CKUT Radio :: Boycotting Israeli Apartheid :: From South Africa to Palestine

The following interviews were conducted in the lead up to the first-ever conference on Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions Against Israeli apartheid, with three of the conference’s key participants.
The conference, “The struggle continues: Boycotting Israeli Apartheid“, is happening in Toronto from October 6th to the 8th.
- Talk given by Rafeef Ziadah during Tadamon’s Fires of War :: Voices of Resistance event in Montreal: Audio link.
Rafeef Ziadah is a third-generation Palestinian refugee and an organizer with the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) and SUMOUD – Political Prisoner Solidarity Group in Toronto. She has been active with a number of grassroots campaigns on Palestine including the SUSTAIN (Stop US Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now!) campaign in Washington DC. She is currently completing her PhD at York University.
- Interview with Jamal Juma’a in CKUT: Audio link
Jamal Juma’a was born and lives in Jerusalem and is the coordinator of the Palestinian grassroots anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign. He is a founding member of several support organizations including the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees (PARC) and the Palestinian Association for Cultural Exchange (PACE) on whose boards he continues to serve. He has written several widely published and translated analysis pieces on the Wall and the struggle for Palestine. He regularly represents the Stop the Wall Campaign.
- Interview with Salim Vally: Audio link.
Salim Vally has been a social justice activist since high school and was a regional executive member of the high school South African Student’s Movement (SASM), which played a pivotal role in the Uprising of 1976. He has been a teacher, union educator, organizer and spokesperson, and as a researcher into grassroots community and worker conditions and needs has produced numerous critical reports. He is a lecturer and senior researcher in the School of Education at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg and chairperson of the Palestine Solidarity Committee and the Anti-War Coalition.
The interviews and recordings were conducted by the CKUT Community News Collective in Montreal.
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