- Saturday, Nov. 22
1pm métro Guy-Concordia
Norman Bethune square
Montréal, Québec
facebook event
As health care, education, unemployment insurance, equity programs and the arts are cut in the name of austerity, military spending (at $22.6 billion in 2012) has increased every year since 1998 and is projected to continue. Since 2004, Canada has invaded or bombed Afghanistan, Haiti, Iraq and Libya, leaving a trail of destruction followed by corrupt client regimes and neoliberal austerity policies.
Every new invasion is justified as a contribution to humanitarianism and democracy, but the results speak for themselves. Canadian oil contractors in Iraq, engineering firms in Libya, sweatshop operators in Haiti and mining companies in Afghanistan have all benefitted while the people of those countries have suffered. Meanwhile, Canadian police and security forces have continuously harassed, infiltrated and intimidated racialized communities in Canada, imprisoning people without trial and cracking down on democratic dissent.
Invasions abroad, state violence at home, resource theft on indigenous land within Canada’s borders and across oceans: all of these contribute to the enrichment of a tiny elite at the expense of the world’s majority. Join us as we hit the streets to oppose war, austerity, racism and islamophobia: interlocking systems of violence that stand in the war of achieving a more just and equal world!
organized by : Tadamon! / Comité d’action solidaire contre l’austerité – CASA
endorsed by :
A qui la ville ?
Anarchopanda pour la gratuité scolaire
Association pour une Solidarité Syndicale Étudiante ( ASSÉ )
Centre communautaire des femmes sud-asiatique / South Asian Women’s Community Centre
Centre d’appui aux Philippines / Centre for Philippine Concerns
Centre des Travailleurs et Travailleuses Immigrants
Centre for Gender Advocacy
La Chorale du Peuple
Climate Justice Montreal – Justice climatique Montreal
Collectif Québécois contre l’islamophobie
Comité Chômage de l’Est de Montréal
Decolonizing Street Art
Femmes de diverses origines / Women of Diverse Origins
Le Guet des Activités Paralogiques, Propagandistes et Anti-démocratiques (G.A.P.P.A. )
Howl Arts Collective
Iww Montréal Syndicat industriel des travailleurs et travailleuses de Montréal
Justice Palestine, McGill University
Kalmunity Vibe Collective
Mouvement Action Chômage de Montréal
McGill Radical Law Community / Communauté juridique radicale de McGill (RADLAW)
Missing Justice: Justice for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
Organisation populaire des droits sociaux de la région de Montréal (OPDS)
L’Organisme de Défense des Prisonniers Politiques
PAJU- Palestinian & Jewish Unity
PINAY (Organisation des femmes philippines du Québec)
Popir Comité-Logement (Projet Organisation Populaire Information et Regroupement)
Projet Accompagnement Solidarité Colombie (PASC)
Regards sur le 7ème feu ensemble
Solidarity Across Borders