Boycott Israeli Apartheid: Global Action!

- Join Global Day of Action!

- Tuesday 30 March 2010
4-6pm Phillips Square
across from the Bay
St. Catherine and Union
metro McGill
Join us on the Global Day of Action in solidarity with the Palestinian people and the campaign for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid
March 30 coincides with Palestinian Land Day, which commemorates the day in 1976 when Israeli security forces shot and killed six young Palestinian citizens of Israel . These brave youth were among the thousands of Palestinians protesting Israel ’s expropriation of Palestinian land to build new Jewish-only colonies and expand existing Jewish-only cities. Today, Land Day commemorates Palestinian resistance to Israel ’s ongoing policies of illegal land expropriation, colonization, occupation and apartheid. The international campaign for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against Israeli apartheid has become an essential part of this resistance.
It’s easy to join the international campaign to boycott Israeli apartheid. Below are few examples of goods that you can boycott:
Ahava Dead Sea products These cosmetic products are made from stolen Palestinian natural resources derived from the Dead Sea in the Occupied West Bank and are produced in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem. Join us by boycotting these products and asking the Bay to remove them from their shelves.
more info:
Mountain Equipment Coop In Canada , members of Mountain Equipment Coop (MEC) are calling on the company to end its “partnerships” with Israeli factories, including military contractors that produce MEC brand seamless underwear and hydration systems. These partnerships are antithetical to MEC’s supposedly “rigorous ethical sourcing requirements” and the company’s professed belief that “business can advance human rights.” Join us by boycotting “Made in Israel ” products sold at MEC stores and, if you are a MEC member, voting for board members who support a boycott of Israeli suppliers. (All MEC members may vote in MEC board elections.)
more info:
Golan Heights wines sold at SAQ These wines are produced from stolen natural resources and manufactured at wineries established by Israel in the illegally-occupied Syrian Golan Heights. Join us by boycotting these products and asking SAQ to remove them from their shelves.
Chapters-Indigo The majority shareholders of Chapters-Indigo Bookstores have established the Heseg Foundation for Lone Soldiers – which provides scholarships and other support to former “lone soldiers” in the Israeli military. “Lone soldiers” are individuals from outside Israel with no family in the country who join the Israeli military and participate in all aspects of its repression of Palestinians. Join us by boycotting Chapters-Indigo bookstores until the company agrees to cut all financial ties to Heseg.
more info:
for more information about the campaign for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions against Israeli apartheid, visit
Tadamon! Montreal
tel: 514 664 1036
email: info[at]
Que de mensonges!
Comment by Ali Damour — March 16th, 2010 @ 4:51 PMComment pouvons-nous boycotter la SEULE démocratie de la région?
Le seul état de droit de la région. La seule terre de liberté du Proche et Moyen-Orient?
Enfin, le seul état qui protège adéquatement la terre natale de Jésus Christ.
Boycottons, plutôt, la barbarie islamique des Palestiniens!
ce commentaire est a lui seul une bêtise infamante ,l’état de droit n’existe pas ,
Comment by alainprophoto — March 17th, 2010 @ 2:27 PMseul le droit d’oppression que font régner les israéliens est la loi de droit .
boycottons Israël et sa barbarie raciste et discriminatoire envers les Palestiniens.
Je vous accorde le bénéfice du doute, celui du manque d’information et de l’ignorance dans laquelle l’opinion publique est maintenue, pour protéger l’ordre établi…
Savez-vous, par exemple, que les chrétiens de la “terre natale” que vous mentionnez sont, justement, des Palestiniens?! Savez-vous que tous les Palestiniens ne sont ni barbares, ni islamistes, ni même musulmans?!
Savez-vous aussi que le fameux “état de droit” auquel vous faites allusion détient le triste record de violations de résolutions de l’ONU, du droit international et, singulièrement, des droits humains fondamentaux des Palestiniens?
Savez-vous tout ce qui rapproche la politique israélienne de celle de l’Afrique du Sud des années 1980? L’Etat que vous appelez “démocratie” pratique la colonisation, des discriminations et un racisme institutionnel, avec la complicité de nos Etats occidentaux, tout aussi “démocratiques”.
Savez-vous que les Etats du monde n’ont fait pression sur l’Afrique du Sud pour qu’elle démantèle l’Apartheid qu’à la suite d’une forte campagne de boycott de la société civile? C’est ce qui se passe en ce moment, et il est encore temps de prendre le train en marche…
Comment by Dror — March 20th, 2010 @ 12:36 PMWe shouldn’t even acknowledge this type racist, islamophobic talk. Anyway, I think “Ali D’amour” is a bit confused when he says “le seul état qui protège adéquatement la terre natale de Jésus Christ”… really cute…Bethlehem is closed in by the apartheid wall which was build against the town’s building to cut them off from their farming land in order to give it to the new “Jerusalem suburbs” of the settlements that they’re building.
The problem is with such comments, or discourses, they talk about a tall order of issues i.e. The whole Middle East, Democracy in the region, Islam, Jesus etc… which end up serving as a means to detract from the core issues of social justice.
Palestinians, be them muslim, christian, atheist, or be them from the West Bank, Gaza, 1948 (Israel “proper”) or refugees, suffer from a multi-tiered system of oppression that ranges from the Apartheid wall, check points, and appropriated land and water resources for settlers to a complete military blockage in Gaza, to second-class citizenship in 1948 (where supposed Palestinian equal “citizens” of Israel who at best receive 1/3 municipal, i.e. funds allocated to schools, and at worst live in “unrecognized” villages in which they don’t even receive water or electricity) to a refugee crisis in which newcomers (mostly Europeans and North Americans) are sold the home of refugees to which many still have the keys but are stopped and not allowed to enter at the border.
This is not a democracy, this is apartheid. And it is also you should join us on March 30th. A day which represents democracy as it is based in history of civil disobedience to oppression where many youth’s were shot and killed just for speaking out on injustice.
If you want to protect democracy, come out with us on the 30th and fight for it.
Comment by New Jersey — March 20th, 2010 @ 3:11 PMInstead of boycotting Israel, a free, civilized and democratic country, you should boycott the Arab countries, Hezbollah and the Palestinian terrorists who occupy Palestine. Bethlehem is 98% muslims.
Where have these muslim “citizens” of Bethlehem come from?
Boycott the Arab countries who are killing their christian citizens. Where are the Christian Arabs? They were the majority in these countries (with the Jews). They all have been slaughtered or driven away!
That’s why Arab muslims are barbaric.
Comment by Ali Damour — March 22nd, 2010 @ 3:55 PMMuslims, Christians, and Jews have lived in peace for centuries in the Middle East. The clear evidence is that arab christian and jewish communities did not disappear after hundreds of years of islamic rule.
Not until western colonial powers invaded and colonized the middle east that the fight between these communities started. Until Israel was founded by the British empire, arab jews were living normally among their arab brothers and sisters. It is the western colonial policy to segregate and conquer that spread that hate between different communities in the middle east.
The persecution of minorities in the arab world in our late history does not root itself in the culture of tolerance in Islam, but is a direct consequence of the colonial oppression. The intolerant forces have been empowered by the colonial powers themselves, and are gaining more support by the population because of the feeling of desperation and the lack of justice.
Israel should be boycotted until it respects international law and universal humanitarian law. As long as there is no justice in the middle east, there will be no peace.
Comment by Ramy — March 24th, 2010 @ 11:10 AM