Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Culture'

Photo Essay: Occupied Palestine

    Photo Essay from Scott Weinstein from Palestine.


Israel’s apartheid wall and Israeli colony Beth-Hal Homar, West Bank, Palestine

Photos from Montreal photographer and community worker Scott Weinstein, who has traveled to Palestine to work with the Palestinian Red Crescent Society as a registered nurse. This photo essay documents the contemporary realities of Israeli colonialism and occupation in the West Bank, specifically focusing on the realities of settler violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, specifically in the Palestinian city of Hebron. As documented by numerous Israeli human rights organizations, such as B’Tselem, Israeli settlers have beaten Palestinian civilians and forced many Palestinians to leave the historic city center in Hebron, traditionally an important and vibrant Palestinian market in the West Bank.

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Radio CKUT: Musique du Monde | Immigration

5 juillet 2008 | Posté dans Canada, Culture, Égypte, France, Lebanon, Palestine, Politique, Tadamon!

    World Skip the Beat, Lundi 30 Juin, 2008.


    Edition spéciale de Tadamon! : le programme peut être entièrement téléchargé.

Une édition spéciale de World Skip the Beat explore la musique et les chansons du monde entier, inspirées par l’immigration, la diaspora, l’exil. Avec de la musique des quatre coins du monde, notre programme offre une sélection unique et rare de musique d’artistes variés d’Algérie, Canada, Cap Vert, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypte, France, Jamaïque, Liban, Pérou, Slovaquie et d’Espagne. Cette édition spéciale de World Skip the Beat a été produite par Dror Warschawski.

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Muslims feel like ‘Jews of Europe’

    the Independent, by Cahal Milmo, July 2008.


    Photo: Paris metro.

Britain’s first Muslim minister has attacked the growing culture of hostility against Muslims in the United Kingdom, saying that many feel targeted like “the Jews of Europe”.

Shahid Malik, who was appointed as a minister in the Department for International Development (Dfid) by Gordon Brown last summer, said it has become legitimate to target Muslims in the media and society at large in a way that would be unacceptable for any other minority.

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Stone by stone, rail by rail

4 juillet 2008 | Posté dans Canada, Culture, Environnement, Médias indépendants, Politique

    Briarpatch Magazine. June/July 2008 by Jonah Gindin.


Photo: Tyendinaga’s new longhouse on Ridge Road, Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory.

On June 29, 2007, Mohawks from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory near Belleville, Ontario, erected blockades on the Canadian National rail line, local Highway 2, and Highway 401-the busiest thoroughfare in the country. This marked the second time in six months that the community blocked the rails in defence of their land. In the days before June 29, which had been declared a National Day of Action by the Assembly of First Nations, Mohawk spokesperson Shawn Brant explained to the CBC why the community could no longer wait on distant negotiations. “We bury our children in this country every day,” he said. “We have to force them to drink polluted water. We’re sick and tired of it. It’s going to end-June 29 is going to mark the time when First Nations people are going to be in a different relationship with the rest of the country.”

Native communities in Canada — a “Fourth World” of nations without states — continue to live a colonial legacy that traces a trajectory from the violent European settlement that began 400 years ago, through residential schools, to the colonial present of state surveillance, invasion of traditional lands, poverty, substance abuse, and some of the highest youth suicide rates in the world. According to Health Canada, Native youth are five to seven times more likely to commit suicide than non-Native youth. Canada’s Aboriginal population, particularly its youth, has the highest suicide rate of any culturally identifiable population in the world. Yet some Native communities have largely avoided the tragedy of youth suicide. What sets these communities apart? Evidence is mounting that successful resistance to colonialism may be the antidote.

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Beirut: Taking the classical-jazz fusion to a new level

23 juin 2008 | Posté dans Beirut, Culture, Égypte, Lebanon

    Daily Star. by Jim Quilty. Thursday, June 19th, 2008


    Photo: Buildings in downtown Beirut.

Beirut: “I was in Cairo for my first Egyptian concert,” Rima Khcheich smiles. “I was preparing an Umm Kalthoum song, a dour [a classical vocal form without improvisation] called ‘Dour Emta al-Hawa.’ Two days before the concert I met [iconic Egyptian composer] Fouad Abdel Majid. The rehearsals were difficult and I was very tired but they asked me to sing his song ‘Foutina al-Lathi.’ They recorded it on a little cassette tape recorder.”

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Four documentarians look back at Palestine, and Lebanon

    Babel Theater hosts Cinema al-Fuqdan to mark the Nakba’s 60th anniversary


    Photo: Palestine/Lebanon border. Daily Star. Saturday, June 21st, 2008

BEIRUT: The peoples of Lebanon and Palestine have an ambivalent relationship. In the years since the terms “Lebanon” and “Palestine” were assigned their 20th-century political meanings, they have accumulated meaning, just as the experiences of their citizens have diverged.

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Films anti-coloniaux sous les étoiles !

19 juin 2008 | Posté dans Canada, Culture, Palestine, Politique, Quebec, Répression, Solidarité

    Films anti-coloniaux sous les étoiles !


    Mardi, 1 Juillet, 21h00, 2008
    Dans l’espace ouvert à côté de l’Insoumise
    2035 St-Laurent
    (entre Ontario et Sherbrooke)
    metro St-Laurent

Joignez-nous pour un visionnement de fabuleux documentaires sous la lune en plein centre-ville de Montréal. Tadamon! présentera deux excellents films traitant de la lutte contre l’appropriation de terres et la colonisation en Palestine et l’Île de la Tortue.

Les films sont présentés dans le cadre d’une campagne de mobilisation pour la manifestion « 400 ans de colonialisme : pas de quoi célébrer ! » dans la ville de Québec, le 3 juillet prochain.

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Israël : “Il est temps de prendre des mesures exceptionnelles contre Israël”

10 juin 2008 | Posté dans Boycott, Culture, Palestine, Politique, Solidarité

    Omar Barghouti, Electronic Intifada, 8 juin 2008.


    Photo: Maan Images. la bande de Gaza.

«L’idée est de mettre les Palestiniens à la diète, mais pas de les faire mourir de faim», disait il y a quelques années Dov Weisglass, le plus proche conseiller de Sharon.

Aujourd’hui Israël est en train d’étouffer lentement Gaza et de conduire la population civile au bord de la famine et d’une catastrophe humanitaire planifiée.

Si le gouvernement états-unien est évidemment un complice qui finance, justifie et dissimule l’occupation et les autres formes d’oppression israéliennes, l’Union Européenne, le plus important partenaire commercial d’Israël au niveau mondial, n’est pas moins complice de la perpétuation de l’oppression coloniale d’Israël et de son apartheid particulier.

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Photo Essay: Beirut Streets. May 2008

    Photo essay from Carole Kerbage.


Beirut May 10th 2008: Barbour district Beirut witnessed harsh armed battles.

As Lebanon’s political crisis moves to a temporary negotiated solution, tensions remain high after intense street level clashes in recent weeks between pro-government forces and the Hezbollah-backed opposition. Street barricades struck across Lebanon’s capital city have now been removed, as Lebanese political leaders return to Beirut after arriving at an agreement in Doha, Qatar.

This photo essay documents recent events in Beirut’s, featuring images captured at street level within recent weeks. Lebanon’s current political struggle extends back to an intense national political history, in a nation still recovering from a 2006 Israeli bombardment that left over 1000 Lebanese civilians dead and major elements to the countries national infrastructure destroyed. Lebanese photographer Carole Kerbage has documented Beirut’s streets in the past week and now features photographs from Beirut on Tadamon!

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Palestine: Writing toward common ground

26 mai 2008 | Posté dans Beirut, Culture, Palestine, Politique
    Ahdaf Soueif discusses her work in advance of Beirut lecture…


Daily Star. by Laura Wilkinson. Friday, May 23, 2008. Photo: Palestinian boy in Gaza.

Giant sculptures of keys, 21,915 black balloons and wailing sirens – so far, commemorations of the 60th anniversary of the Nakba (the Palestinian Catastrophe) have unfolded across the region in the form of protest, art, dance and now – with the efforts of author, journalist and translator, Ahdaf Soueif – literature.

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Événements à venir
