photo: mass demonstration, Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, January 25th, via Arabawy

- Saturday, May 7th, 2pm
gathering place
Norman Bethune Square
corner of Guy & de Maisonneuve
Montreal, Quebec
photo: mass demonstration, Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, January 25th, via Arabawy
lecturer by South African activist Salim Vally, lecturer at University of Johannesburg
Harper speaking in Montreal. download anti-Harper posters Howl! collective
A speaking tour with trade union representatives from South Africa & Palestine
May 22 – June 2, 2011
featuring representatives from
The Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors & Employees (PFUUPE)
The South African Union of Municipal Workers (SAMWU)
Cross-Canada tour stops include: Montreal + Ottawa + Toronto + Hamilton + London + Windsor + Regina + Vancouver. see below for more detailed information on events in different cities
Download report by the UQÀM Coalition pour la justice on Palestine PDF format
On March 30th, Palestinian Land Day, Emanuel Navon presented at UQAM. Resident of a West Bank settlement (Efrat), part-time professor in Tel Aviv, Navon is also associate researcher at Ariel University, the target of a major boycott initiated by Israeli academics due to the fact that the institution was built in an illegal Israeli settlement, deemed illegal under the Geneva Conventions.
Emmanuel Navon also works as a consultant for the Israeli military and is a registered candidate for the right-wing Israeli political party, Likud. Additionally Navon is a lobbyist for the Israeli government, currently lead-by Likud, which announced Navon’s talk on the Montreal Israeli consulate website.
Around the world a solidarity movement in support of the Palestinian struggle for liberation is growing, today we present a photo from San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, lands where the revolutionary spirit of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN) lives and thrives. Solidarity across borders !
Tadamon! commemorates the beloved activist Vittorio Arrigoni who was murdered in Gaza one day ago. We affirm our solidarity with the Palestinians, and we grieve with them. Vittorio devoted many years in struggle with the Palestinians for their liberation. Arrigoni is an exemplary face of the International Solidarity Movement, the people who come from all over the world to Palestine, sometimes giving their lives such as Rachel Corrie and Vittorio Arrigoni.
In these moments let us remember and reflect on the courage and determination of the Palestinian people in their struggle against Israeli apartheid and our collective recognition of the devotion and bravery of activists who join them. Rest in peace Vittorio Arrigoni.
A critical discussion on recent uprisings across North Africa and the Middle East