Tadamon! Bulletin

Death Count*

August 14th, 2006 | Posted in Imperialism, Repression, War and Terror

Main source for numbers are Al-Jazeera and Assafir newspaper.

Civilian Today
Military Today
Civilian Total*
Military Total
17D**   ~1100D,~3500W 43DH***,31DLA,2Police officers.

1D, ~29W 2D ~39D****, ~400W ~126D,~400W

D=Dead, W=Wounded, H=Hezbollah, LA=Lebanese Army

*Change in total count, especially civilian Lebanese, may not correspond to change in daily count as total count is based on official estimates. Total count will be adjusted in bigger increments, i.e. every additional hundred casualties or so.
**The exact number of deaths for today was not available, largely to the delay in collecting bodies from under rubble after a devastating strike on Beirut’s southern suburb. Six people, including three children, died in Burg Ashamali, three in Gibseet, three in Shaath, three in Ali Annahr, two in Kilya and Baalbek, and one in Kaakaa-iyyiy Al jisir.
***There have been almost no recent reports of number of Hezbollah fighters dead or wounded.
****Haaretz count. They put number of Israeli soldiers dead at 113.

Compiled by Hicham Safieddine.

Making War in Canada

August 11th, 2006 | Posted in Imperialism, War and Terror

Canada produces military equipment used in attacks on Lebanon, Palestine

by Dru Oja Jay
the Dominion

Canadian companies and taxpayers played an important role in the production of much of the military equipment that is currently being used to bomb villages, neighbourhoods and key infrastructure in Lebanon and carry out military operations in Gaza. That is the conclusion of research compiled by the Ottawa-based Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT).


Misrepresentation of Quebec Jewish Community opinions by Quebec-Israel Committee

August 11th, 2006 | Posted in Solidarity, War and Terror

To the editor (Gazette) …
from Robert Silverman

Dear Editor,

I object to and I am made very nervous by the attempt of the Quebec-Israel Committee to portray the Jewish Community of Quebec as supporting Israel in its present massive collective punishment of the people of Lebanon and Gaza.

Tadamon! responds to unfair accusations

August 10th, 2006 | Posted in Corporate Media, Politics, War and Terror

Members of Tadamon! participated in a borough council meeting in Montreal, in which community members asked for a minute of silence for the Al Akhrass family, neighbours who were killed by an Israeli missile in Lebanon. The request was refused, and a number of errors and slurs were made against Tadamon! in media reports of the incident.  La Presse published a correction the following day based on the following letter from Tadamon! : 

Sent to La Presse, August 10th:

On Wednesday, 9 August, your newspaper printed an article “Pas d’hommage aux El-Akhras dans Côte-des-Neiges” which contained a number of factual errors and smears concerning our group, Tadamon! Montreal. These errors are a matter of great concern to us, and we would appreciate the publication of the following corrections at your earliest convenience:


Video: August 4th protest at the Conservative caucus in Cornwall, Ontario

August 10th, 2006 | Posted in Resistance, War and Terror

Watch right here the 2-part video filmed and produced by Santiago Bertolino, who was present at the August 4th rally in Cornwall, Ontario to denounce the Canadian government’s uncritical and uncondition support for Israel and to demand an immediate ceasefire.


From children refugees in Ein El Helweh

August 10th, 2006 | Posted in War and Terror

Written by Raida Hatoum, worker for the Najdeh Association and friend of Tadamon!

Yesterday Israel bombed two houses and a school inside the Palestinian refugee camp of Ein El Helweh, where more than 45,000 Palestinian refugee live and hundreds of displaced are staying after fleeing their homes in the Tyre region. Ein El Helweh camp is in the city of Sidon and the bombing killed two and injured tens, most of them children. Israel claims that it bombed the house of a Hezbollah fighter.

One of the men who was killed, Anwar, was from Tyre. He had fled his home to seek refugee inside the UNRWA school in the camp with others.


Who is Hezbollah?

August 10th, 2006 | Posted in Politics, War and Terror

“Cancer” or social movement? Terrorists or resistance fighters?

Canadian leaders Peter MacKay and Stephen Harper justify their support for Israeli military aggression by asserting that Hezbollah and Hamas are “terrorist organizations”. MacKay even referred to Hezbollah as a “cancer” on Lebanese society. The use of this kind of language is reminiscent of racist hate speech, including the anti-semitic rhetoric of early twentieth century europe, used to de-humanise and to justify atrocities. Harper and MacKay’s comments have also revealed an embarassing ignorance of the most basic facts about what is happening in the Middle East.

What is Hezbollah? Before judgements are made, people should inform themselves. The excellent Middle East Report prepared a primer on the party which can be found at www.merip.org/mero/mero073106.html.

Lebanon oil spill is spreading

August 10th, 2006 | Posted in Environment, War and Terror

Following up from the earlier report about the oil spill caused by the Israeli bombing of Jiyyeh power station in Lebanon, we learn that it has spread over 120km of the Lebanese coast (over half of the entire coastline). The toxic sludge is covering up entire coastal areas, killing off much of the wildlife in its path and endangering the health of populations living near the affected areas. Continuous shelling by Israel is preventing any sort of action to counter this massive disaster, and even efforts to evaluate the full impact of the oil spill have been impossible.


Dahieh area in Beirut shattered

August 9th, 2006 | Posted in War and Terror

Satellite photos of the area of Beirut that has been most heavily bombed by Israel, taken before the bombardment began and on 22 July. Since the second photo was taken, the area has been further massively bombarded. Even those buildings which are now still standing have been damaged by the shocks: windows broken and doors bent. The shock of the hits can be felt 12 km away in downtown Beirut, where buildings shake with the impact, and the noise of the bombing is horrific.


Lebanon: An Open Country for Civil Resistance

August 9th, 2006 | Posted in Resistance, Solidarity, War and Terror

Civilian Resistance: Call For Action & Solidarity For Lebanon
From : Civilian Resistance in Lebanon – lebanonsolidarity.org

We, the people of Lebanon, call upon the local and international community to join a campaign of civil resistance to Israel’s war against our country and our people. We declare Lebanon an open country for civil resistance.


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