Israeli Apartheid: Racism, Occupation & Discrimination
A public talk on Israeli Apartheid with Jamal Juma’a of the International Stop the Wall Campaign.
School of Community & Public Affairs
Concordia University
Donations Appreciated.
2149 MacKay (above de Maisonneuve)
Metro Guy-Concordia
Participate in a public lecture by Jamal Juma’a, a representative of the Stop the Wall Campaign based in the occupied West Bank. This event is an opportunity to hear a detailed & compelling account of present-day Israeli apartheid & the growing global movement against it.
In light of the Israel’s recent bombardment of Lebanon & its ongoing brutal occupation of the West Bank & Gaza Strip, an international conference is taking place in Toronto, from October 6th to 8th, in order to launch a comprehensive Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) strategy as the center-piece of international solidarity efforts to end Israeli apartheid.
Information on Jamal Juma’a
Juma’a was born and lives in Jerusalem and is the coordinator of the Palestinian grassroots anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign. He is a founding member of several support organizations, including the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC) and the Palestinian Association for Cultural Exchange (PACE), on whose boards he continues to serve. He has written several widely-published and translated analysis pieces on the Wall and the struggle for Palestine. He regularly represents the Stop the Wall Campaign.
Organized by: Tadamon! Montreal & the International Solidarity Movement – Montreal (ISM).
Un peuple qui oublie son peut difficilement construire son avenir, il est de meme d’un peuple qui s’appuie principalement sur la memoire du passé: il aura lui-aussi du mal a construire un avenir different dans une réalité nouvelle.
تعليق farah Abdill — 26 janvier 2007 @ 19:50Et c’est malheureusement lecas de l’état d’Israel.
Seems the world is slow about learning that barriers to shut out humanity don’t work. What does it take to find acceptance for all people made in God’s image?
تعليق William — 24 avril 2009 @ 21:13