Israeli Apartheid Week Montreal | March 15-22, 2018
One week of panels, workshops, film screenings, demonstrations and
cultural events to raise awareness around the Boycott, Divestment and
Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid. Events are taking
place at Concordia, UQÀM, Université de Montréal & McGill, as well as
community venues in Montreal.
In opposition to apartheid and occupation
In solidarity with Palestinian resistance
In support of social justice struggles everywhere
This year marks the 14th year of Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) in
Montreal, joining with similar IAWs around the world. We are hoping to
continue building momentum for the BDS movement.
Israeli Apartheid Week- Montreal 2018 is endorsed by: SDHPP UQAM, SDHPP
U de M, SPHR Concordia, SPHR McGill, Independent Jewish Voices-McGill,
the Centre for Gender Advocacy, QPIRG Concordia, QPIRG-McGill, Tadamon!,
Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU), the Immigrant Workers Centre,
Solidarity Across Borders, CKUT Radio, the Union for Gender Empowerment
and the Midnight Kitchen.
Thursday March 15, 2018
Eat Like a Palestinian: McGill
SSMU Building, room 302
3480 McTavish, H3A 1X9
Metro Peel
Palestine Contingent: Demonstration Against Police Brutality
Parc Lafontaine, corner Rachel and Garnier
Facebook event
Friday March 16, 2018
Palestinian Coffee Hour
WIMESSA Lounge- Morrice Hall, 3rd floor
3485 McTavish, H3A 0E1
Metro Peel
Facebook event
Saturday March 17, 2018
From the Outside In: Connecting Political Prisoner Struggles
With Sahar Francis (via Skype), Helen Hudson and Yafa Jarrar
Milton-Parc Recreation Association
3580 Jeanne-Mance, H2X 2N6
Metro Place-des-Arts, or bus #80
Facebook event
Monday March 19, 2018
Eat Like a Palestinian: Concordia
Concordia University- Hall Building, 7th floor
1455 de Maisonneuve West, H3G 1M8
Metro Guy-Concordia
Refusing the Birthright: Apartheid and ‘Free Trips’
Montréal Arts Interculturels, room 428
3680 Jeanne-Mance, H2X 2K5
Metro Place-des-Arts, or bus #80
Contemporary Colonialisms: Tibet and Palestine
Leacock 210
855 Sherbrooke West, H3A 2T7
Metro McGill College
Panel on the Right to Resist: The Case of Palestine
With Zahia El Masri, Yara El Ghadban, Rami Yahia and Olivier Grondin
UQAM- Room to be determined
405 St Catherine East, H2L 2C4
Metro Berri-UQAM
Facebook event
Tuesday March 20, 2018
Indigenous and Palestinian Resistance on Turtle Island
Location to be confirmed
Film Screening: Roadmap to Apartheid
UQAM- Café Aquin (A-2030)
405 St Catherine East, H2L 2C4
Metro Berri-UQAM
Facebook event
Wednesday March 21, 2018
Workshop on Pinkwashing
Location to be confirmed
Thursday March 22, 2018
Resisting Criminalization and State Violence from Turtle Island to
With Omar Ben Ali, Sophia Sahrane and Freddy Stoneypoint
Hall Building, 7th Floor
Concordia University
1455 de Maisonneuve West, H3G 1M8
Metro Guy-Concordia
Facebook event
– Childcare on-site (please request this 48 hours in advance at
– All events are free. Please get in touch with any accessibility needs
– For any other inquiries, send email iaw-mtl@riseup.net