All posts in category 'Palestine'

Palestine’s Peaceful Struggle

September 16th, 2009 | Posted in Boycott, Palestine
    Mohammed Khatib – The Nation – September 11 2009.


    Photo: Valerian Mazataud. Palestinian Mohammed Khatib.

A few weeks ago, in the dead of night, dozens of Israeli soldiers with painted faces burst violently into my home. If only they had knocked, I would have opened the door. They arrested me. My wife, Lamia, was left alone with our four children. My youngest, 3-year-old Khaled, woke up to the image of Israeli soldiers with painted faces who were taking his father away. He has not stopped crying since. A few nights ago he woke up in terror, sobbing: “Daddy, why did you let the soldiers take me?” That’s the way our children sleep–in a constant state of fear.


Israeli forces raid Bil’in, beat Popular Committee member

September 16th, 2009 | Posted in Boycott, Palestine

For Immediate Release, International Solidarity Movement, September 16, 2009.


    Photo: Valerian Mazataud. Palestinian Mohammed Khatib.

16 September 2009: Israeli forces raid Bil’in, beat Popular Committee member.

Around 1:30am, the Israeli army invaded Bil’in. Soldiers came to the home of Abdullah Mahmoud Abu Rahme, coordinator of the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall and Settlements, to arrest him. view video

Abu Rahme was not at home at the time and soldiers proceeded to destroy belongings in his house.

When another member of the Popular Committee, Mohammad Khatib, arrived to check on Abu Rahme’s wife and 3 small children, Israeli forces severely beat him. Khatib was taken to Ramallah hospital for medical treatment.


Israel: Gaza ‘White Flag’ Deaths Inquiry a Step Forward

September 16th, 2009 | Posted in Palestine
    Human Rights Watch, September 10, 2009.


    Photo: Palestinian killed by Israeli military forces, December 2008.

(Jerusalem) The Israeli military police decision to interview Palestinian witnesses to a case where an Israeli soldier allegedly shot three young girls and their grandmother holding white flags during the fighting in Gaza marks a positive development, Human Rights Watch said today. Two of the girls died.

Human Rights Watch called on Israel to conduct thorough and impartial investigations into all allegations of serious laws-of-war violations by its forces during the December-January conflict in Gaza.


Beirut Diaries: film projection

September 15th, 2009 | Posted in Beirut, Culture, Hezbollah, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine

Beirut Diaries is a documentary film by celebrated filmmaker Mai Masri.


    Bar Populaire
    6584 boul. St-Laurent
    entrance: free!
    (metro Beaubien)
    Montreal, Quebec.


Oakland man to sue for injury in Israel protest

September 15th, 2009 | Posted in Palestine
    14 September 2009, San Francisco Chronicle


Photo: ActiveStills. Nil’in protesters block road from Israeli occupation forces.

An Oakland man who was seriously wounded by a tear gas projectile fired by Israeli police during a West Bank protest will file suit despite a military report concluding that he was engaged in an “act of war,” his lawyers said Sunday.

The case of Tristan Anderson, who remains hospitalized with brain damage and a fractured skull six months after he was injured, may test Israel’s efforts to shield itself from lawsuits for harm it causes during wartime, said attorney Michael Sfard.


US-Lebanese man on trial in UAE ‘tortured’

September 15th, 2009 | Posted in Lebanon, Palestine, Repression, Solidarity
    Daily Star, Tuesday, September 15, 2009


    Photo Abu Dhabi skyline.

ABU DHABI: A United States citizen of Lebanese origin facing trial on terrorism charges in the United Arab Emirates confessed under torture, and his case should not be heard in a UAE court, his lawyer told a court on Monday. Naji Hamdan, who has been in custody in the UAE, is charged with “supporting terrorism” and being a member of Iraqi militant group Ansar al-Sunna because he entered an Islamist website and donated money to an Islamic charity.


Palestine: Child detention figures high

September 15th, 2009 | Posted in Palestine, Prisoners

Defense for Children International DCI – Palestine, September 14, 2009.


Photo: Palestinian children within an Israeli military check-point, West Bank, Palestine.

According to the latest figures compiled by DCI-Palestine from sources including the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) and temporary Israeli army detention, the number of Palestinian children detained in Israeli prisons and detention centres inside Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory at the end of August, was 339.


Palestine: My rights, my remedy

September 14th, 2009 | Posted in Palestine
    Ahmed Moor, Electronic Intifada, 11 September 2009.


    Photo: Masser Palestinian community in the West Bank, Palestine.

The occupation looms large over everything in Palestine. Men with guns patrol your neighborhoods, detain your family and neighbors and dictate exactly when you can leave your house. There are days when you can’t get to school or go to the beach on your rutted roads, and most of the people you know are poor. You learn before long that the men with guns are Jews — and the people living in the beautiful homes on the hills behind barbed wire are Jews. The language on your milk carton is Hebrew. Not long after that, you begin to ask why things are the way they are.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “Zionism” as “an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel.” While the word “Palestine” appears in that definition, the word “Palestinian” is noticeably absent. Zionists will argue that there were no Palestinians, as such and that the Merriam-Webster dictionary is not guilty of any omission or historical elision. Zionists miss the point.


Are the Shebaa Farms key to Lebanon’s security?

September 14th, 2009 | Posted in Agriculture, Beirut, Lebanon, Palestine
    Friday, September 11, 2009 Daily Star


Photo: Masser: Golan Heights, Israeli-occupied Syria, south of Shebaa Farms.

BEIRUT: The politics of the Israeli-occupied Shebaa Farms, a rugged sliver of mountainside wedged between Lebanon, Israel and Syria, have long overshadowed what some Lebanese environmentalists call “the real issue” of the disputed area: its water resources. Now activists are calling for hydro-diplomacy to take precedence over political maneuvering as the most effective solution to one of the key stumbling blocks to Middle East peace.

Rising Temperatures Rising Tensions,” a report published in June by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, considers water to be a major trigger for conflict in the Middle East, the world’s most water scarce region.


TIAA-CREF confirms Africa Israel divestment

September 13th, 2009 | Posted in Boycott, Economy, Palestine, Politics
    Haaretz by Ora Coren, September 12th, 2009.


Photo: Filippo Minelli. Open sky shining above Israel’s apartheid wall in Palestine.

The U.S. pension fund giant, TIAA-CREF, confirmed in statements to the media on Friday that it divested from Africa Israel Investments, owned by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, earlier this year.

The statements came in response to a letter initiated by a pro-Palestinian group, Adalah-NY, and signed by TIAA-CREF clients.

The fund’s investment in Africa Israel amounted to only $257,000, so the financial effect of the divestment is minimal. The news of the divestment came as the Israeli firm was suffering a deep financial crisis, having recently announced that is unable to meet its liabilities to its bondholders.


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