Montreal, March 2012 | Statement supporting the Syrian movement for dignity and self-determination and opposing militarization of the struggle and foreign military intervention.

Photo: Syrian refugees protest during a demonstration against Bashar el-Assad at Reyhanli refugee camp in Antakya, on March 15, 2012.
The Syrian people continue to demand their rights and liberties and the end of the al-Assad regime. The Syrian state has responded with brutal repression.
Since the uprising began, the Syrian regime’s propaganda machine has labelled those calling for freedom and justice “criminals”, “terrorists” and religious fanatics. It has also claimed that they are foreign agents with a mission to install a puppet regime that would abandon regional resistance movements and sign a peace agreement with Israel.
In truth, Syrians are engaged in a legitimate struggle to change an untenable local reality: a brutal authoritarian state that has governed through intimidation, fear and repression for 40 years; a security apparatus that arrests and detains citizens arbitrarily and that subjects them to torture and other abuse with impunity; increasing impoverishment, unemployment, income and wealth disparity and uncertainty about the future due to neo-liberal economic policies in recent decades.