All posts for November 2015

Syria: Beyond and Behind the “Refugee Crisis”

November 5th, 2015 | Posted in Events, Solidarity, Syria, Tadamon!


Friday, November 6th, at 3:30 pm
Madeleine Parent Room (203A), 2nd Floor
SSMU Building (3480 McTavish)
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In collaboration with QPIRG McGill

In recent months, coverage of Syria in much of the western mass media has been focused on the “refugee crisis”. Certainly, the movement of hundreds of thousands of people- most of them from Syria – to Europe is among the signal events of the human experience in the contemporary period. Yet, the media story of the Syrian refugee migrations is often seriously incomplete. It is often a story of how this population movement will affect conditions in western states – demographic, political, social, economic – and about how, why and whether western states can and should respond.


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