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Israel Escalates War Crimes inside the Gaza Strip

13 avril 2008 | معتمد Politics, Repression, Resistance, War and Terror, Palestine

    Palestinian Center for Human Rights. April, 12th, 2008


    Image: Ben Heine. Stop the Siege on Gaza!

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) escalated its war crimes in the Gaza Strip disregarding the lives of civilians, who are paying the price of this escalation. Last Friday, 9 Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip. Seven of the victims, including 6 civilians that included 2 children, were killed by IOF excessive use of lethal force in El-Bureij refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. In addition, 27 people, most of them civilians that included 12 children, were injured.


A different vision for Israel

    Toronto Star. Apr 12, 2008. by Stuart Laidlaw.


    Photo: Graffiti on the Apartheid wall in Palestine.

Diana Ralph grew up in a progressive Jewish family in postwar America. Her father’s work as a lawyer at the Nuremberg war crime trials, when she was still an infant, cemented his support for the state of Israel.

But when his daughter, as a young woman, questioned Israeli policies after the Six Day War in 1967, she saw a side of her father she hadn’t witnessed before.


Photos: Against Apartheid in Montreal

    Report from photojournalist Ion Etxebarria.


Anti-apartheid protesters scatter political confetti at a lunch-in at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel, reading; “60 years of Israeli Apartheid, 60 years of Palestinian dispossession; Boycott Israel!”

Photos documenting a successfully disruption at a lunch-in sponsored by the Quebec-Israel Committee, marking “60 years of relationship” between Canada and Israel. After effectively evading hotel security and the Montreal police, social justice activists burst into the appointed conference room, abruptly bringing to a halt the pro-apartheid discourse of Israel’s ambassador to Canada…


Confronting Israeli Apartheid in Montreal

    Activists disrupt Israeli Ambassador to Canada…


    Photo: Ion Etxebarria. Protest-confetti scattered at the Queen Elizabeth.

Thursday, April 10th, 2008: Israel’s Ambassador to Canada, Alan Baker, was humiliated by demonstrators at the posh Queen Elizabeth Hotel in downtown Montreal.

Protestors successfully disrupted a lunch-in sponsored by the Quebec-Israel Committee, marking “60 years of relationship” between Canada and Israel. After effectively evading hotel security and the Montreal police, social justice activists burst into the appointed conference room, abruptly bringing to a halt the pro-apartheid discourse of Israel’s ambassador to Canada.


Le Devoir: Des activistes troublent la conférence de l’ambassadeur d’Israël au Canada

    Le Devoir. Claude Lévesque. Jeudi 10 avril 2008


    Photo: Ion Etxebarria.

L’ambassadeur d’Israël au Canada, Alan Baker, était venu parler hier des 60 ans de relations entre les deux pays et plaider pour leur approfondissement dans les domaines économique et culturel. L’intervention d’environ 25 manifestants l’a cependant obligé à aborder aussi des questions plus politiques, dont, évidemment, le conflit israélo-palestinien.

L’ambassadeur Baker venait de rappeler que le Canada est un des 30 États membres des Nations unies à avoir appuyé la création de l’État d’Israël, en 1947, lorsqu’un petit groupe d’activistes a réussi à pénétrer dans la salle de conférence de l’hôtel du centre-ville de Montréal où il prenait la parole, lançant des tracts et criant: «Israël hors de Palestine!» et «Non à l’apartheid israélien!»


Apartheid: from South Africa to Palestine

    opening panel at Study in Action…


    THURSDAY, APRIL 17th, 6:30pm
    De Sève Cinema
    1400 de Maisonneuve West
    Concordia University, Library Building
    (metro Guy-Concordia)


Dispossession in Nahr el-Bared

7 avril 2008 | معتمد Independent Media, Politics, Solidarity, Lebanon, Palestine

    Photo Essay from Raed El Rafei, Lebanese reporter with the LA Times.


    Tadamon! presents photographs from Nahr el-Bared from Raed El Rafei.

Lebanon’s Nahr el-Bared refugee camp, once home to an estimated 30,000 Palestinian refugees, remains in ruins, almost completely destroyed. Reconstruction efforts of the camp have been slow in the past months. As the military battle between the Lebanese military and the shady armed organization Fatah al-Islam raged, news of Nahr el-Bared filled the pages of newspapers across the world. Now military combat has halted in September 2007, Nahr el-Bared lies in rubble as displaced Palestinian refugees in Lebanon slowly are returning to their former home destroyed by an often indiscriminate military campaign lead-by the Lebanese army.

Today, Palestinian refugees in Lebanon continue to live as second-class citizens, without basic legal rights, a symbol of the continued dispossession of the Palestinian people. 2008 marks the 60th year of the Palestinian Nakba (“catastrophe”)– 60 years of dispossession, ethnic cleansing and exile for Palestinians resulting from the creation of the state of Israel. The Palestinian refugees of Nahr el-Bared present one of the clearest symbols of the continued dispossession of the Palestinian people around the world, the largest documented refugee population on earth.


Lebanon: Labor calls strike for May 7 to press Beirut for higher wage

5 avril 2008 | معتمد Corporate Media, Politics, Solidarity, Boycott, Lebanon

    Daily Star, by Michael Bluhm. Tuesday, April 1st, 2008


    Photo: Aerial of Beirut, Lebanon.

The General Labor Confederation (GLC) on Monday called a one-day general strike in Lebanon for May 7 because of the government’s refusal to raise the minimum wage from LL300,000 to LL960,000 per month. While an economist labeled the minimum wage “atrocious,” the GLC’s strike call also has political overtones, as GLC chief Ghassan Ghosn organized a series of sparsely attended demonstrations last year in front of various ministries. He has long been a vocal critic of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora’s government, while the minimum wage has sat at LL300,000 for more than a decade.


Tadamon! répond à un article de La Presse

    Tadamon! répond à un article de La Presse.


L’article de La Presse, paru samedi, le 8 mars 2008, page A24, sur la situation à Gaza, contient une affirmation erronée qu’il est nécessaire de corriger. A la fin de l’article, le collectif montréalais Tadamon! est qualifié par M. Elharrar, porte-parole du Comité Québec-Israël, de “groupe pro-Hezbollah”. A deux reprises, il utilise cette unique formulation pour appuyer, semble-t-il, l’accusation que le collectif ne voudrait pas la paix, alors que celui-ci participait à un regroupement d’ONG et de syndicats québécois s’étant réunis pour demander au Canada de dénoncer l’attaque israélienne contre Gaza.


Lebanon: Political Crisis Set to Worsen

    IPS. March, 12th. Analysis by Rebecca Murray


    Photo: Opposition protests in Beirut.

Tyre, Lebanon — Soon after the U.S. destroyer USS Cole was deployed off Lebanon’s shore Feb. 28 to “preserve political stability”, a group of young men gathered around in the embattled agricultural town Qana in south Lebanon, and voiced their fears.

“Everyone feels there is a war coming,” said Salman Ismael, a 22-year-old university student. “Especially after the killing of (Hezbollah commander) Imad Mughniyeh and what is happening in Gaza. And now U.S. ships come to the waters of Lebanon. Israel wants to improve her army in the Middle East after its defeat in 2006, she wants the Arabs to be scared of her.”


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