كل المرسل في قسم 'Tadamon!'

Artists Against Apartheid XVII

17 octobre 2011 | معتمد Events, Boycott, Canada, Culture, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!

feat. celebrated artist Eric Drooker a Mile End Poets Festival 2011 collaboration.

    Friday October 21, 2011
    Doors at 8pm, $10-12
    La Sala Rossa, 4848 St. Laurent
    Montreal, Quebec
    Metro Laurier, or bus #55
    facebook event


A People’s History of the Egyptian Revolution


    By: Rami El-Amine and Mostafa Henaway

No matter how it unfolds, the Egyptian revolution will go down in the history books as a defining moment in the 21st century. Millions of Egyptians brought down one of the world’s most repressive regimes, that of the U.S.-backed Hosni Mubarak, in just 18 days. Their bravery, perseverance, and tactfulness in the face of the regime’s brutal crackdown not only triggered uprisings across the Arab world but inspired and influenced protests against government austerity in the U.S., Spain, Portugal, and Greece. Despite the fact that it is only a few months old, it’s important to begin piecing together a people’s history of the revolution to convey what happened and how it happened so that the lessons from this critical struggle can be disseminated.

Artists Against Apartheid XVI

20 mai 2011 | معتمد Events, Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Tadamon!
    featuring Palestinian artist Shadia Mansour. photo via Tamara Abdul Hadi


    Thursday June 9, 2011
    doors 8pm, $12-14
    Sala Rossa
    4848 St. Laurent
    metro Laurier or bus 55
    facebook event


Imaging Apartheid: Concert

22 janvier 2011 | معتمد Events, Boycott, Canada, Culture, Tadamon!
    Jazz benefit in Montreal @ Kaza Maza


    Monday January 31st
    doors 20h | $6
    Kaza Maza
    4629, avenue du Parc
    Montreal, Quebec


The anti-PIRG campus conservative conspiracy

18 janvier 2011 | معتمد Canada, Palestine, Tadamon!
    McGill Daily Kristin Li and Niko Block, Jan 13


    Photo Anna Carastathis. Protest against McGill University administration.

On January 21 2009, the Ontario Progressive Conservative Campus Association (OPCCA) held a series of workshops advising young conservatives on how to dominate campus discourse, take over student government, and attack their campus public interest research group (PIRG). In the following weeks, similar workshops were held at Carleton and Wilfred Laurier University.

Recordings from the Toronto session were released on WikiLeaks in March of that year. The speakers from the recording are Ryan O’Connor and Aaron Lee-Wudrick, both of whom were active in student politics, and their Conservative Party campus chapter, at the University of Waterloo.


Tadamon Open Meeting!

15 juin 2010 | معتمد Events, Other, Solidarity, Tadamon!

    calling all volunteers! Tadamon Open Meeting!


    Monday, June 21 6:30pm
    First floor
    The School of Community and Public Affairs
    2149 MacKay
    Between Maisonneuve and Sherbrooke
    Metro Guy-Concordia, bus 165 or 24

All those interested in getting involved in the movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid and for Palestinian human rights are welcome to attend an open meeting of Tadamon!


Tadamon! appeal for financial solidarity

4 février 2010 | معتمد Solidarity, Canada, Palestine, Quebec, Tadamon!
    Tadamon! appeal for your financial support and solidarity


    Photo: Demonstration against the ongoing Israeli siege on Gaza.

2009 has been a year of intense and sustained effort as well as many achievements for the Tadamon! Montreal Collective. We are now advancing through the autumn months with a full agenda of events and initiatives and looking forward to further achievements. We are also turning to supporters, friends and well-wishers of Tadamon! to ask for financial solidarity.

Tadamon’s activism takes as its focus the struggle for social justice, liberation and equality for the people of Palestine, Lebanon and the larger Middle East. Doing this work is a collective effort. It includes those who are active in our regular planning and organizing work, but also those who participate in Tadamon’s public events and who follow Tadamon’s work and provide support through financial contributions.


Artists Against Apartheid: radio broadcast

6 janvier 2010 | معتمد Boycott, Canada, Culture, Palestine, Tadamon!
    CKUT community radio special broadcast


    Monday January 18th 15h00 – 17h00
    live broadcast on CKUT radio, 90.3fm
    tune-in globally via live stream at www.ckut.ca


Photos: DAM performance in Montreal

5 novembre 2009 | معتمد Boycott, Canada, Culture, Palestine, Tadamon!
    photo essay by photographer Claudia Espinosa


    Photo: Claudia Espinosa. DAM performs in Montreal with Narcicyst

Hundreds gathered in Montreal for the ninth Artists Against Apartheid concert featuring DAM, the celebrated Palestinian hip-hop group, who took the stage in Montreal for the first time at Café Campus.

Joining DAM at the concert was Montreal-based Iraqi hip-hop artist the Narcicyst, along with MCs from the celebrated local hip-hop group Nomadic Massive


Montreal: Who’s the Terrorist?

    criminalization of social movements & the anti-terrorism crusade


    Thursday, November 5th 2009
    6:30 pm Pavillon J-A-DeSève (DS)
    UQAM, Rm DS-1580
    320 Sainte-Catherine Street E.
    graphic obey


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