Tadamon!: Call for Financial Solidarity.
- Appeal for Annual Supporters of Tadamon!
Montreal 2008: Throughout the past year Tadamon!, a volunteer-run collective of social justice organizers based in Montreal, has maintained a unique and important presence on the forefront of political organizing in North America in solidarity with struggles for social and economic justice in Lebanon and the Middle East.
Today, to mark the new year, Tadamon! is renewing its appeal to you to sustain our important work by becoming an annual supporter. Tadamon is calling for your financial solidarity again in order to give those of you who were not able to respond to last month’s appeal another opportunity to help ensure the collective’s financial sustainability in this and coming years.
Concretely we are asking for individuals, groups and organizations to commit an annual donation of between $20 – $100 dollars which will be directed toward our ongoing work. Tadamon!’s current fund-raising goal is to confirm $2000 in donations, please help us reach this goal by contacting us to become a financial supporter and passing the word on to others.
Tadamon! calls for your financial support in order to cover the growing overhead costs related to our political campaigns, events & actions. Your financial support will be directly funneled into our organizational expenses, which include: printing costs, office materials, website, telephone messaging service, event advertising, etc.
Tadamon! has organized multiple ground breaking events including politically charged lectures, dynamic cultural nights, front-line political actions and grassroots popular education efforts in the Montreal area. Tadamon!’s work has successfully pushed the boundaries of political debate in Canada concerning the Middle East while fueling grassroots organizing in Montreal & throughout Canada in support of social justice and human rights in the region.
In response to the 2006 Israeli attack on Lebanon, Tadamon! played a central in organizing multiple demonstrations, political actions & events in direct collaboration with multiple Lebanese community organizations and social justice groups in Montreal, with the aim to build popular opposition to the Conservative government of Canada’s implicit support for deadly Israeli attack on Lebanon.
Your donation to will benefit Tadamon! Montreal’s ongoing work and campaign directed at building solidarity between movements for social & economic justice from Montreal to the Middle East. Tadamon!’s ongoing political campaigns operating in Canada, including the campaign for Boycott, Sanctions & Divestment of the apartheid Israeli state & the campaign to challenge the listing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government.
* Tadamon!: De-listing Hezbollah
* Tadamon!: Boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israeli apartheid
In order to become a supporter of Tadamon! please fill-out the details requested below. In becoming a supporter of Tadamon! you will automatically receive postal updates concerning our ongoing work, while ensuring that our important works continues in a sustainable and long-term fashion.
Please send us the following details; * full name, * telephone contact, * email contact, * mailing address, * committed amount for annual donation to Tadamon!…
You can send written checks to the following address, be certain to include the important contact information written above within the mailing…
- Tadamon! Montreal
c/o QPIRG McGill
3647 University St.
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 2B3
Tadamon! Montreal
http://www.tadamon.ca / 514 664 1036 / tadamon[at]resist.ca
cheque being mailed
Comment by Martin Duckworth — December 23rd, 2007 @ 3:06 PM