Entry, Exclusion & Resistance: Syro-Lebanese Immigration History in Canada

25 mai 2006 | معتمد Other

Entry, Exclusion and Resistance:
Syro-Lebanese Immigration History in Canada
[1880’s to 1950’s]

A Lecture by Brian Aboud.

THURSDAY, May 25th:
School of Community & Public Affairs
Concordia University – 2149 MacKay St.
Doors 7pm / Suggested Donation 5$
[Metro Guy-Concordia]

A slide-show presentation by sociologist / community activist Brian Aboud, Humanities professor at Vanier College, on the first seventy years or so of Syrian-Lebanese immigrant entry and settlement in Canada (and especially
Montreal). The presentation will focus on migration patterns, on governmental efforts to control immigration from Syria and Lebanon & on the long struggle of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Canada against what they perceived to be discriminatory controls.

ALSO featuring a presentation from Ahmad Mustafa, Palestinian Refugee from Lebanon & organizer with the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees, concerning the present day struggles of Palestinian refugees from Lebanon taking place today in Canada….

the Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees:

A Community’s History – Montreal Gazette 2003

تعليق واحد »

Etes-vous en mesure de me dire où je peux consulter l’année exacte de l’arrivée de mon grand-père David Tawil (environ 1896) de ses frères Charles Tawil ?et Nicolas Tawil (environ 1906) ainsi que leur mère Marie Romey(Rameih) ? tous Syriens.

تعليق Cécile Tawell — 16 novembre 2009 @ 20:07

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