كل المرسل في قسم 'Imperialism'

Hezbollah, Israel’s Brutal Invasion and the Regional Balance of Forces

30 août 2006 | معتمد Imperialism, Politics, War and Terror

An inteview with Gilbert Achcar

August 10, 2006
Chris Spannos

This interview was produced for Redeye, Vancouver Co-op Radio, on August 5, 2006.

CS: Lebanon has been suffering Israeli military devastation since mid-July. Certainly Hezbollah had anticipated a response from Israel to the abduction of two Israeli soldiers. What do you think were Hezbollah’s political calculations and reasons for their actions?


Can you really not see?

30 août 2006 | معتمد Imperialism, Solidarity, War and Terror, Palestine

By Amira Hass

Let us leave aside those Israelis whose ideology supports the dispossession of the Palestinian people because “God chose us.” Leave aside the judges who whitewash every military policy of killing and destruction. Leave aside the military commanders who knowingly jail an entire nation in pens surrounded by walls, fortified observation towers, machine guns, barbed wire and blinding projectors. Leave aside the ministers. All of these are not counted among the collaborators. These are the architects, the planners, the designers, the executioners. (…اكثر)

Analysis of Resolution 1701

14 août 2006 | معتمد Imperialism, Politics, War and Terror

Analysis of each paragraph of U.N. resolution 1701 can be found at http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/forum/. Read the “UN Mideast Ceasfire Resolution Paragraph by Paragraph”.

Death Count*

14 août 2006 | معتمد Imperialism, Repression, War and Terror

Main source for numbers are Al-Jazeera and Assafir newspaper.

Civilian Today
Military Today
Civilian Total*
Military Total
17D**   ~1100D,~3500W 43DH***,31DLA,2Police officers.

1D, ~29W 2D ~39D****, ~400W ~126D,~400W

D=Dead, W=Wounded, H=Hezbollah, LA=Lebanese Army

*Change in total count, especially civilian Lebanese, may not correspond to change in daily count as total count is based on official estimates. Total count will be adjusted in bigger increments, i.e. every additional hundred casualties or so.
**The exact number of deaths for today was not available, largely to the delay in collecting bodies from under rubble after a devastating strike on Beirut’s southern suburb. Six people, including three children, died in Burg Ashamali, three in Gibseet, three in Shaath, three in Ali Annahr, two in Kilya and Baalbek, and one in Kaakaa-iyyiy Al jisir.
***There have been almost no recent reports of number of Hezbollah fighters dead or wounded.
****Haaretz count. They put number of Israeli soldiers dead at 113.

Compiled by Hicham Safieddine.

Making War in Canada

11 août 2006 | معتمد Imperialism, War and Terror

Canada produces military equipment used in attacks on Lebanon, Palestine

by Dru Oja Jay
the Dominion

Canadian companies and taxpayers played an important role in the production of much of the military equipment that is currently being used to bomb villages, neighbourhoods and key infrastructure in Lebanon and carry out military operations in Gaza. That is the conclusion of research compiled by the Ottawa-based Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT).


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