Radio Tadamon! Lebanon and Hezbollah

- Produced for Radio Tadamon! by Stefan Christoff and Vivian Tabar.

- Photo: Beirut. Download from the Rabble Podcast Network.
Listen to a presentation from Bilal Elamine, the former editor of Left Turn magazine concerning the role of Hezbollah as a political force in Lebanon, touching on the 2006 Israeli attack on Lebanon, the recent political crisis / turmoil in Lebanon, including the general strike of 2006 and opposition demonstrations.
Additionally this presentation provides important historical context to the formation of Hezbollah as a political force in Lebanon, within the context of the movements emergence within the context of the Lebanese civil-war and the Israeli invasion of 1982.
This presentation was recorded at a Montreal event organized by Tadamon! Montreal within the context of a campaign to challenge the listing of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization in Canada, within the context of providing a broader critique of Canada’s list of terrorist organizations created after 9/11, modeled off a similar ‘terrorist’ list in the US.
Tadamon! Montreal: Challenging Hezbollah’s listing as a ’Terrorist’ Group in Canada
Background Info: Selectively Terrified, by Mary Foster of Tadamon! Montreal.
Radio Tadamon! is produced by Tadamon! a collective of activists in Montreal working to build solidarity between movements for social and economic justice between Montreal and the Middle East.