Tadamon! Bulletin

Gaza closure threatens 3,000 students’ education rights

    Report: Palestinian Center for Human Rights, 23 November 2007.


    Photo: Palestinian Students at Israeli check-point.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights condemns the Israeli ban on the travel of Gaza Strip students to pursue studies in universities and schools abroad. The Centre calls upon the international community and international organizations, especially UNESCO and the International Committee of the Red Cross, to pressure Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) to allow more than 2,700 students to travel so as to avert the negative consequences on their educational future.


No to Racism, Xenophobia and Sexism.

November 25th, 2007 | Posted in Politics, Repression, Resistance

    Denounce the racist Bouchard-Taylor Commission


    Solidarity across borders, not “reasonable accommodation”
    Pickets and Speak-outs
    Tuesday, November 27, 6pm
    Thursday, November 29, 6pm

    In front of the Bouchard-Taylor Commission at the Palais de Congrès.


Nasrallah on Presidential Crisis.

    By Rym Ghazal. Daily Star .


    Photo: Hassan Nasrallah Graffiti, Lebanon.

BEIRUT: Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah cast a broad net on Sunday, vowing that no one could disarm his Hizbullah resistance fighters, recommending early parliamentary elections as a remedy to the standoff over Lebanon’s presidency, and warning that recent Israeli military exercises were preparation for a new conflict.

Nasrallah also reached out to Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, many of whom live in camps near neighborhoods known as hotbeds of Hizbullah support, and voiced opposition to the government’s plans to privatize the country’s two mobile-phone networks.

In a televised address to a crowded Hizbullah rally in commemoration of Martyrs Day, Nasrallah promised that no power could force his group to give up its arms.


Lebanon: Lahoud steps down, but no one else steps up

November 24th, 2007 | Posted in Corporate Media, Hezbollah, Imperialism, Lebanon, Politics, War and Terror

    Daily Star: Saturday, November 24th.


    By Hani M. Bathish and Nafez Qawas.

BEIRUT: Emile Lahoud left Lebanon’s presidency at midnight on Friday, just hours after announcing the transfer of security responsibilities to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) because Parliament had failed to elect his successor. Prime Minister Fouad Siniora issued a statement shortly thereafter declaring Lahoud’s move unconstitutional.

Lahoud’s announcement explained his gambit by asserting that existing conditions in the country “could lead to a state of emergency,” but Siniora’s statement affirmed that only the Cabinet has the executive authority to declare such a state.


Artists Against Apartheid.

November 24th, 2007 | Posted in Boycott, Lebanon, Palestine, Politics, Solidarity

    Concordian, by Nadia Hausfather.


    Valerie Khayat at Artists Against Apartheid. Photo: Darren Ell.

“How can any man love but a Palestinian woman?” Ehab Lotayef asked the dimly-lit crowd at Sala Rossa. Although Lotayef was married to a Palestinian woman, the message of his poem was not romantic – it was political.

Alongside local and Juno-award-winning musicians, poets, documentary filmmakers and photographers who see their art as a voice for justice and the voiceless, Lotayef read his poem for the Artists Against Apartheid night on November 11th.

This event was held as Montreal’s part of the Fifth International Week of Action Against the Apartheid Wall, taking place around the world from November 9-16. This week is marked to raise awareness about the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the apartheid system enforced by the wall and the boycott campaign to take a stance against it.


Lebanon vote weighs on Palestinians

    Aljazeera. Andrew Coombes in Beirut.


    Photo: Stefan Christoff: Palestinian Youth of Burj el-Shemali Refugee Camp.

As Lebanese politicians hold last-gasp meetings to agree on a consensus presidential nominee who can then be voted into power, people remain fearful that the two main political blocs will fail to reach a compromise.

While the March 14 majority bloc wants to be able to vote on its preferred candidate, some members of that bloc feel they are being forced into accepting a nominee favorable to the Hezbollah-led opposition, known as March 8.


Stop the siege on Gaza children.

November 20th, 2007 | Posted in Boycott, Palestine, Politics, Resistance, Solidarity, War and Terror

    Statement from the Gaza Community Mental Health Program.


    Photo: Palestinian Boys in the Gaza Strip…

Tomorrow, November 19th, 2007, the world celebrates the seventh anniversary of the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse. This day comes as millions of children all over the world are exposed to various forms of torture, exploitation, and ill-treatment. Moreover, their rights and freedom are violated, in contradiction with all international conventions, agreements, and laws regarding children’s rights.

This anniversary comes as Palestinian children are exposed to various forms of violent practices and abuses and strict siege by the Israeli Occupation Forces, depriving them of their basic rights and freedom to live in a nurturing and safe environment as well as their rights to education and psychological & physical well-being.


Palestine: Standoff continues in refugee camp.

November 18th, 2007 | Posted in Palestine, Politics, Repression, Resistance, Solidarity, War and Terror

    Maan News Agency: PFLP vows violence if PA seizes fighters.


    Photo: A storm over Nablus.

Nablus: Palestinian security forces are locked in a standoff with armed Palestinian resistance fighters in Ein Beit El-Ma refugee camp near the West Bank city of Nablus on Sunday.

The military wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), the Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, announced Sunday that it would react “fiercely” if Palestinian security forces arrest any of its activists ahead of a peace conference in the United States this month.


Palestine: Uprooted and displaced.

    Israeli military destroys a 267-person Palestinian farming village…


    by Jesse Rosenfeld. Palestine Monitor. November 7th, 2007

Standing on a hill at the edge of Idhna with the displaced farmers Muhammad Talab and Muhammad Ibrahim Natah, the only visible remnants of their destroyed village is a patch of white dust just on the other side of Israel’s wall. Despite being part of the occupied West Bank, the Israeli military destroyed the 267-person farming village of tents and tin houses west of Hebron on October 29 and allegedly ordered villagers to relocate to Idhna.


60 ans de colonisation de la Palestine : retour sur le rôle du Canada

November 12th, 2007 | Posted in Imperialism, Palestine, Politics, Solidarity

    Houda Asmar, Article paru dans À bâbord !


    29 novembre: Journée internationale de solidarité avec le peuple palestinien

    “Les valeurs d’Israël sont les valeurs du Canada”(1)

Pour comprendre le conflit qui oppose Israël à ses voisins depuis 60 ans, un retour attentif sur l’histoire de la Palestine et sur l’année 1947 s’impose. Revenir sur la genèse de la solution de partage de la Palestine historique en deux États, puis en un seul, occupant la population autochtone, permet d’appréhender un conflit où, pour faire diversion, il est question de territoires multiples dont les noms changent au gré des batailles, de divers statuts juridiques incompréhensibles, de frontières contestées, de haines fratricides ou de guerres de religions… En réalité, la question palestinienne est d’abord une question coloniale.


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