- As part of Culture Shock 2007 at McGill University.

- WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 6:30pm
Leacock Building, Room 232
McGill University, 688 Sherbrooke St.
Montreal, Canada
A public event hosted by Tadamon! Montreal & the Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPIRG) at McGill University within the context of the campaign to challenging Hezbollah’s listing as a ‘Terrorist’ Group in Canada…
Presentations from:
Bilal Elamine: Currently living in Beirut, originally from Southern Lebanon, the former editor of Left Turn Magazine, Elamine will outline the current and historical role of Hezbollah in Lebanon from a progressive perspective. Critical recent events in Middle East history will be addressed within the presentation, as Elamine will speak about the 2006 Israeli attack on Lebanon, the 2007 general strike and opposition protests within the context of Hezbollah’s role in Lebanese society.
Brian Aboud: Presenting on Tadamon!’s campaign to challenge the listing of Hezbollah as a ‘terrorist’ organization in Canada. Today, Canada is one of only three countries world-wide to designate Hezbollah as a ‘terrorist’ organization. The other two are Israel and the United States.
Film Screening:
A Summer Not to Forget: A film by Lebanese film maker, Carol Mansour. Using powerful and disturbing images, the film tells a story of yet another war on Lebanon: 1,200 killed, 4,000 injured, one million displaced, 78 bridges destroyed, 15,000 homes damaged, 15,000 tonnes of oil spilled on 80km of the Mediterranean coastline, 57 collective massacres and much more. Director Mansour takes you into the harsh realities of a nation devastated by war and a people caught under siege.
* Tadamon! Montreal: Challenging Hezbollah’s listing as a ‘Terrorist’ Group in Canada
* Tadamon! Montreal:
tadamon[at]resist.ca / 514 664 1036
* Quebec Public Interest Research Group (QPRIG), McGill University:
514 398 7432 / qpirg[at]ssmu.mcgill.ca
terrorists ??? they r fighting the terrorism of what israel and usa are planning for Lebanon , if they call fighting terrorism terrorist , than its a honor to be terrorists !!!
تعليق jad — 29 septembre 2007 @ 12:26Hello, I was wondering if you’ll be recording this for your podcast/radio show? I hope so it sounds really interesting.
تعليق Dave — 1 octobre 2007 @ 6:14Dave
Thanks for writing Dave. YES, Tadamon! will recording this event for radio broadcast. No problem in terms of rebroadcasting the material…
Please send your email address / contact information to: tadamon[at]resist.ca
تعليق Stefan — 13 octobre 2007 @ 0:31Est-ce que le débat sera mis en ligne sur le site Tadamon ? Si oui, et si vous m’en donnez l’accord, j’aimerais le mettre sur mon site ISM-France, ça va être passionnant, et il faut absolument contrer le glissement de : résistants = terroristes (comme antisionistes = antisémites d’ailleurs aussi….). On a encore du boulot….
تعليق Mireille, Bordeaux-France — 16 octobre 2007 @ 3:18Please join us this Saturday Oct. 20th as we present American historian and author Webster Tarpley exposes the lies behind the war on terror and 9/11. An authority on false-flag terrorism and author of ‘The Unauthorized Biography of George HW Bush’ and his most recent ‘Synthetic Terror, Made in USA’, he will by joined Canadian constitutional lawyer and leader of the Canadian Action Party, Connie Fogal. Plse see webpage for more details. http://www.mtl911truth.org. Event is free.Myself and others from from group hope to meet you all tomrw. Thks Michael Pengue, event co-ordinator and Canadian Action Party vice-pres
تعليق Michael Pengue — 16 octobre 2007 @ 13:41Hi every one,
تعليق h.h — 17 octobre 2007 @ 15:20it has never been called before, resistance is not a terror, it is honorable to defent your country, look to the french resistance and others in the whole world.
therefore, it will never, ever been a terrorist.
on the other hand, who makes Qana massacres in 1996 and 2006 should be clacified a terroriste.
i hope peoples open their mind , eyes and read articles wrtten by independent
persons before listening to any news directed by zeionist or peoples on the back of them
The US had put the construction (rebuilding after the summer 2006 war) company own inderectly by Hezbollah on the terrorist list. He, who opposite Israel is a terrorist and He who help those who oppose Israel is a terrorist. Israel is responsible for the Palestinian refugies in Lebanon because it has preoduce them from their terror land grabing in the 1940ts.
تعليق noname — 17 octobre 2007 @ 16:23Who Destryed my house in Bint Jbeil “Lebanon” and killed my cusin on our land are the terorists, Israel state is the real terrorist
تعليق Freeman — 17 octobre 2007 @ 20:05i love hezbolah 4everrrrrrrrr
تعليق ilovehezbolah — 3 mars 2008 @ 11:41who has occupied the Palestine?, who kills innocent children everyday?, who is the real terrorist? I ask, who is really defending?
تعليق truth — 8 mars 2008 @ 4:44It’s time to open the eyes.
Well it looks like everyone here enjoys preaching to the choir. Here is the reality:
1. At least some part of Hezbollah engages in terrorism. It would have been much harder to say this before July 2006, but it is ridiculous to say that firing rockets at civilians in cities is not terrorism. Hezbollah does a lot of beneficial things for lebanese people, but at this point it clearly has accepted terrorism as a tactic.
2. It is reasonable to argue that Israel engaged in collective punishment of Lebanon given its strikes on intrastructure.
3. If you say Israel engages in terrorism for this reason than obviously so does Hezbollah. Then you have to admit they are both terrorists.
Can any Lebanese-sympathizing person here agree to that?
تعليق Rick H — 30 juin 2008 @ 12:36there is one thing we must recognize everyone uses terrorism to fight terrorism. think about the us and iraq ask yourself ho many innocent Iraqis died i dont think you can validly say that that isn’t terrorism. hezbola and israel have both done bad things, but between israel and palestine palestine has suffered the most. they “accidently” ran over someone with a bulldozer. they “accidently” bulldozed palestinians home while they were still in it . who “accidently” shot missiles in to crowds of hundreds of innocent people to kill 3 terrorists? who indeed. calling hezbollah a terrorist group is the same as calling america’s liberators terrorists. ill tell you this suicide bombings are very bad, and as far as im concerned (im a muslim) suicide is a way to go to hell. blowing yourself up isn’t jihad. inshaallah palistine will bee free again. ALLAHHUAKBAR
تعليق ahmed shaaban — 22 juillet 2008 @ 0:20oh and you shouldnt perposely kill innocent people that is a message to both sides
تعليق ahmed shaaban — 22 juillet 2008 @ 0:22