Montreal STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY for Beirut Sit-In against assault on Gaza

Montreal Stands in Solidarity with Palestinians from Gaza to Lebanon
Israeli shell explodes in open space next to Beit Hanoun, 1 July 2006 (MaanImages/ Inbal Rose).
In the face of the ongoing, major Israeli military attack on the Palestinian people of the Gaza Strip, individuals and organizations in Montreal committed to principles of social justice and self-determination express their unqualified solidarity with the Palestinian people who are resisting the latest assault on their cities, villages, institutions and social infrastructure.
Since the beginning of the siege of Gaza by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) and their attacks in the West Bank, Montrealers have gathered on the streets of their city decrying Israeli war crimes and apartheid practices, supporting the legitimate resistance of the Palestinian people and calling for international action to prevent further destruction, mass punishment and killing in Palestinian territories. Montrealers add their voices and political support to those progressive forces in Lebanon who will gather on Wednesday, July 12th for a public sit-in at Martyrs’ Square in downtown Beirut.
In recent years, Montreal has also become a site of struggle for Palestinian refugees from Lebanon claiming asylum in Canada and fighting deportation at the hands of the Canadian government.
As people in Montreal stand in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle in Gaza, Montrealers also affirm our unwavering support for Palestinian refugees in Montreal fighting deportation and for the critical struggle of the hundreds of thousands of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. As refugees, these Palestinians have been denied their U.N. enshrined right to return to Palestine, as well as their basic legal, social and political rights in both Lebanon and Canada.
From Montreal to Beirut to the refugee camps of Lebanon and to Gaza, a bridge of solidarity extends across multiple fronts of struggle for justice and liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian people.
in Solidarity,
Tadamon! Montreal
Parole Arabe
Objection conscience * Voices of Conscience (OCVC)
Coalition against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees
International Solidarity Movement (ISM) Montreal
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU)
Forum Canadien Musulman (CMF)
Le Regroupement des Algeriens du Canada (RAC)
Regarde Alternative Media * Alternative Perspective Media (APM)
Je suis un activiste somalien, je support votre action ainsi que tout action des population qui soufrent sous une guerre ou une occupation. Comme vous pouvez vous en douter, mon pays, la Somalie , en rongée par la guerre civile, et ceci dans l’indifferance toutale du monde entier.
Comment by farah Abdill — July 14th, 2006 @ 11:18 AMNous continions la lutte car si ce n’ai pas içi, c’est ailleurs.