political struggle extends back to an intense national political history, in a nation still recovering from a 2006 Israeli bombardment that left over 1000 Lebanese civilians dead and major elements to the countries national infrastructure destroyed. Lebanese photographer Carole Kerbage has documented Beirut’s streets in the past week and now features photographs from Beirut on Tadamon!

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Photo Essay: Beirut walls speak the language of the past

    Photo Essay from Farah Kobaissy in Beirut.


Graffiti for Future Movement, founded by the assassinated Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

In May 2008 the streets in Beirut and throughout Lebanon witnessed military clashes between armed forces backing the Lebanese opposition lead by Hezbollah and the former Lebanese government supported by Saudi Arabia and the U.S. In May the walls on the streets of Beirut expressed the level of political split of Lebanon.

Street level graffiti is now common throughout Lebanon’s capital as rival political forces take their political struggle to the city walls in Beirut. This photo essay from Farah Kobaissy documents the writing on Beirut’s walls, featuring images captured at street level within recent weeks.

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Événements à venir
