Photostory: Damage after Israeli bombing of southern suburbs on Thursday night

Stefan Christoff and Mohammed Shublaq writing from Beirut, Live from Lebanon, 14 July 2006.
Full report at
Israeli war planes are bombing Beirut. Over 70 Lebanese civilians have died since the Israeli military launched a major military offensive against Lebanon on Wednesday, July 12th. Bombs targeted civilian infrastructure throughout the country, including the key highways and bridges across southern Lebanon effectively halting all cross-country transportation. Pictured in this photo is a mosque on the edge of Beirut’s southern suburb with smoke in the sky above due to Israeli missile strikes on the Beirut international airport.
Pictured is a large hole in a major street in the municipality of Ghobeiry in Dahyeh the southern suburbs of Beirut. Major roads and highway infrastructure throughout the Ghobeiry municipality were targeted throughout the past 48 hours seriously damaging the civilian infrastructure of the area.
A bombed out transport van at the “Airport Bridge”, a major highway intersection in the Ghobeiry municipality close to Beirut’s international airport which was targeted in three separate Israeli missile strikes.
The “Airport Bridge” of Ghobeiry municipality which was severely struck numerous occasions by Israeli missiles during the night on Thursday July 13th.
A bombed out building in the municipality of Ghobeiry. Throughout the night of Thursday July 13th Israeli missile struck heavily throughout Beirut’s southern suburbs of Dahyeh severely damaging multiple civilian infrastructure sites.
je me pose la question pourquoi les politiques et surtout les médias? ne s’exprime pas d’avantage sur le réel ou plutot l’un des paramétre majeur des conflits dans cette région qui reste qui détiendra l’eau ” la turquie, la syrie, la jordanie ou encore israel…” l’onu devrait je pense commencer par voter une résolution sur le droit d’eau plutot que d’accépté un deuxiéme mur de la honte qui seras bientot electrifié ou encore laisser israel annexcé la palestine aujourd’hui le liban pour sapproprier la plaine du beca israel au meme terme que les etats unis et d’autre qui le fond de maniére plus suptile sont les plus grands d’élinquants de l’univers. Nous ne pouvons continuer de laisser se déverser dans nos oreilles le venein de ses vipaire aveugles. amicalement azzedine boufermache également hauteur du livre de la rupture a la confiance
Comment by boufermache — August 6th, 2006 @ 7:09 AM