Tous les posts pour mars 2007

Lettre ouverte au Peuple des Six Nations

6 mars 2007 | Posté dans Boycott, Impérialisme, Palestine
    Campagne Citoyenne Palestinienne contre le Mur de l’Apartheid

À l’occasion de l’anniversaire de la Réclamation Territoriale des Six Nations, nous vous exprimons notre solidarité ainsi qu’à tous ceux qui défendent aujourd’hui leur terre et leur existence contre la spoliation et la colonisation.

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Israeli Arab group proposes new ‘multi-cultural’ constitution

2 mars 2007 | Posté dans Palestine, Politique
    By Yoav Stern, Haaretz.


A proposed constitution written by the Israeli Arab advocacy center, Adalah, states that Arab Knesset members will be able to bring about the disqualification of bills that impinge on the rights of Arabs, and classifies the State of Israel as a “bilingual and multicultural” country rather than a Jewish state.

The proposal, entitled “The Democratic Constitution,” also calls for majority and minority groups to split control of the government in such a way that will strengthen the Arab minority on issues relating to the character of the state.

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International Women’s Day in Beirut

1 mars 2007 | Posté dans Genres et sexualité
    INCONCERT Lebanon, and DAJIJ Present: “International Women’s Day”


Invitation to attend, participate and celebrate with us in an event sparking a new initiative within the cultural and social realm of Beirut…

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New Yorker Magazine: The Redirection.

1 mars 2007 | Posté dans Impérialisme, Médias commerciaux, Politique

Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?


In the past few months, as the situation in Iraq has deteriorated, the Bush Administration, in both its public diplomacy and its covert operations, has significantly shifted its Middle East strategy. The “redirection,” as some inside the White House have called the new strategy, has brought the United States closer to an open confrontation with Iran and, in parts of the region, propelled it into a widening sectarian conflict between Shiite and Sunni Muslims.

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Événements à venir
