Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Guerre et terrorisme'

Ce que nous avons fait au Liban était fou et monstrueux

13 septembre 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Politique, Répression

Meron Rappaport revient dans le quotidien Haaretz sur l’utilsation par l’armée israélienne de bombes au phosphore et du grand nombre d’obus “à retardement” qui minent actuellement le sol libanais et vont nécessairement tuer encore plus de civils

« Nous avons tiré plus d’un million de sous-munitons. Ce que nous avons fait était fou et monstrueux. Nous avons arrosé des villes entières de bombes », déclare le commandant israélien d’une unité de missiles au Liban en parlant de l’usage des bombes à sous-munitions (ou fragmentation) et de l’utilisation des obus à phosphore pendant la guerre..

(Lire la suite…)

Commentary by Hassan El Akhras

7 septembre 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Répression

The following letter was sent by Hassan El Akhras to the National Post in response to an article about the killing of the El Akhras family published in that newspaper. The Post has refused to publish this letter.

23 August 2006

Sunday July 16 was the darkest day of my life. I lost 12 members of my family. They include my father, Ali El Akhras, my cousin, Ali Al-Akhrass, and his wife, Amira, and their four children, aged 1 to 8: Salam (which means ‘Peace’), Ahmad, Zeinab and Saja as well as the children’s grandmother Haniya Al-Akhrass.

Their bodies were crushed under the rubble of our house in the southern Lebanese village of Aytaroun. Their lives were cut short by the Israeli shelling of their hideout from the bombs. (Lire la suite…)

Anti-Arab Racism, Islam, and the Left

7 septembre 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Impérialisme, Religion, Solidarité

by Rami El-Amine

Originally published by Zmag.

Racism against Arabs and Muslims long preceded the 9-11 terrorist attacks and has much of its roots in Western imperialism in the Middle East, especially Israel’s colonization of Palestine.  Yet, the escalation that we witness today can be traced to the war on terror launched after 9-11 by Bush and his neoconservative ideologues with the backing of the Democrats. Anti-Arab/anti-Muslim racism has helped sell the detentions, wars, gulags, and occupations of US imperialism’s latest and boldest venture into the Middle East and South Asia.  In turn, this imperial venture has further inflamed racist views of Arabs and Muslims.   What makes this growing racism so frightening is its wide acceptance in US society, particularly by the left.  With the latter, it is not as much conscious racism as not doing enough to fight it.  Part of this may be due to ambivalence, but it also stems from a lack of a dynamic understanding of Islamism.  Broad support gives anti-Arab/anti-Muslim racism a sense of legitimacy and respectability that makes building a mass movement that can end the war and occupation of Iraq difficult, if not impossible, since so much of the support for the war is fueled by fear and racism.

We thrash, curse for air
As our strangler declares, look
How violent the Arab
              – Haiku for the Head Locked by Zein El-Amine

(Lire la suite…)

A trip to Yohmor

5 septembre 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Impérialisme, Répression, Résistance

Reporting from South Lebanon

August 27th, 2006
Hicham Takache

In the afternoon, I took my family and made a tour to the neighboring villages and towns to survey the war damage. Yohmor in particular was badly hit. This small village overlooking the Litani River was bombed mercilessly by all types of ammunition; from artillery shells, to cluster bombs, to smart bombs shot from Apache helicopters and F16 fighter jets. The damage is extensive and incredible.


(Lire la suite…)

Amnesty: Israel commits war crimes

2 septembre 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Impérialisme

Deliberate destruction or ‘collateral damage’?

Excerpt from Amnesty International report, “Israel/Lebanon: Deliberate destruction or “collateral damage”? Israeli attacks on civilian infrastructure.” Full report:

During more than four weeks of ground and aerial bombardment of Lebanon by the Israeli armed forces, the country’s infrastructure suffered destruction on a catastrophic scale. Israeli forces pounded buildings into the ground, reducing entire neighbourhoods to rubble and turning villages and towns into ghost towns, as their inhabitants fled the bombardments. Main roads, bridges and petrol stations were blown to bits. Entire families were killed in air strikes on their homes or in their vehicles while fleeing the aerial assaults on their villages. (Lire la suite…)

UN Denounces Israel Cluster Bombs

1 septembre 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Impérialisme

The UN’s humanitarian chief has accused Israel of “completely immoral” use of cluster bombs in Lebanon.

UN clearance experts had so far found 100,000 unexploded cluster bomblets at 359 separate sites, Jan Egeland said.

(Lire la suite…)

Liste de résolutions de l’ONU qu’Israël a ignorées

31 août 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Palestine, Politique

Voici une liste de toutes les résolutions du Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU qu’Israël a ignorées et refusées de respecter. Le nombre total de résolutions défiées par Israël s’élève à 71 (en date du 7 mars 2003).

1948 – 1967 
* Résolution 106 Condamne l’attaque par les forces de l’armée régulière israélienne contre les forces de l’armée régulière égyptienne le 28 février 1955. Cette attaque viole les dispositions relatives au cessez-le-feu de la résolution 54. (Lire la suite…)

24 juillet au 13 août : Des massacres quotidiens commis par les forces armées israéliennes

30 août 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme

Le samedi 29 juillet, le 18e jour de l’agression israélienne au Liban, Sawsan Takiyee El Deen, donna naissance à un bébé. Le lendemain, son nouveau né devint la plus jeune victime connue de l’agression israélienne…

Lundi le 24 juillet
Liban: ~14 civils tués
Parmi eux : Mohammad Ghandour, sa femme et cinq enfants sont tués quand les bombes de l’armée israélienne ont frappé leur maison dans la ville de Nabatiyeh au Sud.
(Lire la suite…)

Hezbollah, Israel’s Brutal Invasion and the Regional Balance of Forces

30 août 2006 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Impérialisme, Politique

An inteview with Gilbert Achcar

August 10, 2006
Chris Spannos

This interview was produced for Redeye, Vancouver Co-op Radio, on August 5, 2006.

CS: Lebanon has been suffering Israeli military devastation since mid-July. Certainly Hezbollah had anticipated a response from Israel to the abduction of two Israeli soldiers. What do you think were Hezbollah’s political calculations and reasons for their actions?

(Lire la suite…)

Can you really not see?

By Amira Hass

Let us leave aside those Israelis whose ideology supports the dispossession of the Palestinian people because “God chose us.” Leave aside the judges who whitewash every military policy of killing and destruction. Leave aside the military commanders who knowingly jail an entire nation in pens surrounded by walls, fortified observation towers, machine guns, barbed wire and blinding projectors. Leave aside the ministers. All of these are not counted among the collaborators. These are the architects, the planners, the designers, the executioners. (Lire la suite…)

Événements à venir
