Buses leave Montreal: 3300 Cremazie east, Thursday, 27 July at 9:00am
Rally in Ottawa: Department of Foreign Affairs, 125 Sussex Drive at 12:30pm
A human chain encircling the Department of Foreign Affairs will convey opposition to Israeli war crimes in Lebanon, with buses arriving from Montreal to be joined by Ottawa supporters.
Thursday’s protest will denounce the invasion of Lebanon and the Gaza strip and seek to convey, directly to decision-makers, the message of family and friends living under the bombs.
Since Israel began bombing Lebanon on 12 July, weeks into a similar assault on Gaza, Montrealers have taken to the streets with increasing outrage to denounce the use of state terrorism and the Harper’s government support for war crimes. To date, the crimes include the death of almost 400 civilians, 100’s of injuries, the alleged use of chemical weapons, destruction of civilian vehicles, bombing of villages and apartment buildings, and the systematic destruction of civilian infrastructure. Israel is now seeking to re-establish a military presence in Lebanese territory that was in the process of being rebuilt after a previous Israeli occupation.
Thursday’s trip to Ottawa will be followed on Friday by a vigil organised by Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU) in front of the Israeli consulate, and a community march on Sunday.
More information:
Wissam Moussa, 514 586 4415 (English, French, Arabic)
Ahmad Mustafa, 514 571 7806 (English, French, Arabic)
Source: Al Hidaya Assocation, Association des jeunes libanais musulmans and Tadamon! (http://www.tadamon.ca; tadamon@resist.ca)[/lang_en]