Middle East Popular Education Project II
Tadamon! & l’Association pour une solidarité syndicale étudiante (ASSÉ) present…

A popular education initiative in Montreal emerging from social justice networks struggling against racism, war and occupation from the Middle East to Montreal…
Monday, April 21st 12Noon, Cégep Bois de Boulogne
student-run café: le Caféinné
10 555 ave du Bois-de-Boulogne, Montréal
Hosted by Comité d’action pour la lutte étudiante boulonnaise (CALEB)
Tuesday, April 22nd, 12:30, Cégep Drummondville
960 rue St-Georges, Drummondville
Hoted by l’Association générale étudiante du Cégep de Drummondville
Wednesday, April 23rd 1pm Cégep de St-Jérôme
455 rue Fournier, St-Jérôme
Hosted by l’Association étudiante du Cégep de St-Jérôme (AGES)
Wednesday, April 23rd 12Noon Collège de Lionel-Groulx
100 rue Duquet, Ste-Thérèse
Hosted by l’Association générale étudiante du Collège de Lionel-Groulx (AGECLG)
Wednesday, April 23rd 7pm, Sherbrooke
Le Tremplin, 97 rue Wellington Sud, Sherbrooke
Une présentation de l’Association étudiante du Cégep de Sherbrooke (AÉCS)
Thursday, April 24th 6pm, QPIRG McGill
3647 University St. (metro McGill)
Hosted by Grassroots Association for Student Power (GRASP)
Saturday, April 26th 2:30 – 4:30pm @ MUCS
Hosted by Montreal Freeschool
2000 Northcliffe x. Maisoneuve, #218, Metro Vendome
(enter by the driveway at the north side of the building)