Documenting the season of Lebanon’s discontent
- Carol Mansour’s ‘A Summer not to Forget’ lets the frightful
images of last year’s war with Israel speak for themselves

- Review by Kaelen Wilson-Goldie. Daily Star Tuesday, April 17, 2007
BEIRUT: The opening scene is shot from a camera shouldered on a running body. An image of a dirt road jolts in the frame with each step. From somewhere off screen comes the sound of someone shouting gruffly for an ambulance. A smashed car drifts into view. The driver’s side door is open. Slumped in the front seat is a man, his chest and gut covered in blood, clearly dead. Then comes the deafening sound of an explosion. The camera jerks around to the left, searching. The place and time are set – South Lebanon in the summer of 2006.