Music: Narcicyst. Hamdulilah Gaza remix.
- new single from hip-hop artist the Narcicyst

- Gaza remix featuring Shadia Mansour is available: free download
The Canadian Left has taken a major step forward in its opposition to Zionism. On Saturday, Montréal held probably the largest pro-Palestinian demonstration in Canadian history. Despite some ridiculous media reports, I estimate that there were between 12,000 and 17,000 (possibly as many as 25,000) people marching through the streets of downtown. “Jews, Christians, Muslims, anglos, francos, grandmothers and children walked together yesterday in the bitter cold to call for an immediate ceasefire in [Gaza],” noted the Montréal Gazette. The march was endorsed and organized by all three major Québec unions and most of the province’s social groups.
Photo: Scott Weinstein. Les milliers de manifestants se rassemblent à Montréal.
Le Québec a signé un accord de partenariat économique avec l’Israël cet automne. Cet accord a reçu peu d’écho médiatique, l’accord bilatéral a été signé lors d’une délégation menée septembre dernier par le gouvernement en Israël qui incluait des fonctionnaires d’état de haut niveau et des représentant des sociétés, lors du siège israélien de Gaza.
Photo: Wissam Nassar. Smoke rises over Gaza City during Israeli bombardment.
Concerns about Israel’s use of non-conventional and experimental weapons in the Gaza Strip are growing, with evasive comments from spokesmen and reluctance to allow independent journalists inside the tiny enclave only fueling speculation.
The most prominent controversy is over the use of shells containing white phosphorus, which causes horrific burns when it comes into contact with skin. Under international law, phosphorus is allowed as a smokescreen to protect soldiers but treated as a chemical weapon when used against civilians.
Thousands gathered in downtown Montreal in freezing winds on Saturday, January 10th for a major demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian people in Gaza, currently under bombardment from a major Israeli military offensive.
Protesters gathered in Montreal as the Israeli offensive into Gaza has killed over 800 Palestinians and wounded nearly 4000. Israeli military forces are threatening to intensify the military campaign within the upcoming days, “the Israeli Defense Forces will escalate the operation in the Gaza Strip,” read leaflets in Arabic dropped from Israeli military planes over Gaza this past weekend. Protests have swept the world in recent weeks in solidarity with Gaza, from the streets in Europe, to the Middle East, to Latin America to the streets in Montreal protesters have gathered in unprecedented numbers.
Photo: Les Palestiniens ont marché après une maison endommagée par une attaque aérienne israélienne.
Il est temps. Cela a trop duré. La meilleure stratégie pour faire cesser cette occupation de plus en plus sanglante est qu’Israël devienne la cible de ce type de mouvement mondial qui a fait mis fin à l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud. En juillet 2005, une énorme coalition de groupes palestiniens a dressé les plans pour faire exactement cela. Ils ont appelé les « gens de conscience, partout dans le monde, à imposer des boycotts étendus et à mettre en place des initiatives de désinvestissement contre Israël, similaires à ceux appliqués contre l’Afrique du Sud à l’époque de l’apartheid ». La campagne [BDS] – Boycott, Désinvestissement et Sanctions – était née.
Chaque jour où Israël pilonne Gaza fait venir plus de convertis vers la cause du BDS – même parmi les Juifs israéliens. En plein milieu de cette attaque, environ 500 Israéliens, parmi eux des douzaines d’artistes et d’universitaires célèbres, ont envoyé une lettre aux ambassadeurs étrangers en Israël. Celle-ci demande « l’adoption de mesures restrictives et de sanctions immédiates » et tire un parallèle clair avec la lutte anti-apartheid. « Le boycott de l’Afrique du Sud a été efficace, mais on prend des gants avec Israël… Ce soutien international doit cesser. »
Photo: Members from the Samouni family being laid to rest in the Gaza Strip.
Bitterly cold, famished, and thirsty they may have been. But the dozens of men, women, children and elderly of the extended Samouni family, sheltering in the unfinished warehouse-like building owned by one of their relatives, at least felt relatively secure.
Some explain that Israeli troops had explicitly told them to remain in the building – in several cases after actually escorting them there. They were relieved to wake to find the neighbourhood quiet for the first time since the ground offensive had began 36 hours earlier. So much so, according to one of them, that some time after 6am, four of the men decided to set out and bring an uncle and his family to their refuge.
This war, perhaps more than its predecessors, is exposing the true deep veins of Israeli society. Racism and hatred are rearing their heads, as is the impulse for revenge and the thirst for blood. The “inclination of the commander” in the Israel Defense Forces is now “to kill as many as possible,” as the military correspondents on television describe it. And even if the reference is to Hamas fighters, this inclination is still chilling.
Photo: Israeli bombing strikes Palestinian housing in Gaza.
On behalf of the 56,000 members of the Canadian Union of Postal Workers, I am writing to demand that the Canadian government condemn the military assault on the people of Gaza that the state of Israel commenced on December 26th, 2008.