Friday, 4 August, 9:00 am
Nav Canada, 1950 Montreal Road, Cornwall Ontario
* See driving directions below
* Details on rides from Montreal below.
This is a CHILD-FRIENDLY rally, please feel free to bring your children!
Less than a week after the worst massacre yet in Israel’s bloody attack on Lebanon – the killing of 65 civilians in Qana on Sunday – the Conservative party is holding a caucus meeting in Cornwall, Ontario.
As increasing numbers are killed (latest estimates of up to 750 killed, 1800 wounded, up to 800,000 displaced in Lebanon alone) and the infrastructure of Lebanon and Gaza is destroyed, leadership of the Conservative party continues to defend and justify Israel’s actions; outrageously, they have refused even to withdraw their position that Israel’s response is “measured”. The meeting in Cornwall, which will bring together all elected Conservative MPs, is an excellent opportunity to convey demands for just peace directly to the leaders as well as rank and file of the party.
Members of the Lebanese and Palestinian communities and other individuals appalled by the violent aggression and lawlessness of Israel and Canadian government support for the war crimes will travel to the meeting, from Cornwall, Gatineau, Montreal and Ottawa to bring the demand for an immediate end to Israeli aggression in Lebanon and Gaza, Canadian denunciation of the war crimes, and for Canada to provide aid proportionate to need in Lebanon and Gaza.
Rides from Montreal:
Gather 6:30 am at 3300 Crémazie (St. Michel metro). Bus and car convoy leave at 7:00 SHARP, return to Montreal around 1pm.
To register your car or reserve a seat on the bus, call 514 222 0205 or 514 586 4415. Suggested donation to help us cover costs: 8$.
To get to Nav Canada from Montreal:
Take the 20 (which in Ontario becomes the 401) west to exit 796, Boundary Road, Cornwall. Go south on Boundary road to the end of the road (it ends at the St. Lawrence river), and turn west (right). Nav Canada is on the north (right) side of the road, 1.3. km from Boundary Road.
More information in Montreal :
514 222 0205
Re peace rally on Sunday Aug 6, I heard several times on the TV /Radio etc that there will be a rally in Montreal but they never say where exactly and what time. If the organizers make it known to Canadians in advance where these demonstrations will be held, there will be definitely more participants like me who are only for peace and not pro-Isreal or Hezbollah. Just peace!
تعليق Boroushan Pirzadeh — 4 août 2006 @ 15:56Thanks for the note…. Tadamon! is attempting to provide all relevant updates to Lebanon & Palestine solidarity demonstrations & actions taking place in Montreal & the surrounding area. One small way to spread the word concerning demonstrations taking place is to let people know about this website.
تعليق Stefan Christoff — 6 août 2006 @ 4:33