All posts for June 2013

From the Mavi Marmara to the Gaza Strip

June 14th, 2013 | Posted in Other

International Solidarity with Palestine


    Wednesday June 19, 2013
    6 pm to 8pm

    Café Artère
    7000 Avenue du Parc
    Metro Parc, or Bus 80

On May 31, 2010, Israel intercepted, boarded and attacked the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters, killing ten and injuring dozens of activists. Comprised of civilian vessels, the Gaza Freedom flotilla had been carrying much-needed food, construction material, and medical equipment to the people of Gaza. In addition, the Flotilla had also aimed to break the brutal Israeli-imposed siege, which suffocates the economy, curtails reconstruction, constricts freedom of movement and affects every facet of day-to-day existence for the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza.

Join Tadamon! for a discussion with Palestine solidarity activist Manuel Tapial to mark the three-year anniversary of the Gaza flotilla massacre. A member of the Cultura, Paz, y Solidaridad network in Spain, Manuel was aboard the Mavi Marmara at the time of the attack. The event will also feature a screening of “Flotilla: An Attack on Solidarity”, a short film that highlights footage captured at during the raid and documents the events that unfolded.

For more information:
Tel: 514-664-1036

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