All posts in category 'Mexico'

For a World Without Walls: Stories of Resistance to Border Violence

November 1st, 2017 | Posted in Canada, Événements, Mexico, Palestine, Racism, Repression, Resistance, Solidarity


    Thursday 9 Novembre 2017 at 6:30pm
    Association Récréative Milton-Parc
    3580 Jeanne Mance
    (Métro Place des Arts, or bus #80)
    Facebook Event

Following the call of organizations in Palestine and Mexico, Tadamon is joining the Global Day of Action for a World without Walls.

Almost 70 walls across all continents are enforcing state control. They rip through people’s lives and lands – denying their basic freedom of movement, and expanding state violence, causing thousands of deaths every year. Walls fortify borders, separate the rich from the poor, and the powerful from the oppressed. They are monuments of expulsion, of exclusion and of exploitation. November 9th marks fifteen years since construction began on Israel’s apartheid wall, which aims to annex up to 60% of the West Bank and encircle Palestinians on 13% of their territory.


Photo: Mexico “Free Palestine”

April 21st, 2011 | Posted in Mexico, Palestine
    photography on Palestine solidarity internationalism.


    Photo San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico. “Free Palestine”

Around the world a solidarity movement in support of the Palestinian struggle for liberation is growing, today we present a photo from San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, lands where the revolutionary spirit of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN) lives and thrives. Solidarity across borders !

The Palestine-Mexico border

May 4th, 2010 | Posted in Mexico, Palestine
    by Jimmy Johnson on May 3, 2010 Mondoweiss


    Photo: Palestinian walking to protest Israeli apartheid wall in Palestine.

January’s revelations about the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assisting with the design and installation of yet another border wall around Palestine, this one placed under the ground, is just the latest development in a series of relationships between: North American neoliberalism, U.S. domestic and foreign drug policy, structural anti-latino racism in the U.S., the Egyptian government, Mexico’s ruling elite and Israel’s military occupation of Palestine. To find connections between various international interests is not surprising but the links between, for example, Mexican classism and President Mubarak’s aversion to democracy are perhaps less known. How the occupation forces action from one and provides tools for the other is a connection worth exploring as is the potential for joint struggle between individuals and communities focusing on seemingly disparate issues amidst broader struggles for justice.


Gaza: Of Sowing and Harvests

January 20th, 2009 | Posted in Mexico, Palestine
    by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. January 2009.

    Photo: Palestinians bury the dead in Gaza.

Two days ago, the same day we discussed violence, the ineffable Condoleezza Rice, a US official, declared that what was happening in Gaza was the Palestinians’ fault, due to their violent nature.

The underground rivers that crisscross the world can change their geography, but they sing the same song. And the one we hear now is one of war and pain.

Not far from here, in a place called Gaza, in Palestine, in the Middle East, right here next to us, the Israeli government’s heavily trained and armed military continues its march of death and destruction.


No Border Camp: Montreal.

November 8th, 2007 | Posted in Mexico, Palestine, Politics, Repression, Resistance

    At the Laval Immigration Detention Center. November 10th / 11th


    Saturday, November 10th
    Cabot Square, Metro Atwater
    11am: Free Community Lunch
    1pm: Buses Depart for the Laval Detention Center

    To reserve a spot on the bus:


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