كل المرسل في قسم 'Politics'

People’s Revolt in Lebanon

21 décembre 2006 | معتمد Economy, Politics

Mohamad Bazzi – The Nation

Ever since Hezbollah and its allies began an open-ended protest against the US-backed government on December 1, Beirut’s gilded downtown–built for wealthy Lebanese and foreign tourists–has become more authentically Lebanese. Where Persian Gulf sheiks once ate sushi, families now sit in abandoned parking lots, having impromptu picnics, the smell of kebabs cooked over coals wafting through the air. Young men lounge on plastic chairs, smoking apple-scented water pipes, and occasionally break out into debke, the Lebanese national dance.

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A car on display outside a Cartier boutique in “Solidaire”, the downtown area that has recently regained a more popular character with the opposition sit-in …


Lebanon: Media ALERT!

20 décembre 2006 | معتمد Corporate Media, Politics

Tadamon! is concerned with the way in which Canadian media are portraying current events in Lebanon [see press conference]. The representation reflects only one side of the complex debate in Lebanon, a debate which has tremendous implications for the entire region.

Lebanese opposition protesters

We encourage all who share our concerns to respond to inaccuracies and distortions in coverage of the crisis by writing letters to the editor.

Here are some tools for writing letters to the editor [see below]:

  • Media Analysis: Distortions/Reality
  • Contact Details for Major Print Media Outlets in Canada


Montreal Gazette: Diverse allies in Lebanon

18 décembre 2006 | معتمد Politics, Resistance

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Tents of communist party supporters at the Beirut sit-in.

by Maria Abi-Habib, Montreal Gazette, December 10th, 2006.

Ibtisam Jamaleddine stood in the room of her dead son, Maxim. Maxim was 18 years old when he was mistaken for a fighter and killed by an Israeli missile during this summer’s war between Israel and Hezbollah.

Pictures of Che Guevara and soccer players as well as a plaque dedicated to Shiite Islam’s most revered imam, Ali, adorn the walls of his room. They tell a story unknown in the West, of the complex nature of forces that fought Israel last summer.


El Akhras: Inaction on Lebanon deaths

15 décembre 2006 | معتمد Politics, Repression, Solidarity, War and Terror

Montreal Mirror: by Stefan Christoff

Almost four months have passed since Montrealer Hassan El Akhras lost 11 family members to an Israeli air strike in the south Lebanese village of Aitaroun. Currently, legal representatives of the family are pressing the Conservative government for action on the case.


Despite existing legal efforts, Hassan El Akhras holds little faith in the current government. “The government has done nothing,” says El Akhras. “Our family wants the Canadian government to launch an international investigation on the war crime committed against my family, but we have gotten no phone call, nothing.”

كلنا… بدنا نعيش

15 décembre 2006 | معتمد Politics

سماح ادريس – جريدة النهار
ستندلع حرب في الصيف المقبل. الساحة وحدها هي ما لم يتم اختياره بعد. الاجواء لدى قوات الدفاع الاسرائيلية كانت في الشهر الماضي [تشرين الثاني] متشائمة جداً. الجولات الاخيرة في الحملتين العسكريتين كلتيهما، على جبهتي لبنان وقطاع غزة، خلّفت كثيراً من القضايا معلّقة، وكثيراً من الصواعق المحتملة التي قد تسبّب حريقاً هائلاً جديداً. وقد استنتج الجيش الاسرائيلي من ذلك أن حرباً في المستقبل القريب احتمال معقول… وتفترض قوات الدفاع الاسرائيلية أن حرباً ستندلع ضد حزب الله، وربما ضد سوريا ايضاً، خلال أشهر الصيف المقبلة

هذا ما كتبه صحافيان في جريدة هآرتس الاسرائيلية بتاريخ 4/12/2006. ولكن هنا، في قلب بيروت، تبدو الاجواء مختلفة. فالمعارضة في الشارع تعتصم حتى تشكيل حكومة “اتحاد وطني” أو “وحدة وطنية”، أو حتى إسقاط حكومة فؤاد السنيورة. والاحتقان السنّي – الشيعي بلغ أوجه، رغم تطمينات الجميع بأن لبنان لا يمكن أن “يتعرقن” (سبق أن سمعنا في الماضي تطمينات بأن العراق لا يمكن أن “يتلبنن”). شهيد (اسمه “قتيل” لدى أنصار الحكومة) سقط في صفوف المعارضة. الجرحى بالعشرات. صحف غربية تتحدث عن تسليح جديد وصل قوى الامن الداخلي من إحدى الدول العربية لمواجهة نفوذ “حزب الله” وايران. صور رفيق الحريري تمزّق. صور حسن نصرالله تتعرض لإطلاق النار. المسؤول الطالبي في الحزب الاشتراكي يتعرّض للضرب. المقاومة يراد لها أن تكون في الزواريب

لكنها ليست زواريب مارون الراس وبنت جبيل وعيتا الشعب التي لقّنت العدو الاسرائيلي ودباباته الميركافا أقسى الدروس. بل هي زواريب كورنيش المزرعة والبربير والطريق الجديدة وقصقص والدنا؛ و”العدوّ” الآن يراد له أن يكون لبنانياً سنيّاً. والهدف: قبر المقاومة الاسلامية في الزواريب البيروتية، بعدما عجزت فرنسا والولايات المتحدة عن نزع سلاحها بالقرار الدولي 1559، وبعدما عجزت الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل عن محقها وتدمير سلاحها أو مصادرته في اجتياح تموز – آب الاخير

لكأننا أمام سيناريو قديم يُراد له أن يتجدّد، أو أمام مشهد يُراد لنا أن نشعر بأننا قد رأيناه من قبل: سيناريو الصراع الفلسطيني – اللبناني زمن الثمانينات، أو مشهد المقاومة الفلسطينية وهي تتحول عن قتال العدو الاسرائيلي لتغرق في مستنقع حرب الدكاكين (التي ساهمت، هي أحياناً، في تفريخها). وبعيداً عن تبنّي نظرية المؤامرة كيفما أتت، يتساءل المرء: أتكون من بشائر الشرق الاوسط الاميركي الجديد، بعد لبننة العراق، عرقنة لبنان و”فلسطنة” المقاومة الاسلامية اللبنانية؟

لقراءة المقالة كاملة، انقر هنا: كلنا… بدنا نعيش

Protesters make novel pick from array of party options: none of the above

15 décembre 2006 | معتمد Politics

I’m somebody with nobody’ campaign grew out of wartime humanitarian movement
By Iman Azzi – Daily Star

BEIRUT: As anti-government protesters concluded their second week of camping out in the city center on Thursday, another – albeit smaller and shorter – protest arrived in Beirut. Not only was it a demonstration against the demonstration, but it was also a demonstration against the government, and the 20 people who participated took their anti-status quo sentiment to the streets – or one street.

The “I’m somebody with nobody” campaign kicked off Thursday evening on Hamra Street with hopes of uniting Lebanese citizens who feel isolated by the polarized politics plaguing the country. (…اكثر)

13 décembre 2006 | معتمد Politics, Resistance


12 décembre 2006 | معتمد Corporate Media, Politics

Montrealers Lend Support to Popular Mobilization in Beirut.

imagedevoir.jpegWEDNESDAY, December 13th, 2006,11am
Simone de Beauvoir Institute of Concordia University
2170 Bishop Street


Several Montreal organizations are speaking out in defense of popular protests which have overtaken Lebanon’s capital for over a week.

Hundreds of thousands in Beirut are participating in a peaceful sit-in, initiated by Hezbollah & over 10 other opposition political parties. Participants are demanding a more representative government in the aftermath of the recent Israeli attack and are challenging U.S. policy in the region.   (…اكثر)

Revolution in the air as Lebanon’s rift widens

12 décembre 2006 | معتمد Politics, Resistance

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By Robert Fisk -“The Independent”

With Fouad Siniora’s cabinet hiding in the Grand Serail behind acres of razor wire and thousands of troops – a veritable “green zone” in the heart of Beirut – the largely Shia Muslim opposition, assisted by their Christian allies, brought up to two million supporters into the centre of the city yesterday to declare the forthcoming creation of a second Lebanese administration. A “transitional” government is what ex-general Michel Aoun called it, while Naeem Qassem, Hizbollah’s deputy chairman, spoke ominously of the mass demonstrations as “the separatist day”.

So, is the Hizbollah militia, which withstood Israel’s disastrous bombardment of Lebanon last summer, really planning a coup on behalf of its Iranian and Syrian backers, as Mr Siniora suspects? Or are Mr Siniora and his cabinet colleagues – Sunni Muslim, Christian and Druze – working on behalf of the Americans and Israelis, as Hizbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, proclaims? (…اكثر)

Half of Lebanon rallies to demand sweeping changes

11 décembre 2006 | معتمد Politics, Solidarity


An anti-government rally brought up to two million people into the capital’s downtown on December 10, 2006, impeding a quick exit from the political crisis that has gripped Lebanon since Dec. 1.(Pictures from the demonstration)

By Bill Cecil

George Bush doesn’t like what’s happening in this small Arab country. “Hezbollah extremists are trying to destabilize Lebanon,” he says. He claims that Syria and Iran are behind it all. Bush is no more honest about Lebanon than he was about Iraq. What’s happening here is a movement of the people on a scale rarely seen in history. It is like the Palestinian Intifada or the fight against apartheid in South Africa.

Yesterday more than half of Lebanon’s four and a half million people filled the streets around Parliament to protest the U.S.-backed regime of Fuad Siniora. From morning on, this city’s avenues to the south were a sea of people as hundreds of thousands walked in from the Dahye—Beirut’s working-class southern suburbs. (…اكثر)

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