Bulletin Tadamon!

Palestine: Imagination nation

10 novembre 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine

    Montreal Mirror, by Christopher Hazou.

Photo: Israeli soldier holds Palestinian IDs at checkpoint in the occupied West Bank.

During this year’s U.S. presidential election campaign, there was almost no mention made of Israel and the Palestinians by either of the major candidates. That is, until the waning days of the race, when John McCain made a last-ditch attempt to cast aspersions upon Barack Obama by highlighting a connection to respected Palestinian-American academic and Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi. “It was shameful for them to try and paint Professor Khalidi as anything but an esteemed scholar and academic,” says lawyer and Palestinian-American activist Noura Erakat. “It was reprehensible.”

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Gaza residents ‘terribly trapped’

6 novembre 2008 | Posté dans Palestine, Politique, Tadamon!

    BBC: Tuesday, 4 November 2008.

    Photo: Israeli military walls surrounding Gaza.

A former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, has told the BBC she was taken aback by the “terrible” conditions in Gaza on a recent visit.

Mrs Robinson said it was “almost unbelievable” that the world did not care about what she called “a shocking violation of so many human rights”.

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Photos: Aks’ser | Nomadic Massive

5 novembre 2008 | Posté dans Canada, Culture, Lebanon, Quebec

    Photo essay from Khalil Allioui

    Nomadic Massive taking the stage at La Sala Rossa in Montreal.

Photos capturing a fantastic global hip-hop concert in Montreal on Sunday, November 2nd, co-presented by the Festival du Monde Arabe and Tadamon!, featuring Aks’ser (Arabic for ‘against the traffic’) a Lebanese hip-hop duo from Beirut and the international rhythms from Nomadic Massive from Montreal. Upwards of two-hundred people attended the concert at La Sala Rossa, bringing together people for an evening featuring hip-hop expressions from Montreal to the Middle East rooted in conscience expression and social justice.

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Projet d’éducation populaire Montréal/Moyen-Orient III

5 novembre 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine, Solidarité

    Tadamon! / ASSÉ présentent: édition novembre 2008…

Une initiative d’éducation populaire faisant suite à la proposition de soutien à la campagne internationale de boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions contre l’apartheid israélien adoptée par l’ASSÉ. L’ASSÉ a été la première association étudiante d’envergure au Canada à appuyer la campagne internationale contre l’apartheid israélien et pour l’égalité en Palestine.

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Israel prepares ‘decisive’ strike against resistance

1 novembre 2008 | Posté dans Beirut, Lebanon

    Andrew Wander. Daily Star. Thursday, October 30, 2008.

    Photo: Beirut’s south suburbs August 2006.

BEIRUT: The Israeli military is “making preparations” for a strike against Hizbullah that “appears inevitable” and will be “decisive,” a former top Israeli diplomat has written in a report for a US-based think tank with strong links to America’s Jewish lobby. Oded Eran, Israel’s former ambassador to the European Union and now director of the Institute for Security Studies in Tel Aviv, published a report for the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) entitled “UN Resolution 1701: A view from Israel.”

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Aks’ser: Beirut traffic jams

31 octobre 2008 | Posté dans Beirut, Canada, Lebanon

    Montreal Mirror by Narcel X.

    Photo: “If Beirut could speak…”

If you’ve ever been to Lebanon, you know that people don’t read road signs there. Beirut hip hop duo Aks’ser—Arabic for “opposing traffic”—follow that tradition, but refuse to crash anyone else’s party. With Arabic hip hop paving its lane in the international music scene, there’s no denying members Wael Kodeih and Houssam Fathallah (aka Rayess Bek and Eben Foulen), with their former producer Tarek Yamani, their rightful seat among its pioneers. They’re chauffeuring the modern identity crisis to its crossroads at 1,000 miles an hour, hoping to steer the condition of their people in a new direction. The Mirror caught up with Bek in advance of their Festival du Monde Arabe appearance.

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Aks’ser au Festival du monde arabe.

31 octobre 2008 | Posté dans Canada, Culture, Lebanon

    Le Devoir, vendredi 31 octobre 2008. Yves Bernard.

    Photo: Beyrouth.

«Nos chansons représentent le côté violent, le côté guerre de ce que l’on vit. On a besoin de montrer une autre image du monde arabe», disait Rayess Bek à la foule rassemblée au Medley mercredi soir lors du concert d’ouverture du Festival du monde arabe (FMA). Le rappeur reviendra dimanche soir avec Iben Foulen, son complice au sein d’AKs’ser, pour partager la scène de la Sala Rossa avec les Montréalais de Nomadic Massive.

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Photos: Territories Film Screening

30 octobre 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Palestine

    photo essay from Ian Lawrence.

Photo: Hundreds gathered at Concordia University for Territories by Mary-Ellen Davis.

Within the framework of the weekly film screening series, Cinema Politica, to watch striking cinematic works that examine the critical role of media within the context of the reality of Israeli apartheid. Including a striking documentary from filmmaker Mary-Ellen Davis on photojournalist Larry Towell, from Mexico to Palestine, with the globally celebrated Magnum photo agency and a striking documentary film from Germany that portrays the life and work of a Palestinian journalist with Aljazeera.

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Exploring the Apartheid Paradigm

23 octobre 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine, Tadamon!

    Human Rights Law and Palestine/Israel.

    part of Culture Shock 2008

    MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 18h30
    Leacock Building, Room 232
    855 Sherbrooke Street
    McGill University

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Palestine: Apartheid Fares

15 octobre 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine

    by Aaron Lakoff, October 2008, interview recorded in Biddu, Palestine.

    Photo: Aaron Lakoff. Mohammed Mansour, near Biddu, Palestine.

Mohammed Mansour is a resident of Biddu, a village near Ramallah in the West Bank of Palestine. A former organizer with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), he now works as a service (taxi) driver to support his family. As someone who makes his living on the roads of the West Bank, Mansour is all too familiar with Israel’s complex settler road system, which Israel has unilaterally separated into roads for Palestinian use, and other roads as Israeli only. We sat down with Mohammed at his home in Biddu, after he took us on a long tour around the apartheid roads circling the village. Mansour spoke to us about Road 443, a new Israeli settler road badly affecting transportation for Palestinians in the area, and his views on the peace process.

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Événements à venir
