- Feature Event: film screening of “Our Terrible Country”
Montreal premiere (Arabic with French subtitles) & discussion

- Wednesday, 26 August 2015 @ 7PM
Café Coop Touski (Terrace in the courtyard)
2361 rue Ontario Est, Montréal
No admission charge, but suggested contribution: $5.00.
(In case of rain, the event is cancelled)
(facebook event)
After showings at Kahwa Café (Summer 2014), Café Aquin (Fall 2014) and Café l’Artère (Winter 2015) the photo exhibition “Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image”, has moved to Café Coop Touski from 18 July to 30 August 2015. In conjunction with the exhibit’s fourth Montreal run at Café Touski, Tadamon! presents the premiere Montreal screening of the film “Our Terrible Country” by Mohammad Ali Atassi and Ziad Homsi.
A discussion will follow the film with guest resource person Mohamed Mahmoud, Montreal journalist and activist recently returned from Aleppo, his city of birth, where he spent two years documenting human rights violations and working in solidarity with the Syrian struggle for liberty, dignity and equality.
Whisper translation will be provided.
“Our Terrible Country” captures and documents the circumstances in Syria in 2013 (during the third year of the popular uprising) through the observations, interpretations and analyses of two main figures: Yassin al-Haj Salah and Ziad Homsi. In the film, al-Haj Salah, Syrian dissident writer and essayist and foremost intellectual figure of the Syrian revolution, is making the perilous journey from the Damascus suburbs to the zones in north-east Syria “liberated” from Syrian regime control. He is accompanied by the young photographer Ziad Homsi, who documents the journey on video. The result is a timely, critically-edged visual account of developments at a key period in the now more-than-four-year-long popular struggle for dignity and liberty in Syria.
The film is presented in conjunction with the photo exhibit “Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image”. The exhibit offers insight into the conditions and circumstances of population displacement in and beyond Syria since 2011, through the lens of four photographers and photojournalists.
The event is presented in support of the call for a Global Day of Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution, 21 August.
2014 – Grand Prix of the International Competition at FID Marseille.
About the movie :
Global Day of Solidarity with the Syrian Revolution: https://www.facebook.com/events/844951738857890/
Photo exhibition ““Uprising and Uprooted: refugees in the Syrian struggle in photo and image”: http://www.tadamon.ca/post/11342
“Our Terrible Country (‘Notre terrible pays’) : Marseille Review” (The Hollywood Reporter): http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/terrible-country-notre-terrible-pays-716836
“Syriens, taïwanais ou français se réfugient au FID à Marseille” (Le Monde) : http://www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2014/07/08/syriens-taiwanais-ou-francais-les-exiles-trouvent-refuge-a-marseille_4452916_3246.html
“When a Revolt Goes Wrong” (The New York Times) : http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/17/arts/in-our-terrible-country-mohammad-ali-atassi-explores-the-syrian-revolt.html?_r=0