قسم تضامن!

Montreal Demonstration & Fundraising Effort for Sanayeh Relief Center in Beirut

5 août 2006 | معتمد War and Terror

Mass Demonstration in MONTREAL:
Fundraising Effort for Sanayeh Relief Center in BEIRUT.

Parc Lafontaine, Montreal
[north side at the corner of Rachel & De La Roche]

Tadamon! is organizing a grassroots fundraising effort to coincide with Sunday’s Montreal demonstration in solidarity with Lebanon and Palestine. Tadamon! members will be collecting funds for the Sanayeh Relief Center during the march. Sanayeh Relief Centre is an initiative of Samidoun, a Beirut-based, grassroots coalition born out of the July 2006 attack on Lebanon.


Open letter to the members of the Conservative caucus

4 août 2006 | معتمد Solidarity, War and Terror

Letter delivered by delegation to Peter MacKay and Josée Verner

4 August 2006

Dear Conservative Party Members of Parliament,

We, residents and organisations of Cornwall, Gatineau, Montreal and Ottawa, are here to express our outrage at your government’s unconditional support for Israeli military aggression in Lebanon, as well as in the occupied Gaza Strip.



4 août 2006 | معتمد Solidarity, War and Terror

QUEBEC mobilises for justice and peace in Lebanon and Palestine….NOW!

SUNDAY 6 August at 1pm
Gathering point: Parc Lafontaine (corner of De La Roche and Rachel)

Lebanon is being destroyed. In the name of its right to exist and its security Israel is devastating Lebanon. Bombarded from the air, sea and land Lebanon is being transformed into a land of blood and flames.


Calendar of Action for Montreal

4 août 2006 | معتمد Solidarity, War and Terror

Montreal events in response to Israeli aggression against Lebanon

Check for frequent updates: http://www.tadamon.ca
and www.stopdestroyinglebanon.com.


Canadian Military Components used in Israel’s War Against Lebanon

2 août 2006 | معتمد Economy, War and Terror

Fact-sheet prepared by the Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade

“Few Canadians realize that their country is one of the world’s leading producers and exporters of advanced, war technology. Such is the power of the long-prevailing mythology that Canada is a great, global force for peace.

However, many of Israel’s most-deadly, US-made weapons systems–now being used in air strikes against Lebanon–would not be able to function without hundreds of crucial, high-tech, electronic components supplied by Canadian war industries, and subsidized unwittingly by Canadian taxpayers.”

» Full article : Canadian Military Components used in Israel’s War Against Lebanon

» More information : Stop Canada Pension Plan Investments in War!

More updates from Lebanon

2 août 2006 | معتمد War and Terror

Here are the three latest reports by the Arab NGO Network for Development.

» Update 15 – Monday, July 31st

» Update 14 – Sunday, July 30th

» Update 13 – Saturday, July 29th

FRIDAY: People’s Delegation to Conservative Caucus

1 août 2006 | معتمد Solidarity, War and Terror


Friday, 4 August, 9:00 am
Nav Canada, 1950 Montreal Road, Cornwall Ontario
* See driving directions below
* Details on rides from Montreal below. 

This is a CHILD-FRIENDLY rally, please feel free to bring your children!

Less than a week after the worst massacre yet in Israel’s bloody attack on Lebanon – the killing of 65 civilians in Qana on Sunday – the Conservative party is holding a caucus meeting in Cornwall, Ontario.


Montreal does not support war crimes!

31 juillet 2006 | معتمد Politics, War and Terror


On Thursday, Montreal Mayor Gerald Tremblay participated in a public event named the “Blue and White Rally for Peace”, called by the pro-Israeli organisation B’nai Brith. It was a pro-Israel rally which portrayed Israel as acting in self-defence and its attacks on people in Lebanon as legitimate. La Presse reported that Mayor Tremblay defended his participation in the rally by saying that it was a gathering for peace. At the same time, he refused to call for a cease-fire and or to acknowledge the disproportionality of Israel’s actions.


Report on Montreal to Ottawa Solidarity Action with people in Lebanon and Gaza

31 juillet 2006 | معتمد Resistance, Solidarity, War and Terror

Report prepared by Tadamon! Montreal

As the Israeli military campaign on Lebanon entered the sixteenth day with upwards of 400 Lebanese dead, two busloads of Montrealers took their demand for an immediate cessation of Israeli aggression to Ottawa on Thursday.

After two weeks of letter-writing and actions without results, three Montreal organizations – Al Hidaya Association, Association des jeunes libanais musulmans, and Tadamon! – called on people to travel to Ottawa and bring a message directly to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Peter MacKay, who has publicly taken a radically pro-Israel position, defending and justifying the Israeli attacks on civilians.


Monday: Candlelight silent sit-in

31 juillet 2006 | معتمد Solidarity, War and Terror

To mourn the dead of Qana and everywhere in Lebanon

McGill College and Ste. Catherine
Monday, 31 July from 8pm til midnight

Sunday saw the worst attack on Lebanon in this latest string of Israeli aggression. Qana is now witness to yet another massacre.


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