قسم تضامن!

Out against occupation

26 août 2006 | معتمد Other

QPIRG McGill and Tadamon! present :


Wednesday, August 30 2006
Doors at 9 pm, Performance 10 pm
Club Lambi 4465 blvd. St-Laurent (coin Mont-Royal)
Pay What You Can/Suggested Donation: 5-20$


Return and reconstruction

25 août 2006 | معتمد Economy, War and Terror

Internally displaced people begin returning to their homes and assessing the damage 

Photos from Tadamon! friend Mohammad Shublaq

On 14 of August, refugees from the southern suburbs of Beirut and the Lebanese south started to go back to their villages and neighborhoods after more than one month of the devastating Israeli war on Lebanon. (…اكثر)

Remove Hezbollah from terror list: MPs

21 août 2006 | معتمد Politics, War and Terror

Mon, 21 Aug 2006 09:14:13 EDT
CBC News

The Lebanese-based militant group Hezbollah should be removed from Canada’s list of banned terrorist organizations, two Canadian MPs say. (…اكثر)

A visit to Dahieh (southern suburb of Beirut)

21 août 2006 | معتمد War and Terror

A Tadamon! friend goes back to his neighbourhood in Beirut for the first time since his family was driven out. He documents the destruction with photos:

Today (15 August), I had my first visit to the southern suburbs after the ceasefire. The amount of destruction is unbelievable! Blocks and blocks of buildings have been flattened. Even though everyone knew that from the TV reports, seeing it is something else! (…اكثر)

Canada asked to patrol coast of Lebanon

19 août 2006 | معتمد Politics, War and Terror

Globe and Mail Update (15 August 2006)


OTTAWA — Israel wants the Canadian navy to help patrol the Lebanese coast to stop arms shipments to Hezbollah. (…اكثر)

Calling all poets

18 août 2006 | معتمد Other

‘Poets Against War!’
is still seeking poets from the local Middle Eastern community (especially women) to read their anti-war poetry, Wed, August 30, pm, 7pm the Casa del Popolo ( 4873 boul St-Laurent).

This will be a multi-ethnic, fundraising poetry/music event to raise money for the Sanayeh Relief Centre in Beirut. Co-sponsored by Tadamon! Montreal.

Poets against war!

18 août 2006 | معتمد Other

‘Poets Against War!’ is a multi-ethnic, fundraising poetry/music event featuring 20 poets & musicians from the local Lebanese, Iranian, Iraqi, Egyptian, Moroccan, Palestinian, Syrian, Jewish, Pakistani, English & French communities…

Wednesday August 30th
Casa del Popolo
4873 boul St-Laurent
8pm sharp
Tickets are $10/$5 at the door.


Extra! Extra! The Gazette Supports Israeli Aggression in Lebanon and Palestine!

16 août 2006 | معتمد Corporate Media, Resistance, War and Terror

—>To view photos from this demonstration, visit:

Montreal, August 15, 2006 On the morning of Tuesday, August 15, approximately 30 activists from Montreal entered the lobby of the Gazettes downtown office to begin a demonstration. Being the same day that a certain American war criminal was due to speak at a conference in Montreal, the demonstrators were determined to send a message to the staff of the Gazette that this would not be normal work day.


Video from Tadamon! Benefit for Samidoun.

16 août 2006 | معتمد Solidarity

On Sunday, August 13th Tadamon! Montreal held a benefit concert for the Sanayeh Relief Center and Samidoun Coalition in Beirut Lebanon. The concert brought together over 300 people in Montreal, raised over 1200$ for the Sanayeh Relief Center & included the performance of many local musicians & artists.

Analysis of Resolution 1701

14 août 2006 | معتمد Imperialism, Politics, War and Terror

Analysis of each paragraph of U.N. resolution 1701 can be found at http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/forum/. Read the “UN Mideast Ceasfire Resolution Paragraph by Paragraph”.

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