Tadamon! Bulletin

Gaza situation potentially disastrous

January 21st, 2008 | Posted in Boycott, Palestine, Politics, Repression, Resistance, War and Terror

    Report, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights, January 21st, 2008


    Photo: Darren Ell, Gaza Strip.

At approximately 8:00pm on Sunday, 20 January, the Gaza Strip power plant ran out of fuel and shut down, plunging the Gaza Strip into darkness. The closure of the Gaza power plant, in addition to Israel’s continued, tightened siege on the Gaza Strip, will have a catastrophic effect on the 1.5 million residents of Gaza, who are already suffering chronic shortages of fuel, medicine and some basic food stuffs. The director of Gaza’s main hospital, al-Shifa, describes the current situation as “potentially disastrous.”


Impressions from Nahr el-Bared: Displaced Refugees

    Photo Essay from Mary Ellen Davis.


Nahr el-Bared, a Palestinian refugee camp located on the Mediterranean coast of Lebanon, near Tripoli, was the setting of massive violence in the conflict between the Lebanese army and the armed faction of Fatah al-Islam, which lasted from the 20th of May to the 4th of September. This conflict ultimately forced 40,000 of the camps’ residents to evacuate against their will. Today, nothing but rubbles remain, the most part of which are inhabitable.


A Year Against Apartheid.

    Report on Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) 2007


    Photo: Protest in support of the boycott of Indigo/Chapters in Toronto.

2007 has been a busy and exciting year for the Palestine solidarity movement. While Mahmoud Abbas and Ehud Olmert attempt to hide Israel’s crimes behind the lie of ‘peace negotiations’, thousands of individuals and organizations around the world are building a real and effective alternative centered on boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid. Here in Toronto, the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid (CAIA) has been a proud participant in this global movement. This brief report captures some of our activities over 2007.


Lebanon: The post-war bombings

    Jan. 1st 2007, Haaretz, By Meron Rapoport


    Photo: Paz Ahora, Israeli bombing of Beirut’s suburbs 2006.

Craig Appleby did not take part in the Second Lebanon War. The 36-year-old Briton from Farnham came to Lebanon in September 2007, more than a year after the end of the fighting. A month later he had joined the list of war dead.

An Israeli cluster bomblet, one of hundreds of thousands of bomblets contained in cluster rockets that the Israel Defense Forces fired at Lebanon during the war, blew up in his hands not far from Bint Jbail. Appleby, a British Army veteran who was head of one of the UN cluster munition clearing teams in South Lebanon, was killed instantly. A week earlier, a six-year-old Lebanese boy and a shepherd were also killed by bomblets.


Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US

January 5th, 2008 | Posted in Corporate Media, Imperialism, Palestine, Politics

    AFP: December, 2007.


    Photo: Sitting Bull.

WASHINGTON (AFP): The Lakota Indians, who gave the world legendary warriors Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse, have withdrawn from treaties with the United States, leaders said Wednesday.

“We are no longer citizens of the United States of America and all those who live in the five-state area that encompasses our country are free to join us,” long-time Indian rights activist Russell Means told a handful of reporters and a delegation from the Bolivian embassy, gathered in a church in a run-down neighborhood of Washington for a news conference.


Democracy: an existential threat?

January 5th, 2008 | Posted in Boycott, Palestine, Politics, Solidarity

    Guardian, Comment is free. Ali Abunimah and Omar Barghouti.


    Photo: Israel’s apartheid wall, in Palestine.

As two of the authors of a recent document advocating a one-state solution to the Arab-Israeli colonial conflict, we intended to generate debate. Predictably, Zionists decried the proclamation as yet another proof of the unwavering devotion of Palestinian – and some radical Israeli – intellectuals to the “destruction of Israel”. Some pro-Palestinian activists accused us of forsaking immediate and critical Palestinian rights in the quest of a “utopian” dream.

Inspired in part by the South African Freedom Charter and the Belfast Agreement, the much humbler One State Declaration, authored by a group of Palestinian, Israeli and international academics and activists, affirms that “the historic land of Palestine belongs to all who live in it and to those who were expelled or exiled from it since 1948, regardless of religion, ethnicity, national origin or current citizenship status”. It envisages a system of government founded on “the principle of equality in civil, political, social and cultural rights for all citizens”.


Israelis and Palestinians organize a non-violent protest against Israeli settlement near Bethlehem

January 3rd, 2008 | Posted in Boycott, Independent Media, Palestine, Politics, Repression, Resistance

    Wednesday January 2nd, 2008 International Middle East Media Center.


    Photo: Israeli settlement in Palestine.

On Wednesday afternoon a group of 50 Palestinians, Israelis and international Human Rights activists gathered at Har Homa settlement, known to Palestinians as Abu Ghinim settlement, which is built on land illegally taken by the Israeli army from the southern West Bank city of Bethlehem.

The non-violent action was organized by the Israeli communist party, it came to protest against the expansion of the settlement, which comes weeks after the Annapolis Conference, and is in clear breach of the 2003 USA sponsored Road Map Peace Plan.


Lebanon’s slaves, Lebanon’s shame

January 2nd, 2008 | Posted in Lebanon, Politics, Repression

    By Nadim Houry, Daily Star. Tuesday, December, 2007


    Photo: Sign at Rafic Hariri International Airport in Beirut.

Over a month ago, a French documentary, “Liban, Pays des Esclaves,” harshly criticized Lebanese society and the authorities for their treatment of migrant domestic workers. But instead of being outraged by the behavior of their fellow citizens, many Lebanese expressed outrage against the filmmaker who dared to sully their reputation in France. One group even organized a petition against the documentary on Facebook, Lebanon’s latest craze.


Lebanon: Cast to the wind

    Lucy Fielder Reports for Al-Ahram.


    Photo: In Beirut a worker sweeps the street in front of the parliament

Lebanon ended the year much as it had begun, in political limbo. In November 2006, six ministers’ resignations paralysed the government and crystallised the two-year-old split between government loyalists and the opposition. A year later, president Emile Lahoud’s term ended without a successor, leaving a dangerous vacuum at the top. As the year drew to a close, it looked as though Lebanon would drift rudderless until either fractious politicians resolved their power struggle, or frustrations spread to the streets.


Grass stains on Canada’s hands

December 29th, 2007 | Posted in Boycott, Canada, Independent Media, Palestine, Politics, Repression, Solidarity

    JNF and Canada Park in the West Bank


    Jesse Rosenfeld, Toronto Now December 20, 2007.

Why are feds subsidizing the refurbishment of a park built on razed Palestinian towns?

Ramallah, Palestine: It‚s easy to forget, while soaking up the tranquillity along with happy picnickers under the pine trees, that Canada Park is steeped in a disturbing controversy.


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