Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Palestine'

L’ASSÉ prend position contre l’apartheid israélien

Un appel à appuyer la première association étudiante nationale au Québec et au Canada à se joindre à la campagne internationale de boycott, de désinvestissement et de sanctions contre Israël…


Montréal, mai 2008. À travers le monde, les mouvements populaires luttant contre l’apartheid israélien marquent actuellement le 60ème anniversaire de la Nakba («catastrophe») palestinienne, c’est-à-dire les 60 ans de dépossession, de nettoyage ethnique et d’exil forcé pour les Palestiniennes et Palestiniens suite à la création de l’État d’Israël en 1948.

La réponse populaire contre l’apartheid israélien prend actuellement de l’ampleur au niveau mondial, suite à la publication d’un appel lancé en 2005 par des organismes de la société civile palestinienne pour la mise en branle d’une campagne internationale de boycott, de désinvestissement et de sanctions contre le gouvernement israélien. Cette campagne suit l’exemple d’une campagne semblable qui a joué un grand rôle dans la chute du régime d’apartheid en Afrique du Sud.

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Palestine: Writing toward common ground

26 mai 2008 | Posté dans Beirut, Culture, Palestine, Politique
    Ahdaf Soueif discusses her work in advance of Beirut lecture…


Daily Star. by Laura Wilkinson. Friday, May 23, 2008. Photo: Palestinian boy in Gaza.

Giant sculptures of keys, 21,915 black balloons and wailing sirens – so far, commemorations of the 60th anniversary of the Nakba (the Palestinian Catastrophe) have unfolded across the region in the form of protest, art, dance and now – with the efforts of author, journalist and translator, Ahdaf Soueif – literature.

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Palestine: Development or Normalisation?

26 mai 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine, Politique

    A critique of West Bank development approaches and projects…


    Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, May 20th, 2008.

With the Palestine Investment Conference (PIC) beginning tomorrow in Bethlehem and the celebrated reforms and development projects proposed last year by the Fayyad government, understanding development in Palestine is more important than ever. Both the PIC and the Fayyad development programs have already elicited severe criticism from Palestinian civil society, political opposition and local communities. Development or Normalisation? is the first report that examines in detail the economic and political implications of the most recent development schemes and the role international institutions have in shaping the development programme of the Fayyad government.

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Lebanon: Doha Deal | Sectarianism

    Broadcasts from Beirut VI: Nada Bakri reporter with the New York Times.


    Photo: Beirut from above.

A Tadamon! interview project aiming to highlight progressive voices from the ground in Lebanon on the ongoing conflict, voices independent from major political parties…

An interview with Nada Bakri, correspondent for the New York Times in Lebanon, who comments on the recent political deal reached in Doha, Qatar resulting in an official end to the recent political crisis in Lebanon. As Lebanese leaders have agreed on a power sharing agreement, people on the streets in Beirut remain skeptical that the recent agreement will result in long term stability as it reinforces the sectarian nature of Lebanese politics.

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New report details Palestinian plight

26 mai 2008 | Posté dans Labor, Palestine, Politique

    Middle East Times by John Zarocostas.


    Photo: Israeli military demolishing Palestinian homes in Gaza.

Geneva: The economic and social situation of workers in the occupied Palestinian territories has deteriorated alarmingly, with the Gaza Strip the most severely affected, according to an International Labor Organization report published Thursday.

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Building Labour Solidarity with Palestine

24 mai 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine, Politique, Résistance, Solidarité
    Adam Hanieh. Socialist Project: the Bullet.


    Photo: Active Stills. Demonstration against Apartheid wall, Bil’in, Palestine.

In July 2005, over 170 Palestinian organizations urged the world to adopt a campaign of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel in the manner of South Africa Apartheid. This call was signed by all the main Palestinian trade union federations, as well as refugee, women and student organizations from across Palestine and the Arab world. It represented the broadest political statement in Palestinian history, precipitating a powerful global solidarity campaign that has grown dramatically over the last few years.

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Doha Agreement | Economic Crisis

    Broadcasts from Beirut V: An interview with Professor Karim Makdisi.


    Photo: Krystel Kfoury, Beirut from a distance.

A Tadamon! interview project aiming to highlight progressive voices from the ground in Lebanon on the ongoing conflict, voices independent from major political parties…

An interview with Lebanese political commentator and professor Karim Makdisi offering a critique on the recently signed political agreement on Lebanon’s future signed in Doha, Qatar as without long term substance. As media outlets across the world followed closely the most recent political conflict in Lebanon, seldom was the countries major economic crisis mentioned, with a national debt at around $45 billion, Lebanon maintains one of the highest per capita national debts in the world.

Neo-liberal economic policies adopted by successive movements after Lebanon’s 15 year civil-war have left the country in economic ruins. As the western-backed government and the Hezbollah-lead opposition battled for political power in Lebanon throughout recent months, both mainstream political movements seldom placed the growing poverty rates, crumbling economy and staggering emigration rates front and center.

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Palestinians press for action on rebuilding Nahr al-Bared

20 mai 2008 | Posté dans Lebanon, Palestine, Politique, Solidarité

    Daily Star. Tuesday, May 20th, 2008


    Photo: Mary Ellen Davis. Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in ruins.

BEIRUT: Palestinian refugees across Lebanon staged rallies on Tuesday to mark the first anniversary of the conflict at the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp during which they stressed the need to reconstruct the camp and realize their right to return to their homeland.

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Palestinians march to Israeli border to denounce 60 years of dispossession

    Tuesday, May 15th. Agence France Presse (AFP)


Photo Christian Minelli: Palestinian youth flash victory sign in southern Lebanon.

Marwahin: Hundreds of Palestinian refugees headed to Lebanon’s southern border with Israel on Wednesday marking 60 years since the creation of the Jewish state and exile from what was once Palestine. “We want to return to our country. We desperately miss our country’s soil,” said Mahmud Mahmoud, aged in his 70s, who was wearing a traditional Palestinian headdress.

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Photos: Artists Against Apartheid III

16 mai 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Culture, Palestine, Politique, Quebec, Solidarité

Photo from Artists Against Apartheid III in Montreal from photojournalist Ion Etxebarria.


Photos documenting the 3rd edition of Artists Against Apartheid in Montreal that brought together multiple artists, musicians, poets and performers as part of the global campaign struggling for Palestinian human rights through an international campaign of boycott, divestment and sanctions on the Israeli government.

Artists Against Apartheid III attracted upwards of two-hundred people in Montreal to a lively concert crossing multiple musical styles from Jazz, to hip-hop, to folk. A cultural element to this international boycott campaign is growing in Montreal and internationally. This latest event in Montreal featured multiple musicians and artists from the celebrated hip-hop group Nomadic Massive and the roots, improvisational African Diaspora-driven Kalmunity Vibe Collective.

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Événements à venir
