Bulletin Tadamon!

Beirut: Relief coordination meeting

24 mai 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Solidarité

Call for Relief Coordination Meeting

In light of the developments in Nahr el Bared camp and the continuation of clashes and bombings around the country, the Nahr el Bared Relief Campaign is mobilizing for:

  • An immediate cease fire, removing the siege on the camp, and aiding the injured and the displaced;
  • An end to fueling sectarin tensions and encouraging racism and hatred and using the media to these ends; and
  • Holding the government completely responsible for the deterioration of the situation and inching us ever closer to another civil war.

We are calling for a meeting in Zico House, Spears St, today (Thursday 24 May) at 7 pm to discuss further actions and relief work.

Hersh: Bush administration arranged support for militants attacking Lebanon

23 mai 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme

    Seymour Hersh on therawstory.com, May 22nd 2007


In an interview on CNN International’s Your World Today, veteran journalist Seymour Hersh explains that the current violence in Lebanon is the result of an attempt by the Lebanese government to crack down on a militant Sunni group, Fatah al-Islam, that it formerly supported. (Lire la suite…)

Lebanon: Thousands flee fighting as army accused of shelling relief convoy

23 mai 2007 | Posté dans Autre

BEDDAWI, 23 May 2007 (IRIN) – At least 10,000 Palestinians from Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in northern Lebanon have fled to neighbouring Beddawi camp following a lull in fighting between the Lebanese army and Islamist militants, according to an official in one of the schools over-run with an influx of displaced people.

(Lire la suite…)

The Pride of Our Nation Must Not be Built upon the Blood of Civilians

23 mai 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Solidarité

    Sign on Statement initiated by Samah Idriss, editor of Al Adab Magazine


For days, the Nahr el Bared Palestinian Refugee Camp has been under heavy attacks from the Lebanese Army, attacks that did not spare civilians that have absolutely no relationship with ‘Fateh el Islam.’ The undersigned condemn this indiscriminate bombing that targets one of the most important reservoirs of the Palestinian resistance.

(Lire la suite…)

Beirut: Vigil in Solidarity with Palestinian refugees in Nahr el Bared

22 mai 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Solidarité
    Call from concerned individuals in Beirut


Under the shadow of the current events, we wish to register our stand as concerned individuals. We stand in condemnation of the brutal, excessive spilling of blood in the Nahr el Bared camp; we stand in solidarity with the steadfastness of the Palestinian refugees under fire in the camp; we stand with heads bowed in sorrow for the martyrs who have so far fallen.

We ask you to stand with us during our candlelit vigil against the outrageous violence.

    MAY 22, 2007, 7pm Wimpy-Modca intersection in Hamra, Beirut.

(Lire la suite…)

Sources d’information et analyses de la situation au Liban

22 mai 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme, Solidarité


Etant donné la nature complexe, violente et déstabilisatrice des événements qui ont lieu autour du camp de réfugiés palestiniens de Nahr el Bared au Liban, des communiqués et des appels de solidarité commencent à circuler. Tadamon! relaye certains de ces appels et suggère des sources d’information et d’analyse, pour tenter d’aider à une meilleurecompréhension de la situation et pour encourager le soutien à des initiatives locales de solidarité face à la situation d’urgence.

(Lire la suite…)

More than 100 dead and injured at Nahr Al-Bared camp

22 mai 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme

    Electronic Lebanon, May 22, 2007


Ma’an News Agency: Fighting has entered its third day around the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr Al-Bared, in the north of Lebanon.

According to media reports, Lebanese troops began shelling the Nahr Al-Bared camp, near the northern city of Tripoli, at dawn on Tuesday. The Lebanese army is reported to have pledged to “finish off” the radical Fatah Al-Islam group. Militants from the radical group Fatah Al-Islam responded with gun and mortar fire. (Lire la suite…)

Lebanon Truce Lasts Just Minutes

22 mai 2007 | Posté dans Guerre et terrorisme

Al Jazeera, 22 May 2007


A ceasefire declared after three days of fighting between Fatah al-Islam and the Lebanese army has collapsed after just 40 minutes.

Abu Sali Taha, spokesman for the group, said on Tuesday that they were ready to “respect a ceasefire” in order to help the residents of the Nahr al-Bared refugee camp which troops have been shelling since Sunday. (Lire la suite…)

Le Son de la Solidarite

22 mai 2007 | Posté dans Autre

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Concert annuel de soutien à Tadamon!

4848 St-Laurent
Entrée: $5-15

Joignez vous à Tadamon! Montréal pour leur concert annuel de soutien.
Face à la situation tragique au Liban et dans la région, Tadamon ! Montréal rappelle que ce concert permettra de maintenir un travail durable de solidarité, qui ne s’exprime pas seulement en temps de guerre mais dans la durée et sur le terrain. Nous restons également ouvert à toute aide quant à notre travail d’information, nos campagnes politiques et nos liens avec les personnes œuvrant pour la justice sociale au Liban.

(Lire la suite…)

Why South Lebanon Remains Unfarmed This Year

By Rami Zurayk, 1 May 2007, Scoop


Much of the land in South Lebanon has remained unfarmed this year. In  spite of the active de-mining efforts deployed by the UN and by local NGOs, it has been difficult to plough, sow and harvest, as only a fraction of the million and a half Israeli cluster bombs have been removed. These bombs were sown by the Israelis in August 2006, in the last 72 hours of the war, and after a cease fire was agreed upon in the UN Security Council. Now why would the Israelis do something like that? (Lire la suite…)

Événements à venir
