Tous les posts dans la catégorie 'Politique'

Tadamon! lettre à Centrale des Syndicats du Québec

20 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Politique, Quebec

M. Parent, Mme Pauzé, et tous les membres de la Centrale des syndicats du Québec,


    Photo: Motaz Satellites en Qalqilia – Palestine.

Tadamon! tient à féliciter les membres de la Centrale des syndicats du Québec pour l’adoption récente, avec une grande majorité, d’une résolution visant à soutenir l’appel au boycott d’Israël lancé par 171 organisations palestiniennes. Cet appel s’inscrit dans la campagne internationale du BDS (Boycott, désinvestissement et sanctions) dont le but est de dénoncer, sans relâche, le système d’apartheid israélien, jusqu’à ce qu’Israël se conforme au droit international et aux principes universels des droits de la personne.

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Obama must match rhetoric with principle

15 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Impérialisme, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine, Politique
    George Bisharat, San Francisco Chronicle October 1st, 2009.


    Photo: US President Barack Obama.

US President Barack Obama has placed restoration of the stature of the United States among his primary foreign policy goals. He has already achieved substantial progress in Europe, where polls indicate that he is widely admired. The president’s June Cairo University speech also won praise in the Arab and Muslim worlds. Yet many across the globe still await the substantive policy changes implied by his inspiring words.

President Obama can solidify broader global respect by supporting the recommendations of the just-released Goldstone report in the United Nations Human Rights Council. Richard Goldstone, an eminent South African jurist, led a mission to investigate allegations of war crimes in Gaza last winter.

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An open letter from Palestine’s human rights community

9 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Palestine, Politique
    To: The Member States of the United Nations General Assembly:


Photo: Tahrir, 17; Ikram, 15; Samar, 12; Dina eight; and Jawaher, four, killed by Israel.

Upon the culmination of the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly, the Palestinian human rights community would like to take the opportunity to raise its collective voice in reasserting the significance of the role of the UN in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) and to call upon the General Assembly in particular to take a more proactive role in ensuring a just resolution to the conflict.

Despite few conflicts having received as much international attention as that between Israel and the Palestinians, hopes for peace have been repeatedly dashed in the light of Israel’s refusal to end 42 years of military occupation. Israel’s ongoing denial of Palestinian rights and political freedoms, including the basic right of Palestinians to self-determination continues unabated.

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CAUT calls on Minister Goodyear to resign

1 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Politique
    Canadian Association of University Teachers CAUT September 28, 2009.


    Photo: Antoine Rouleau, satellites to the world in Montreal, Quebec.

(Ottawa, September 28, 2009) Minister Gary Goodyear’s office threatened to withhold federal budget funding for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) over its decision to fund a controversial academic conference, according to an email obtained by CAUT through Access to Information.

CAUT first learned in June that Minister Goodyear had telephoned SSHRC president Chad Gaffield to insist on reconsideration of a peer-reviewed decision to fund an academic conference called “Israel/Palestine: Mapping Models of Statehood and Paths to Peace” held at York University later that month.

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Netanyahu’s speech: Cheapening the Holocaust

1 octobre 2009 | Posté dans Palestine, Politique
    Haaretz by Gideon Levy, September 25th, 2009.


    Photo: Windows at United Nations building in New York City.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cheapened the memory of the Holocaust in his speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Thursday. He did so twice. Once, when he brandished proof of the very existence of the Holocaust, as if it needed any, and again when he compared Hamas to the Nazis.

If Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the Holocaust, Netanyahu cheapens it. Is there a need of proof, 60 years later? Or, the world might think, is the denier right?

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Seinfeld, you were wrong to condemn our Toronto protest

23 septembre 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Canada, Palestine, Politique
    Haaretz by Udi Aloni, September 22nd, 2009


    Photo: ActiveStills Palestinians trying to reach Jerusalem during Ramadan.

Jewish international celebrities, from Jerry Seinfeld to Sacha Baron Cohen, have come out once again, riding the horses of glory, to save Israel from the cruel enemy, that is to save her from us, those fighting for human rights.

They have published a counter-declaration to the Toronto declaration. The latter, of which I am a co-drafter along with Naomi Klein, John Greyson and others, protests the cooperation between the Toronto Film Festival and the rebranding of the State of Israel as an enlightened democratic state (instead of an occupying state).

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TIAA-CREF confirms Africa Israel divestment

13 septembre 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Économie, Palestine, Politique
    Haaretz by Ora Coren, September 12th, 2009.


Photo: Filippo Minelli. Open sky shining above Israel’s apartheid wall in Palestine.

The U.S. pension fund giant, TIAA-CREF, confirmed in statements to the media on Friday that it divested from Africa Israel Investments, owned by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev, earlier this year.

The statements came in response to a letter initiated by a pro-Palestinian group, Adalah-NY, and signed by TIAA-CREF clients.

The fund’s investment in Africa Israel amounted to only $257,000, so the financial effect of the divestment is minimal. The news of the divestment came as the Israeli firm was suffering a deep financial crisis, having recently announced that is unable to meet its liabilities to its bondholders.

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Israeli academics must pay the price to end occupation

27 août 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine, Politique
    Haaretz August 27th, 2009, by Anat Matar.


    Photo: Palestinians walk along the Israeli apartheid wall in the West Bank.

Several days ago Dr. Neve Gordon of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev published an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times. In that article he explained why, after years of activity in the peace camp here, he has decided to pin his hopes on applying external pressure on Israel – including sanctions, divestment and an economic, cultural and academic boycott.

He believes, and so do I, that only when the Israeli society’s well-heeled strata pay a real price for the continuous occupation will they finally take genuine steps to put an end to it.

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Israel: Loyalty to racism

20 juin 2009 | Posté dans Boycott, Palestine, Politique, Répression
    Al-Ahram, June 2009, by Azmi Bishara.

    Photo: Israeli occupation soldier cutting out the light.

What is behind the latest wave of legislative proposals flooding the Knesset agenda? I refer specifically to those intended to curb manifestations of Palestinian patriotism and to restrict the political activity of Arab Israelis.
Netanyahu and Lieberman

The aim of these laws is to impose the Israeli nationalist creed by coercion. It’s really that simple. Over the last decade, the Knesset has experienced several bursts of legislative activity seeking to restrict freedom of opinion and expression on the questions of the Jewishness of the state and the right to resist occupation. The advocates of these laws are indefatigable. If the proposals fail to pass through any of the necessary stages, they are resubmitted over and over again in the hope of wearing out their opponents.

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Canada : la tournée de Bil’in

    Canada: 5 au 22 juin 2009.

    Mohammed Khatib.
    comité populaire contre le mur, Bil’in, Palestine occupée

    Emily Schaeffer.
    avocate israélienne représentant le village de Bil’in

Bil’in, un village palestinien de Cisjordanie, est maintenant reconnu mondialement comme un symbole de la résistance populaire palestinienne contre la construction du mur d’apartheid israélien et de colonies sur ses terres. Depuis 2005, les villageois(es) organisent des manifestations toutes les semaines, avec la participation de militantEs israélien(ne)s et internationaux(nales), en opposition à la colonisation illégale israélienne et à l’annexion de terres palestiniennes.

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Événements à venir
